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Many planets are observed in stellar binary systems, and their frequency may be comparable to that of planetary systems around single stars. Binary stellar evolution in such systems influences the dynamical evolution of the resident planets. Here we study the evolution of a single planet orbiting one star in an evolving binary system. We find that stellar evolution can trigger dynamical instabilities that drive planets into chaotic orbits. This instability leads to planet-star collisions, exchange of the planet between the binary stars (star-hoppers), and ejection of the planet from the system. The means by which planets can be recaptured is similar to the pull-down capture mechanism for irregular solar system satellites. Because planets often suffer close encounters with the primary on the asymptotic giant branch, captures during a collision with the stellar envelope are also possible. Such capture could populate the habitable zone around white dwarfs.
Accretion disks that become gravitationally unstable can fragment into stellar or sub-stellar companions. The formation and survival of these fragments depends on the precarious balance between self-gravity, internal pressure, tidal shearing, and rot ation. Disk fragmentation depends on two key factors (1) whether the disk can get to the fragmentation boundary of Q=1, and (2) whether fragments can survive for many orbital periods. Previous work suggests that to reach Q=1, and have fragments survive, a disk must cool on an orbital timescale. Here we show that disks heated primarily by external irradiation always satisfy the standard cooling time criterion. Thus even though irradiation heats disks, and makes them more stable in general, once they reach the fragmentation boundary, they fragment more easily. We derive a new cooling criterion that determines fragment survival, and calculate a pressure modified Hill radius, which sets the maximum size of pressure-supported objects in a Keplerian disk. We conclude that fragmentation in protostellar disks might occur at slightly smaller radii than previously thought, and recommend tests for future simulations that will better predict the outcome of fragmentation in real disks.
Recent direct imaging discoveries suggest a new class of massive, distant planets around A stars. These widely separated giants have been interpreted as signs of planet formation driven by gravitational instability, but the viability of this mechanis m is not clear cut. In this paper, we first discuss the local requirements for fragmentation and the initial fragment mass scales. We then consider whether the fragments subsequent growth can be terminated within the planetary mass regime. Finally, we place disks in the larger context of star formation and disk evolution models. We find that in order for gravitational instability to produce planets, disks must be atypically cold in order to reduce the initial fragment mass. In addition, fragmentation must occur during a narrow window of disk evolution, after infall has mostly ceased, but while the disk is still sufficiently massive to undergo gravitational instability. Under more typical conditions, disk-born objects will likely grow well above the deuterium burning planetary mass limit. We conclude that if planets are formed by gravitational instability, they must be the low mass tail of the distribution of disk-born companions. To validate this theory, on-going direct imaging surveys must find a greater abundance of brown dwarf and M-star companions to A-stars. Their absence would suggest planet formation by a different mechanism such as core accretion, which is consistent with the debris disks detected in these systems.
We study rapidly accreting, gravitationally unstable disks with a series of global, three dimensional, numerical experiments using the code ORION. In this paper we conduct a numerical parameter study focused on protostellar disks, and show that one c an predict disk behavior and the multiplicity of the accreting star system as a function of two dimensionless parameters which compare the disks accretion rate to its sound speed and orbital period. Although gravitational instabilities become strong, we find that fragmentation into binary or multiple systems occurs only when material falls in several times more rapidly than the canonical isothermal limit. The disk-to-star accretion rate is proportional to the infall rate, and governed by gravitational torques generated by low-m spiral modes. We also confirm the existence of a maximum stable disk mass: disks that exceed ~50% of the total system mass are subject to fragmentation and the subsequent formation of binary companions.
Most analytic work to date on protostellar disks has focused on those in isolation from their environments. However, observations are now beginning to probe the earliest, most embedded phases of star formation, during which disks are rapidly accretin g from their parent cores and cannot be modeled in isolation. We present a simple, one-zone model of protostellar accretion disks with high mass infall rates. Our model combines a self-consistent calculation of disk temperatures with an approximate treatment of angular momentum transport via two mechanisms. We use this model to survey the properties of protostellar disks across a wide range of stellar masses and evolutionary times, and make predictions for disks masses, sizes, spiral structure, and fragmentation that will be directly testable by future large-scale surveys of deeply embedded disks. We define a dimensionless accretion-rotation parameter which, in conjunction with the disks temperature, controls the disk evolution. We track the dominant mode of angular momentum transport, and demonstrate that for stars with final masses greater than roughly one solar mass, gravitational instabilities are the most important mechanism as most of the mass accumulates. We predict that binary formation through disk fission, fragmentation of the disk into small objects, and spiral arm strength all increase in importance to higher stellar masses.
Recent advances in our understanding of massive star formation have made clear the important role of protostellar disks in mediating accretion. Here we describe a simple, semi-analytic model for young, deeply embedded, massive accretion disks. Our ap proach enables us to sample a wide parameter space of stellar mass and environmental variables, providing a means to make predictions for a variety of sources that next generation telescopes like ALMA and the EVLA will observe. Moreover we include, at least approximately, multiple mechanisms for angular momentum transport, a comprehensive model for disk heating and cooling, and a realistic estimate for the angular momentum in the gas reservoir. We make predictions for the typical sizes, masses, and temperatures of the disks, and describe the role of gravitational instabilities in determining the binarity fraction and upper mass cut-off.

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