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In the framework of an extended chromomagnetic model, we systematically study the mass spectrum of the $S$-wave $qQbar{Q}bar{Q}$ tetraquarks. Their mass spectra are mainly determined by the color interaction. For the $qcbar{c}bar{c}$, $qbbar{c}bar{c} $ and $qbbar{b}bar{b}$ tetraquarks, the color interaction favors the color-sextet $ket{(qQ)^{6_{c}}(bar{Q}bar{Q})^{bar{6}_{c}}}$ configuration over the color-triplet $ket{(qQ)^{bar{3}_{c}}(bar{Q}bar{Q})^{3_{c}}}$ one. But for the $qcbar{b}bar{b}$ tetraquarks, the color-triplet configuration is favored. We find no stable states which lie below the thresholds of two pseudoscalar mesons. The lowest axial-vector states with the $qQbar{b}bar{b}$ flavor configuration may be narrow. They lie just above the thresholds of two pseudoscalar mesons, but cannot decay into these channels because of the conservation of the angular momentum and parity.
Using an extended chromomagnetic model, we perform a systematic study of the masses of the doubly heavy tetraquarks. We find that the ground states of the doubly heavy tetraquarks are dominated by color-triplet $ket{(qq)^{bar{3}_{c}}(bar{Q}bar{Q})^{3 _{c}}}$ configuration, which is opposite to that of the fully heavy tetraquarks. The combined results suggest that the color-triplet configuration becomes more important when the mass difference between the quarks and antiquarks increases. We find three stable states which lie below the thresholds of two pseudoscalar mesons. They are the $IJ^{P}=01^{+}$ $nnbar{b}bar{b}$ tetraquark, the $IJ^{P}=00^{+}$ $nnbar{c}bar{b}$ tetraquark and the $J^{P}=1^{+}$ $nsbar{b}bar{b}$ tetraquark.
In this work, we systematically study the mass spectrum of the fully heavy tetraquark in an extended chromomagnetic model, which includes both color and chromomagnetic interactions. Numerical results indicate that the energy level is mainly determine d by the color interaction, which favors the color-sextet $ket{(QQ)^{6_{c}}(bar{Q}bar{Q})^{bar{6}_{c}}}$ configuration over the color-triplet $ket{(QQ)^{bar{3}_{c}}(bar{Q}bar{Q})^{3_{c}}}$ one. The chromomagnetic interaction mixes the two color configurations and gives small splitting. The ground state is always dominated by the color-sextet configuration. We find no stable state below the lowest heavy quarkonium pair thresholds. Most states may be wide since they have at least one $S$-wave decay channel into two $S$-wave mesons. One possible narrow state is the $1^{+}$ $bbbar{b}bar{c}$ state with a mass $15719.1~text{MeV}$. It is just above the $eta_{b}bar{B}_{c}$ threshold. But this channel is forbidden because of the conservation of the angular momentum and parity.
With an extended quark pair creation model we systematically study the OZI-allowed three body open flavor decays of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium states. We obtain that the $BB^*pi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ partial decay widths of $Upsilon(10860)$ a re consistent with experiment, and the corresponding partial decay widths of $Upsilon(11020)$ can reach up to 2$sim$3 MeV. Meanwhile the partial widths of $DD^*pi$ and $D^*D^*pi$ modes for most higher vector charmonium states can reach up to several MeV.
