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73 - Yiwei Chen , Yu Pan , Daoyi Dong 2021
Tensor Train (TT) approach has been successfully applied in the modelling of the multilinear interaction of features. Nevertheless, the existing models lack flexibility and generalizability, as they only model a single type of high-order correlation. In practice, multiple multilinear correlations may exist within the features. In this paper, we present a novel Residual Tensor Train (ResTT) which integrates the merits of TT and residual structure to capture the multilinear feature correlations, from low to higher orders, within the same model. In particular, we prove that the fully-connected layer in neural networks and the Volterra series can be taken as special cases of ResTT. Furthermore, we derive the rule for weight initialization that stabilizes the training of ResTT based on a mean-field analysis. We prove that such a rule is much more relaxed than that of TT, which means ResTT can easily address the vanishing and exploding gradient problem that exists in the current TT models. Numerical experiments demonstrate that ResTT outperforms the state-of-the-art tensor network approaches, and is competitive with the benchmark deep learning models on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets.
As technology scaling is approaching the physical limit, lithography hotspot detection has become an essential task in design for manufacturability. While the deployment of pattern matching or machine learning in hotspot detection can help save signi ficant simulation time, such methods typically demand for non-trivial quality data to build the model, which most design houses are short of. Moreover, the design houses are also unwilling to directly share such data with the other houses to build a unified model, which can be ineffective for the design house with unique design patterns due to data insufficiency. On the other hand, with data homogeneity in each design house, the locally trained models can be easily over-fitted, losing generalization ability and robustness. In this paper, we propose a heterogeneous federated learning framework for lithography hotspot detection that can address the aforementioned issues. On one hand, the framework can build a more robust centralized global sub-model through heterogeneous knowledge sharing while keeping local data private. On the other hand, the global sub-model can be combined with a local sub-model to better adapt to local data heterogeneity. The experimental results show that the proposed framework can overcome the challenge of non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data and heterogeneous communication to achieve very high performance in comparison to other state-of-the-art methods while guaranteeing a good convergence rate in various scenarios.
Vanilla models for object detection and instance segmentation suffer from the heavy bias toward detecting frequent objects in the long-tailed setting. Existing methods address this issue mostly during training, e.g., by re-sampling or re-weighting. I n this paper, we investigate a largely overlooked approach -- post-processing calibration of confidence scores. We propose NorCal, Normalized Calibration for long-tailed object detection and instance segmentation, a simple and straightforward recipe that reweighs the predicted scores of each class by its training sample size. We show that separately handling the background class and normalizing the scores over classes for each proposal are keys to achieving superior performance. On the LVIS dataset, NorCal can effectively improve nearly all the baseline models not only on rare classes but also on common and frequent classes. Finally, we conduct extensive analysis and ablation studies to offer insights into various modeling choices and mechanisms of our approach.
Transfer-based adversarial attacks can effectively evaluate model robustness in the black-box setting. Though several methods have demonstrated impressive transferability of untargeted adversarial examples, targeted adversarial transferability is sti ll challenging. The existing methods either have low targeted transferability or sacrifice computational efficiency. In this paper, we develop a simple yet practical framework to efficiently craft targeted transfer-based adversarial examples. Specifically, we propose a conditional generative attacking model, which can generate the adversarial examples targeted at different classes by simply altering the class embedding and share a single backbone. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method improves the success rates of targeted black-box attacks by a significant margin over the existing methods -- it reaches an average success rate of 29.6% against six diverse models based only on one substitute white-box model in the standard testing of NeurIPS 2017 competition, which outperforms the state-of-the-art gradient-based attack methods (with an average success rate of $<$2%) by a large margin. Moreover, the proposed method is also more efficient beyond an order of magnitude than gradient-based methods.
Collecting training data from untrusted sources exposes machine learning services to poisoning adversaries, who maliciously manipulate training data to degrade the model accuracy. When trained on offline datasets, poisoning adversaries have to inject the poisoned data in advance before training, and the order of feeding these poisoned batches into the model is stochastic. In contrast, practical systems are more usually trained/fine-tuned on sequentially captured real-time data, in which case poisoning adversaries could dynamically poison each data batch according to the current model state. In this paper, we focus on the real-time settings and propose a new attacking strategy, which affiliates an accumulative phase with poisoning attacks to secretly (i.e., without affecting accuracy) magnify the destructive effect of a (poisoned) trigger batch. By mimicking online learning and federated learning on CIFAR-10, we show that the model accuracy will significantly drop by a single update step on the trigger batch after the accumulative phase. Our work validates that a well-designed but straightforward attacking strategy can dramatically amplify the poisoning effects, with no need to explore complex techniques.
