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الكائنات الديناميكية لخرائط التوسع الكومولوجي

Dynamical Objects for Cohomologically Expanding Maps

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 نشر من قبل John Robertson
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث رياضيات رياضيات
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف John W. Robertson

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The goal of this paper is to construct invariant dynamical objects for a (not necessarily invertible) smooth self map of a compact manifold. We prove a result that takes advantage of differences in rates of expansion in the terms of a sheaf cohomological long exact sequence to create unique lifts of finite dimensional invariant subspaces of one term of the sequence to invariant subspaces of the preceding term. This allows us to take invariant cohomological classes and under the right circumstances construct unique currents of a given type, including unique measures of a given type, that represent those classes and are invariant under pullback. A dynamically interesting self map may have a plethora of invariant measures, so the uniquess of the constructed currents is important. It means that if local growth is not too big compared to the growth rate of the cohomological class then the expanding cohomological class gives sufficient marching orders to the system to prohibit the formation of any other such invariant current of the same type (say from some local dynamical subsystem). Because we use subsheaves of the sheaf of currents we give conditions under which a subsheaf will have the same cohomology as the sheaf containing it. Using a smoothing argument this allows us to show that the sheaf cohomology of the currents under consideration can be canonically identified with the deRham cohomology groups. Our main theorem can be applied in both the smooth and holomorphic setting.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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