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We model the elasticity of the cerebral cortex as a layered material with bending energy along the layers and elastic energy between them in both planar and polar geometries. The cortex is also subjected to axons pulling from the underlying white mat ter. Above a critical threshold force, a flat cortex configuration becomes unstable and periodic unduluations emerge, i.e. a buckling instability occurs. These undulations may indeed initiate folds in the cortex. We identify analytically the critical force and the critical wavelength of the undulations. Both quantities are physiologically relevant values. Our model is a revised version of the axonal tension model for cortex folding, with our version taking into account the layered structure of the cortex. Moreover, our model draws a connection with another competing model for cortex folding, namely the differential growth-induced buckling model. For the polar geometry, we study the relationship between brain size and the critical force and wavelength to understand why small mice brains exhibit no folds, while larger human brains do, for example. Finally, an estimate of the bending rigidity constant for the cortex can be made based on the critical wavelength.
280 - J. H. Lopez , Moumita Das , 2014
Experiments suggest that the migration of some cells in the three-dimensional extra cellular matrix bears strong resemblance to one-dimensional cell migration. Motivated by this observation, we construct and study a minimal one-dimensional model cell made of two beads and an active spring moving along a rigid track. The active spring models the stress fibers with their myosin-driven contractility and alpha-actinin-driven extendability, while the friction coefficients of the two beads describe the catch/slip bond behavior of the integrins in focal adhesions. In the absence of active noise, net motion arises from an interplay between active contractility (and passive extendability) of the stress fibers and an asymmetry between the front and back of the cell due to catch bond behavior of integrins at the front of the cell and slip bond behavior of integrins at the back. We obtain reasonable cell speeds with independently estimated parameters. We also study the effects of hysteresis in the active spring, due to catch bond behavior and the dynamics of cross-linking, and the addition of active noise on the motion of the cell. Our model highlights the role of alpha-actinin in three-dimensional cell motility and does not require Arp2/3 actin filament nucleation for net motion.
The cell membrane deforms during endocytosis to surround extracellular material and draw it into the cell. Experiments on endocytosis in yeast all agree that (i) actin polymerizes into a network of filaments exerting active forces on the membrane to deform it and (ii) the large scale membrane deformation is tubular in shape. There are three competing proposals, in contrast, for precisely how the actin filament network organizes itself to drive the deformation. We use variational approaches and numerical simulations to address this competition by analyzing a meso-scale model of actin-mediated endocytosis in yeast. The meso-scale model breaks up the invagination process into three stages: (i) initiation, where clathrin interacts with the membrane via adaptor proteins, (ii) elongation, where the membrane is then further deformed by polymerizing actin filaments, followed by (iii) pinch-off. Our results suggest that the pinch-off mechanism may be assisted by a pearling-like instability. We rule out two of the three competing proposals for the organization of the actin filament network during the elongation stage. These two proposals could possibly be important in the pinch-off stage, however, where additional actin polymerization helps break off the vesicle. Implications and comparisons with earlier modeling of endocytosis in yeast are discussed.
We revisit the concept of minimal rigidity as applied to soft repulsive, frictionless sphere packings in two-dimensions with the introduction of the jamming graph. Minimal rigidity is a purely combinatorial property encoded via Lamans theorem in two- dimensions. It constrains the global, average coordination number of the graph, for example. However, minimal rigidity does not address the geometry of local mechanical stability. The jamming graph contains both properties of global mechanical stability at the onset of jamming and local mechanical stability. We demonstrate how jamming graphs can be constructed using local moves via the Henneberg construction such that these graphs fall under the jurisdiction of correlated percolation. We then probe how jamming graphs destabilize, or become unjammed, by deleting a bond and computing the resulting rigid cluster distribution. We also study how the system restabilizes with the addition of new contacts and how a jamming graph with extra/redundant contacts destabilizes. The latter endeavor allows us to probe a disc packing in the rigid phase and uncover a potentially new diverging lengthscale associated with the random deletion of contacts as compared to the study of cut-out (or frozen in) subsystems.
