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We derive the explicit expression for the four-point correlation function of stress-energy tensors in four-dimensional N=4 superconformal theory. We show that it has a remarkably simple and suggestive form allowing us to predict a large class of four -point correlation functions involving the stress-energy tensor and other conserved currents. We then apply the obtained results on the correlation functions to computing the energy-energy correlations, which measure the flow of energy in the final states created from the vacuum by a source. We demonstrate that they are given by a universal function independent of the choice of the source. Our analysis relies only on N=4 superconformal symmetry and does not use the dynamics of the theory.
We give a new method for computing the correlation functions of the chiral part of the stress-tensor supermultiplet that relies on the reformulation of N=4 SYM in twistor space. It yields the correlation functions in the Born approximation as a sum o f Feynman diagrams on twistor space that involve only propagators and no integration vertices. We use this unusual feature of the twistor Feynman rules to compute the correlation functions in terms of simple building blocks which we identify as a new class of N=4 off-shell superconformal invariants. Making use of the duality between correlation functions and planar scattering amplitudes, we demonstrate that these invariants represent an off-shell generalisation of the on-shell invariants defining tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM.
In this paper we study the four-point correlation function of the energy-momentum supermultiplet in theories with N=4 superconformal symmetry in four dimensions. We present a compact form of all component correlators as an invariant of a particular a belian subalgebra of the N=4 superconformal algebra. This invariant is unique up to a single function of the conformal cross-ratios which is fixed by comparison with the correlation function of the lowest half-BPS scalar operators. Our analysis is independent of the dynamics of a specific theory, in particular it is valid in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory for any value of the coupling constant. We discuss in great detail a subclass of component correlators, which is a crucial ingredient for the recent study of charge-flow correlations in conformal field theories. We compute the latter explicitly and elucidate the origin of the interesting relations among different types of flow correlations previously observed in arXiv:1309.1424.
We study event shapes in N=4 SYM describing the angular distribution of energy and R-charge in the final states created by the simplest half-BPS scalar operator. Applying the approach developed in the companion paper arXiv:1309.0769, we compute these observables using the correlation functions of certain components of the N=4 stress-tensor supermultiplet: the half-BPS operator itself, the R-symmetry current and the stress tensor. We present master formulas for the all-order event shapes as convolutions of the Mellin amplitude defining the correlation function of the half-BPS operators, with a coupling-independent kernel determined by the choice of the observable. We find remarkably simple relations between various event shapes following from N=4 superconformal symmetry. We perform thorough checks at leading order in the weak coupling expansion and show perfect agreement with the conventional calculations based on amplitude techniques. We extend our results to strong coupling using the correlation function of half-BPS operators obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence.
We present a new method for computing the Konishi anomalous dimension in N=4 SYM at weak coupling. It does not rely on the conventional Feynman diagram technique and is not restricted to the planar limit. It is based on the OPE analysis of the four-p oint correlation function of stress-tensor multiplets, which has been recently constructed up to six loops. The Konishi operator gives the leading contribution to the singlet SU(4) channel of this OPE. Its anomalous dimension is the coefficient of the leading single logarithmic singularity of the logarithm of the correlation function in the double short-distance limit, in which the operator positions coincide pairwise. We regularize the logarithm of the correlation function in this singular limit by a version of dimensional regularization. At any loop level, the resulting singularity is a simple pole whose residue is determined by a finite two-point integral with one loop less. This drastically simplifies the five-loop calculation of the Konishi anomalous dimension by reducing it to a set of known four-loop two-point integrals and two unknown integrals which we evaluate analytically. We obtain an analytic result at five loops in the planar limit and observe perfect agreement with the prediction based on integrability in AdS/CFT.
We present a construction of the integrand of the correlation function of four stress-tensor multiplets in N=4 SYM at weak coupling. It does not rely on Feynman diagrams and makes use of the recently discovered symmetry of the integrand under permuta tions of external and integration points. This symmetry holds for any gauge group, so it can be used to predict the integrand both in the planar and non-planar sectors. We demonstrate the great efficiency of graph-theoretical tools in the systematic study of the possible permutation symmetric integrands. We formulate a general ansatz for the correlation function as a linear combination of all relevant graph topologies, with arbitrary coefficients. Powerful restrictions on the coefficients come from the analysis of the logarithmic divergences of the correlation function in two singular regimes: Euclidean short-distance and Minkowski light-cone limits. We demonstrate that the planar integrand is completely fixed by the procedure up to six loops and probably beyond. In the non-planar sector, we show the absence of non-planar corrections at three loops and we reduce the freedom at four loops to just four constants. Finally, the correlation function/amplitude duality allows us to show the complete agreement of our results with the four-particle planar amplitude in N=4 SYM.
The MHV scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 SYM are dual to bosonic light-like Wilson loops. We explore various proposals for extending this duality to generic non-MHV amplitudes. The corresponding dual object should have the same symmetries as the s cattering amplitudes and be invariant to all loops under the chiral half of the N=4 superconformal symmetry. We analyze the recently introduced supersymmetric extensions of the light-like Wilson loop (formulated in Minkowski space-time) and demonstrate that they have the required symmetry properties at the classical level only, up to terms proportional to field equations of motion. At the quantum level, due to the specific light-cone singularities of the Wilson loop, the equations of motion produce a nontrivial finite contribution which breaks some of the classical symmetries. As a result, the quantum corrections violate the chiral supersymmetry already at one loop, thus invalidating the conjectured duality between Wilson loops and non-MHV scattering amplitudes. We compute the corresponding anomaly to one loop and solve the supersymmetric Ward identity to find the complete expression for the rectangular Wilson loop at leading order in the coupling constant. We also demonstrate that this result is consistent with conformal Ward identities by independently evaluating corresponding one-loop conformal anomaly.
We argue that the scattering amplitudes in the maximally supersymmetric N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory possess a new symmetry which extends the previously discovered dual conformal symmetry. To reveal this property we formulate the scattering amplitudes as functions in the appropriate dual superspace. Rewritten in this form, all tree-level MHV and next-to-MHV amplitudes exhibit manifest dual superconformal symmetry. We propose a new, compact and Lorentz covariant formula for the tree-level NMHV amplitudes for arbitrary numbers and types of external particles. The dual conformal symmetry is broken at loop level by infrared divergences. However, we provide evidence that the anomalous contribution to the MHV and NMHV superamplitudes is the same and, therefore, their ratio is a dual conformal invariant function. We identify this function by an explicit calculation of the six-particle amplitudes at one loop. We conjecture that these properties hold for all, MHV and non-MHV, superamplitudes in N=4 SYM both at weak and at strong coupling.
We construct an exact analytical solution to the integral equation which is believed to describe logarithmic growth of the anomalous dimensions of high spin operators in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and use it to determine the strong coupling expansion of the cusp anomalous dimension.
There is growing evidence that on-shell gluon scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 SYM theory are equivalent to Wilson loops evaluated over contours consisting of straight, light-like segments defined by the momenta of the external gluons. This equiva lence was first suggested at strong coupling using the AdS/CFT correspondence and has since been verified at weak coupling to one loop in perturbation theory. Here we perform an explicit two-loop calculation of the Wilson loop dual to the four-gluon scattering amplitude and demonstrate that the relation holds beyond one loop. We also propose an anomalous conformal Ward identity which uniquely fixes the form of the finite part (up to an additive constant) of the Wilson loop dual to four- and five-gluon amplitudes, in complete agreement with the BDS conjecture for the multi-gluon MHV amplitudes.

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