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Global Models for the Evolution of Embedded, Accreting Protostellar Disks

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 نشر من قبل Kaitlin Kratter
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Most analytic work to date on protostellar disks has focused on those in isolation from their environments. However, observations are now beginning to probe the earliest, most embedded phases of star formation, during which disks are rapidly accreting from their parent cores and cannot be modeled in isolation. We present a simple, one-zone model of protostellar accretion disks with high mass infall rates. Our model combines a self-consistent calculation of disk temperatures with an approximate treatment of angular momentum transport via two mechanisms. We use this model to survey the properties of protostellar disks across a wide range of stellar masses and evolutionary times, and make predictions for disks masses, sizes, spiral structure, and fragmentation that will be directly testable by future large-scale surveys of deeply embedded disks. We define a dimensionless accretion-rotation parameter which, in conjunction with the disks temperature, controls the disk evolution. We track the dominant mode of angular momentum transport, and demonstrate that for stars with final masses greater than roughly one solar mass, gravitational instabilities are the most important mechanism as most of the mass accumulates. We predict that binary formation through disk fission, fragmentation of the disk into small objects, and spiral arm strength all increase in importance to higher stellar masses.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

(Abridged) We consider models of gas giant planets forming in protoplanetary disks consisting of solid cores with gaseous envelopes in contact with their critical Hill spheres while accreting gas from the surrounding disk.We suppose the luminosity de rives from gas accretion alone.We label such models as type A and follow their evolution which may occur on a time scale similar to the protostellar disk lifetime until rapid gas accretion. We consider another set of models, we label type B, with a free surface, powered by gravitational contraction, while accreting through a disk.We find these models rapidly attain a radius <~ 2x10^(10)cm without subsequent expansion.We speculate that giant planet formation is initially described by models of type A, until at the onset of rapid gas accretion, there is a transition to models of type B. Protoplanet migration in standard models tends to be most effective near this transition where it also changes from type I to type II.If a mechanism prevents type I migration of low mass protoplanets, a rapid inward migration might occur near the transitional mass regime. Such protoplanets would end up in the inner disk regions undergoing type II migration and further accretion potentially becoming sub Jovian close orbiting planets. Noting that dustier more massive cores spend longer at a larger transitional mass where faster migration is expected, these may be more prone to end in close orbiters.We find the luminosity of the protoplanets during the later stages is dominated by the circumplanetary disk and protoplanet disk boundary layer.For one Jupiter mass the luminosity range is 10^-(1.5-4) L_sun$ depending on the evolutionary stage and external conditions.
We perform a comparative numerical hydrodynamics study of embedded protostellar disks formed as a result of the gravitational collapse of cloud cores of distinct mass (M_cl=0.2--1.7 M_sun) and ratio of rotational to gravitational energy (beta=0.0028- -0.023). An increase in M_cl and/or beta leads to the formation of protostellar disks that are more susceptible to gravitational instability. Disk fragmentation occurs in most models but its effect is often limited to the very early stage, with the fragments being either dispersed or driven onto the forming star during tens of orbital periods. Only cloud cores with high enough M_cl or beta may eventually form wide-separation binary/multiple systems with low mass ratios and brown dwarf or sub-solar mass companions. It is feasible that such systems may eventually break up, giving birth to rogue brown dwarfs. Protostellar disks of {it equal} age formed from cloud cores of greater mass (but equal beta) are generally denser, hotter, larger, and more massive. On the other hand, protostellar disks formed from cloud cores of higher beta (but equal M_cl) are generally thinner and colder but larger and more massive. In all models, the difference between the irradiation temperature and midplane temperature triangle T is small, except for the innermost regions of young disks, dense fragments, and disks outer edge where triangle T is negative and may reach a factor of two or even more. Gravitationally unstable, embedded disks show radial pulsations, the amplitude of which increases along the line of increasing M_cl and beta but tends to diminish as the envelope clears. We find that single stars with a disk-to-star mass ratio of order unity can be formed only from high-beta cloud cores, but such massive disks are unstable and quickly fragment into binary/multiple systems.
Recent advances in our understanding of massive star formation have made clear the important role of protostellar disks in mediating accretion. Here we describe a simple, semi-analytic model for young, deeply embedded, massive accretion disks. Our ap proach enables us to sample a wide parameter space of stellar mass and environmental variables, providing a means to make predictions for a variety of sources that next generation telescopes like ALMA and the EVLA will observe. Moreover we include, at least approximately, multiple mechanisms for angular momentum transport, a comprehensive model for disk heating and cooling, and a realistic estimate for the angular momentum in the gas reservoir. We make predictions for the typical sizes, masses, and temperatures of the disks, and describe the role of gravitational instabilities in determining the binarity fraction and upper mass cut-off.
Using numerical hydrodynamics simulations we studied the gravitational collapse of pre-stellar cores of sub-solar mass embedded into a low-density external environment. Four models with different magnitude and direction of rotation of the external en vironment with respect to the central core were studied and compared with an isolated model. We found that the infall of matter from the external environment can significantly alter the disk properties as compared to those seen in the isolated model. Depending on the magnitude and direction of rotation of the external environment, a variety of disks can form including compact (<= 200 AU) ones shrinking in size due to infall of external matter with low angular momentum, as well as extended disks forming due to infall of external matter with high angular momentum. The former are usually stable against gravitational fragmentation, while the latter are prone to fragmentation and formation of stellar systems with sub-stellar/very-low-mass companions. In the case of counterrotating external environment, very compact (< 5 AU) and short-lived (<= a few * 10^5 yr) disks can form when infalling material has low angular momentum. The most interesting case is found for the infall of counterrotating external material with high angular momentum, leading to the formation of counterrotating inner and outer disks separated by a deep gap at a few tens AU. The gap migrates inward due to accretion of the inner disk onto the protostar, turns into a central hole, and finally disappears giving way to the outer strongly gravitationally unstable disk. This model may lead to the emergence of a transient stellar system with sub-stellar/very-low-mass components counterrotating with respect to that of the star.
The low water content of the terrestrial planets in the solar system suggests that the protoplanets formed within the water snow line. Accurate prediction of the snow line location moving with time provides a clue to constrain the formation process o f the planets. In this paper, we investigate the migration of the snow line in protoplanetary disks whose accretion is controlled by laminar magnetic fields, which have been proposed by various nonideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. We propose an empirical model of the disk temperature based on our nonideal MHD simulations, which show that the accretion heating is significantly less efficient than in turbulent disks, and calculate the snow line location over time. We find that the snow line in the magnetically accreting laminar disks moves inside the current Earths orbit within 1 Myr after star formation, whereas the time for the conventional turbulent disk is much longer than 1 Myr. This result suggests that either the rocky protoplanets formed in such an early phase of the disk evolution, or the protoplanets moved outward to the current orbits after they formed close to the protosun.
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