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This paper develops a novel self-training U-net (STU-net) based method for the automated WPC model generation without requiring data pre-processing. The self-training (ST) process of STU-net has two steps. First, different from traditional studies re garding the WPC modeling as a curve fitting problem, in this paper, we renovate the WPC modeling formulation from a machine vision aspect. To develop sufficiently diversified training samples, we synthesize supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data based on a set of S-shape functions depicting WPCs. These synthesized SCADA data and WPC functions are visualized as images and paired as training samples(I_x, I_wpc). A U-net is then developed to approximate the model recovering I_wpc from I_x. The developed U-net is applied into observed SCADA data and can successfully generate the I_wpc. Moreover, we develop a pixel mapping and correction process to derive a mathematical form f_wpc representing I_wpcgenerated previously. The proposed STU-net only needs to train once and does not require any data preprocessing in applications. Numerical experiments based on 76 WTs are conducted to validate the superiority of the proposed method by benchmarking against classical WPC modeling methods. To demonstrate the repeatability of the presented research, we release our code at https://github.com/IkeYang/STU-net.
132 - Tiange Wang , Zijun Zhang , 2021
Accurate forecasting of traffic conditions is critical for improving safety, stability, and efficiency of a city transportation system. In reality, it is challenging to produce accurate traffic forecasts due to the complex and dynamic spatiotemporal correlations. Most existing works only consider partial characteristics and features of traffic data, and result in unsatisfactory performances on modeling and forecasting. In this paper, we propose a periodic spatial-temporal deep neural network (PSTN) with three pivotal modules to improve the forecasting performance of traffic conditions through a novel integration of three types of information. First, the historical traffic information is folded and fed into a module consisting of a graph convolutional network and a temporal convolutional network. Second, the recent traffic information together with the historical output passes through the second module consisting of a graph convolutional network and a gated recurrent unit framework. Finally, a multi-layer perceptron is applied to process the auxiliary road attributes and output the final predictions. Experimental results on two publicly accessible real-world urban traffic data sets show that the proposed PSTN outperforms the state-of-the-art benchmarks by significant margins for short-term traffic conditions forecasting
Automatic detection of rail track and its fasteners via using continuously collected railway images is important to maintenance as it can significantly improve maintenance efficiency and better ensure system safety. Dominant computer vision-based det ection models typically rely on convolutional neural networks that utilize local image features and cumbersome prior settings to generate candidate boxes. In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional transformer network based method to detect multi-class rail components including the rail, clip, and bolt. We effectively synergize advantages of the convolutional structure on extracting latent features from raw images as well as advantages of transformers on selectively determining valuable latent features to achieve an efficient and accurate performance on rail component detections. Our proposed method simplifies the detection pipeline by eliminating the need of prior settings, such as anchor box, aspect ratio, default coordinates, and post-processing, such as the threshold for non-maximum suppression; as well as allows users to trade off the quality and complexity of the detector with limited training data. Results of a comprehensive computational study show that our proposed method outperforms a set of existing state-of-art approaches with large margins
Automated inspection and detection of foreign objects on railways is important for rail transportation safety as it helps prevent potential accidents and trains derailment. Most existing vision-based approaches focus on the detection of frontal intru sion objects with prior labels, such as categories and locations of the objects. In reality, foreign objects with unknown categories can appear anytime on railway tracks. In this paper, we develop a semi-supervised convolutional autoencoder based framework that only requires railway track images without prior knowledge on the foreign objects in the training process. It consists of three different modules, a bottleneck feature generator as encoder, a photographic image generator as decoder, and a reconstruction discriminator developed via adversarial learning. In the proposed framework, the problem of detecting the presence, location, and shape of foreign objects is addressed by comparing the input and reconstructed images as well as setting thresholds based on reconstruction errors. The proposed method is evaluated through comprehensive studies under different performance criteria. The results show that the proposed method outperforms some well-known benchmarking methods. The proposed framework is useful for data analytics via the train Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems
We report a neural architecture search framework, BioNAS, that is tailored for biomedical researchers to easily build, evaluate, and uncover novel knowledge from interpretable deep learning models. The introduction of knowledge dissimilarity function s in BioNAS enables the joint optimization of predictive power and biological knowledge through searching architectures in a model space. By optimizing the consistency with existing knowledge, we demonstrate that BioNAS optimal models reveal novel knowledge in both simulated data and in real data of functional genomics. BioNAS provides a useful tool for domain experts to inject their prior belief into automated machine learning and therefore making deep learning easily accessible to practitioners. BioNAS is available at https://github.com/zj-zhang/BioNAS-pub.
