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314 - Remi Carles 2012
We consider a system of two coupled ordinary differential equations which appears as an envelope equation in Bose-Einstein Condensation. This system can be viewed as a nonlinear extension of the celebrated model introduced by Landau and Zener. We sho w how the nonlinear system may appear from different physical models. We focus our attention on the large time behavior of the solution. We show the existence of a nonlinear scattering operator, which is reminiscent of long range scattering for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and which can be compared with its linear counterpart.
182 - Remi Carles 2010
We consider the propagation of wave packets for a one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a matrix-valued potential, in the semi-classical limit. For an initial coherent state polarized along some eigenvector, we prove that the nonlinear evolution preserves the separation of modes, in a scaling such that nonlinear effects are critical (the envelope equation is nonlinear). The proof relies on a fine geometric analysis of the role of spectral projectors, which is compatible with the treatment of nonlinearities. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these adiabatic wave packets.
298 - Remi Carles 2009
We consider the propagation of wave packets for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in the semi-classical limit. We establish the existence of a critical size for the initial data, in terms of the Planck constant: if the initial data are too small, t he nonlinearity is negligible up to the Ehrenfest time. If the initial data have the critical size, then at leading order the wave function propagates like a coherent state whose envelope is given by a nonlinear equation, up to a time of the same order as the Ehrenfest time. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these nonlinear wave packets.
233 - Valeria Banica 2009
We consider the mass-critical focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the presence of an external potential, when the nonlinearity is inhomogeneous. We show that if the inhomogeneous factor in front of the nonlinearity is sufficiently flat at a cr itical point, then there exists a solution which blows up in finite time with the maximal (unstable) rate at this point. In the case where the critical point is a maximum, this solution has minimal mass among the blow-up solutions. As a corollary, we also obtain unstable blow-up solutions of the mass-critical Schrodinger equation on some surfaces. The proof is based on properties of the linearized operator around the ground state, and on a full use of the invariances of the equation with an homogeneous nonlinearity and no potential, via time-dependent modulations.
303 - Remi Carles 2009
We consider the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, with mass-critical nonlinearity, focusing or defocusing. For any given angle, we establish the existence of infinitely many functions on which the scattering operator acts as a rotation of this angle. U sing a lens transform, we reduce the problem to the existence of a solution to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with harmonic potential, satisfying suitable periodicity properties. The existence of infinitely many such solutions is proved thanks to a constrained minimization problem.
134 - Remi Carles 2008
We study the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation describing Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped dipolar quantum gases. Existence and uniqueness as well as the possible blow-up of solutions are studied. Moreover, we discuss the problem of dimen sion-reduction for this nonlinear and nonlocal Schrodinger equation.
323 - Remi Carles 2008
In this survey, our aim is to emphasize the main known limitations to the use of Wigner measures for Schrodinger equations. After a short review of successful applications of Wigner measures to study the semi-classical limit of solutions to Schroding er equations, we list some examples where Wigner measures cannot be a good tool to describe high frequency limits. Typically, the Wigner measures may not capture effects which are not negligible at the pointwise level, or the propagation of Wigner measures may be an ill-posed problem. In the latter situation, two families of functions may have the same Wigner measures at some initial time, but different Wigner measures for a larger time. In the case of systems, this difficulty can partially be avoided by considering more refined Wigner measures such as two-scale Wigner measures; however, we give examples of situations where this quadratic approach fails.
306 - Remi Carles 2008
We present a general algorithm to show that a scattering operator associated to a semilinear dispersive equation is real analytic, and to compute the coefficients of its Taylor series at any point. We illustrate this method in the case of the Schrodi nger equation with power-like nonlinearity or with Hartree type nonlinearity, and in the case of the wave and Klein-Gordon equations with power nonlinearity. Finally, we discuss the link of this approach with inverse scattering, and with complete integrability.
214 - Valeria Banica 2008
We prove asymptotic completeness in the energy space for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation posed on hyperbolic space in the radial case, in space dimension at least 4, and for any energy-subcritical, defocusing, power nonlinearity. The proof is base d on simple Morawetz estimates and weighted Strichartz estimates. We investigate the same question on spaces which kind of interpolate between Euclidean space and hyperbolic space, showing that the family of short range nonlinearities becomes larger and larger as the space approaches the hyperbolic space. Finally, we describe the large time behavior of radial solutions to the free dynamics.
228 - Remi Carles 2007
We justify WKB analysis for Hartree equation in space dimension at least three, in a regime which is supercritical as far as semiclassical analysis is concerned. The main technical remark is that the nonlinear Hartree term can be considered as a semi linear perturbation. This is in contrast with the case of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a local nonlinearity, where quasilinear analysis is needed to treat the nonlinearity.

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