Recently, the LHCb Collaboration reported three $P_c$ states in the ${J/psi}p$ channel. We systematically study the mass spectrum of the hidden charm pentaquark in the framework of an extended chromomagnetic model. For the $nnncbar{c}$ pentaquark wit h $I=1/2$, we find that (i) the lowest state is $P_{c}(4327.0,1/2,1/2^{-})$ [We use $P_{c}(m,I,J^{P})$ to denote the $nnncbar{c}$ pentaquark], which corresponds to the $P_{c}(4312)$. Its dominant decay mode is $Lambda_{c}bar{D}^{*}$. (ii) We find two states in the vicinity of $P_{c}(4380)$. The first one is $P_{c}(4367.4,1/2,3/2^{-})$ and decays dominantly to $N{J/psi}$ and $Lambda_{c}bar{D}^{*}$. The other one is $P_{c}(4372.4,1/2,1/2^{-})$. Its dominant decay mode is $Lambda_{c}bar{D}$, and its partial decay width of $Neta_{c}$ channel is comparable to that of $N{J/psi}$. (iii) In higher mass region, we find $P_{c}(4476.3,1/2,3/2^{-})$ and $P_{c}(4480.9,1/2,1/2^{-})$, which correspond to $P_{c}(4440)$ and $P_{c}(4457)$. In the open charm channels, both of them decay dominantly to the $Lambda_{c}bar{D}^{*}$. (iv) We predict two states above $4.5~text{GeV}$, namely $P_{c}(4524.5,1/2,3/2^{-})$ and $P_{c}(4546.0,1/2,5/2^{-})$. The masses of the $nnncbar{c}$ state with $I=3/2$ are all over $4.6~text{GeV}$. Moreover, we use the model to explore the $nnscbar{c}$, $ssncbar{c}$ and $ssscbar{c}$ pentaquark states.
In the present work, we study the OZI-allowed three body open flavor decay properties of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium states with an extended quark pair creation model. For the bottomonium system, we get that (i) the $BBpi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ partial decay widths of the $Upsilon(5S)$ state are consistent with the experiment, and the $BB^*pi$ partial decay width of the $Upsilon(5S)$ state is smaller but very close to the Belles experiment. Meanwhile, (ii) the $BB^*pi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ decay widths of $Upsilon(11020)$ can reachs $2sim3$ MeV. In addition, (iii) for the most of higher vector charmonium states, the partial decay widths of the $DD^*pi$ and $D^*D^*pi$ modes can reach up to several MeV, which may be observed in future experiments.
We extend the chromomagnetic model by further considering the effect of color interaction. The effective mass parameters between quark pairs ($m_{qq}$ or $m_{qbar{q}}$) are introduced to account both the effective quark masses and the color interacti on between the two quarks. Using the experimental masses of hadrons, the quark pair parameters are determined between the light quark pairs and the light-heavy quark pairs. Then the parameters of heavy quark pairs ($cc$, $cb$, $bb$) are estimated based on simple quark model assumption. We calculate all masses of doubly and triply heavy-quark baryons. The newly discovered doubly charmed baryon $Xi_{cc}$ fits into the model with an error of 12 MeV.
With the spin rearrangement, we have performed a comprehensive investigation of the decay patterns of the S-wave tetraquarks and P-wave tetraquarks where the P-wave excitation exists either between the diquark and anti-diquark pair or inside the diqu ark. Especially, we compare the decay patterns of $Y(4260)$ with different inner structures such as the conventional charmonium, the molecule, the P-wave tetraquark and the hybrid charmonium. We notice the $J/psi pipi$ mode is suppressed in the heavy quark symmetry limit if $Y(4260)$ is a molecular state. Moreover the hybrid charmonium and hidden-charm tetraquark have very similar decay patterns. Both of them decay into the $J/psi pipi$ and open charm modes easily. We also discuss the decay patterns of $X(3872)$, $Y(4360)$, and several charged states such as $Z_c(4020)$. The $h_cpi^{pm}$ decay mode disfavors the tetraquark assumption of $Z_c(4020)$.
Babar Collaboration announced two new excited charmed baryons $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$. We study their strong decays assuming they are D-wave states. Some assignments are excluded by comparing our numerical results with the experimental valu es of the total widths of $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$. We also suggest some possible decay modes, which will be helpful to determine the properties of $Xi_c(3055)^+$ and $Xi_c(3123)^+$.
In $XQM$, a quark can emit Goldstone bosons. The flavor symmetry breaking in the Goldstone boson emission process is used to intepret the nucleon flavor-spin structure. In this paper, we study the inner structure of constituent quarks implied in $XQM $ caused by the Goldstone boson emission process in nucleon. From a simplified model Hamiltonian derived from $XQM$, the intrinsic wave functions of constituent quarks are determined. Then the obtained transition probabilities of the emission of Goldstone boson from a quark can give a reasonable interpretation to the flavor symmetry breaking in nucleon flavor-spin structure.

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