Modern generative models are usually designed to match target distributions directly in the data space, where the intrinsic dimension of data can be much lower than the ambient dimension. We argue that this discrepancy may contribute to the difficult ies in training generative models. We therefore propose to map both the generated and target distributions to a latent space using the encoder of a standard autoencoder, and train the generator (or decoder) to match the target distribution in the latent space. Specifically, we enforce the consistency in both the data space and the latent space with theoretically justified data and latent reconstruction losses. The resulting generative model, which we call a perceptual generative autoencoder (PGA), is then trained with a maximum likelihood or variational autoencoder (VAE) objective. With maximum likelihood, PGAs generalize the idea of reversible generative models to unrestricted neural network architectures and arbitrary number of latent dimensions. When combined with VAEs, PGAs substantially improve over the baseline VAEs in terms of sample quality. Compared to other autoencoder-based generative models using simple priors, PGAs achieve state-of-the-art FID scores on CIFAR-10 and CelebA.
Multiplicative noise, including dropout, is widely used to regularize deep neural networks (DNNs), and is shown to be effective in a wide range of architectures and tasks. From an information perspective, we consider injecting multiplicative noise in to a DNN as training the network to solve the task with noisy information pathways, which leads to the observation that multiplicative noise tends to increase the correlation between features, so as to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of information pathways. However, high feature correlation is undesirable, as it increases redundancy in representations. In this work, we propose non-correlating multiplicative noise (NCMN), which exploits batch normalization to remove the correlation effect in a simple yet effective way. We show that NCMN significantly improves the performance of standard multiplicative noise on image classification tasks, providing a better alternative to dropout for batch-normalized networks. Additionally, we present a unified view of NCMN and shake-shake regularization, which explains the performance gain of the latter.
165 - Zijun Zhang , Lin Ma , Zongpeng Li 2017
Adaptive optimization algorithms, such as Adam and RMSprop, have shown better optimization performance than stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in some scenarios. However, recent studies show that they often lead to worse generalization performance tha n SGD, especially for training deep neural networks (DNNs). In this work, we identify the reasons that Adam generalizes worse than SGD, and develop a variant of Adam to eliminate the generalization gap. The proposed method, normalized direction-preserving Adam (ND-Adam), enables more precise control of the direction and step size for updating weight vectors, leading to significantly improved generalization performance. Following a similar rationale, we further improve the generalization performance in classification tasks by regularizing the softmax logits. By bridging the gap between SGD and Adam, we also hope to shed light on why certain optimization algorithms generalize better than others.
We study online resource allocation in a cloud computing platform, through a posted pricing mechanism: The cloud provider publishes a unit price for each resource type, which may vary over time; upon arrival at the cloud system, a cloud user either t akes the current prices, renting resources to execute its job, or refuses the prices without running its job there. We design pricing functions based on the current resource utilization ratios, in a wide array of demand-supply relationships and resource occupation durations, and prove worst-case competitive ratios of the pricing functions in terms of social welfare. In the basic case of a single-type, non-recycled resource (i.e., allocated resources are not later released for reuse), we prove that our pricing function design is optimal, in that any other pricing function can only lead to a worse competitive ratio. Insights obtained from the basic cases are then used to generalize the pricing functions to more realistic cloud systems with multiple types of resources, where a job occupies allocated resources for a number of time slots till completion, upon which time the resources are returned back to the cloud resource pool.

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