118 - S.-L.-Y. Xu , X. Illa , 2010
Using a system of repulsive, soft particles as a model for a jammed solid, we analyze its force network as characterized by the magnitude of the contact force between two particles, the local contact angle subtended between three particles, and the l ocal coordination number. In particular, we measure the local contact angle distribution as a function of the magnitude of the local contact force. We find the suppression of small contact angles for locally larger contact forces, suggesting the existence of chain-like correlations in the locally larger contact forces. We couple this information with a coordination number-spin state mapping to arrive at a Potts spin model with frustration and correlated disorder to draw a potential connection between jammed solids (no quenched disorder) and spin glasses (quenched disorder). We use this connection to measure chaos due to marginality in the jammed system. In addition, we present the replica solution of the one-dimensional, long-range Potts glass as a potential toy building block for a jammed solid, where a sea of weakly interacting spins provide for long-range interactions along a chain-like backbone of more strongly interacting spins.
160 - D. A. Quint , J. M. Schwarz 2010
Actin cytoskeletal protrusions in crawling cells, or lamellipodia, exhibit various morphological properties such as two characteristic peaks in the distribution of filament orientation with respect to the leading edge. To understand these properties, using the dendritic nucleation model as a basis for cytoskeletal restructuring, a kinetic-population model with orientational-dependent branching (birth) and capping (death) is constructed and analyzed. Optimizing for growth yields a relation between the branch angle and filament orientation that explains the two characteristic peaks. The model also exhibits a subdominant population that allows for more accurate modeling of recent measurements of filamentous actin density along the leading edge of lamellipodia in keratocytes. Finally, we explore the relationship between orientational and spatial organization of filamentous actin in lamellipodia and address recent observations of a prevalence of overlapping filaments to branched filaments---a finding that is claimed to be in contradiction with the dendritic nucleation model.
230 - L. Cao , J. M. Schwarz 2010
Classical and quantum conduction on a bond-diluted Bethe lattice is considered. The bond dilution is subject to the constraint that every occupied bond must have at least $k-1$ neighboring occupied bonds, i.e. $k$-core diluted. In the classical case, we find the onset of conduction for $k=2$ is continuous, while for $k=3$, the onset of conduction is discontinuous with the geometric random first-order phase transition driving the conduction transition. In the quantum case, treating each occupied bond as a random scatterer, we find for $k=3$ that the random first-order phase transition in the geometry also drives the onset of quantum conduction giving rise to a new universality class of Anderson localization transitions.
218 - K.-C. Lee , A. Gopinathan , 2009
Filopodia are bundles of actin filaments that extend out ahead of the leading edge of a crawling cell to probe its upcoming environment. {it In vitro} experiments [D. Vignjevic {it et al.}, J. Cell Biol. {bf 160}, 951 (2003)] have determined the mini mal ingredients required for the formation of filopodia from the dendritic-like morphology of the leading edge. We model these experiments using kinetic aggregation equations for the density of growing bundle tips. In mean field, we determine the bundle size distribution to be broad for bundle sizes smaller than a characteristic bundle size above which the distribution decays exponentially. Two-dimensional simulations incorporating both bundling and cross-linking measure a bundle size distribution that agrees qualitatively with mean field. The simulations also demonstrate a nonmonotonicity in the radial extent of the dendritic region as a function of capping protein concentration, as was observed in experiments, due to the interplay between percolation and the ratcheting of growing filaments off a spherical obstacle.
73 - M. Jeng , J. M. Schwarz 2008
We study models of correlated percolation where there are constraints on the occupation of sites that mimic force-balance, i.e. for a site to be stable requires occupied neighboring sites in all four compass directions in two dimensions. We prove rig orously that $p_c<1$ for the two-dimensional models studied. Numerical data indicate that the force-balance percolation transition is discontinuous with a growing crossover length, with perhaps the same form as the jamming percolation models, suggesting the same underlying mechanism driving the transition in both cases. In other words, force-balance percolation and jamming percolation may indeed belong to the same universality class. We find a lower bound for the correlation length in the connected phase and that the correlation function does not appear to be a power law at the transition. Finally, we study the dynamics of the culling procedure invoked to obtain the force-balance configurations and find a dynamical exponent similar to that found in sandpile models.

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