Adversarial training (AT) is one of the most effective strategies for promoting model robustness, whereas even the state-of-the-art adversarially trained models struggle to exceed 60% robust test accuracy on CIFAR-10 without additional data, which is far from practical. A natural way to break this accuracy bottleneck is to introduce a rejection option, where confidence is a commonly used certainty proxy. However, the vanilla confidence can overestimate the model certainty if the input is wrongly classified. To this end, we propose to use true confidence (T-Con) (i.e., predicted probability of the true class) as a certainty oracle, and learn to predict T-Con by rectifying confidence. We prove that under mild conditions, a rectified confidence (R-Con) rejector and a confidence rejector can be coupled to distinguish any wrongly classified input from correctly classified ones, even under adaptive attacks. We also quantify that training R-Con to be aligned with T-Con could be an easier task than learning robust classifiers. In our experiments, we evaluate our rectified rejection (RR) module on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-10-C, and CIFAR-100 under several attacks, and demonstrate that the RR module is well compatible with different AT frameworks on improving robustness, with little extra computation.
76 - Xinglin Pan , Jing Xu , Yu Pan 2021
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved tremendous success in a number of learning tasks including image classification. Recent advanced models in CNNs, such as ResNets, mainly focus on the skip connection to avoid gradient vanishing. Dens eNet designs suggest creating additional bypasses to transfer features as an alternative strategy in network design. In this paper, we design Attentive Feature Integration (AFI) modules, which are widely applicable to most recent network architectures, leading to new architectures named AFI-Nets. AFI-Nets explicitly model the correlations among different levels of features and selectively transfer features with a little overhead.AFI-ResNet-152 obtains a 1.24% relative improvement on the ImageNet dataset while decreases the FLOPs by about 10% and the number of parameters by about 9.2% compared to ResNet-152.
59 - Yu Pan , Maolin Wang , Zenglin Xu 2021
Tensor Decomposition Networks(TDNs) prevail for their inherent compact architectures. For providing convenience, we present a toolkit named TedNet that is based on the Pytorch framework, to give more researchers a flexible way to exploit TDNs. TedNet implements 5 kinds of tensor decomposition(i.e., CANDECOMP/PARAFAC(CP), Block-Term Tucker(BT), Tucker-2, Tensor Train(TT) and Tensor Ring(TR)) on traditional deep neural layers, the convolutional layer and the fully-connected layer. By utilizing these basic layers, it is simple to construct a variety of TDNs like TR-ResNet, TT-LSTM, etc. TedNet is available at https://github.com/tnbar/tednet.
Character rigging is universally needed in computer graphics but notoriously laborious. We present a new method, HeterSkinNet, aiming to fully automate such processes and significantly boost productivity. Given a character mesh and skeleton as input, our method builds a heterogeneous graph that treats the mesh vertices and the skeletal bones as nodes of different types and uses graph convolutions to learn their relationships. To tackle the graph heterogeneity, we propose a new graph network convolution operator that transfers information between heterogeneous nodes. The convolution is based on a new distance HollowDist that quantifies the relations between mesh vertices and bones. We show that HeterSkinNet is robust for production characters by providing the ability to incorporate meshes and skeletons with arbitrary topologies and morphologies (e.g., out-of-body bones, disconnected mesh components, etc.). Through exhaustive comparisons, we show that HeterSkinNet outperforms state-of-the-art methods by large margins in terms of rigging accuracy and naturalness. HeterSkinNet provides a solution for effective and robust character rigging.
85 - Yu Pan , Yuan He , JingZhao Qi 2021
In this paper we analyze the implications of gravitational waves (GWs) as standard sirens on the modified gravity models by using the third-generation gravitational wave detector, i.e., the Einstein Telescope. Two viable models in $f(R)$ theories wit hin the Palatini formalism are considered in our analysis ($f_{1}(mathcal{R})=mathcal{R}-frac{beta}{mathcal{R}^{n}}$ and $f_{2}(mathcal{R})=mathcal{R}+alphaln{mathcal{R}}-beta$), with the combination of simulated GW data and the latest electromagnetic (EM) observational data (including the recently released Pantheon type Ia supernovae sample, the cosmic chronometer data, and baryon acoustic oscillation distance measurements). Our analysis reveals that the standard sirens GWs, which provide an independent and complementary alternative to current experiments, could effectively eliminate the degeneracies among parameters in the two modified gravity models. In addition, we thoroughly investigate the nature of geometrical dark energy in the modified gravity theories with the assistance of $Om(z)$ and statefinder diagnostic analysis. The present analysis makes it clear-cut that the simplest cosmological constant model is still the most preferred by the current data. However, the combination of future naturally improved GW data most recent EM observations will reveal the consistency or acknowledge the tension between the $Lambda$CDM model and modified gravity theories.

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