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تفهم كسر التناسق المذاقي وبنية الطعم-الدوران للنوكليون داخل نموذج الكوارك الشيريلي

Understanding the Flavor Symmetry Breaking and Nucleon Flavor-Spin Structure within Chiral Quark Model

216   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Weizhen Deng
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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In $XQM$, a quark can emit Goldstone bosons. The flavor symmetry breaking in the Goldstone boson emission process is used to intepret the nucleon flavor-spin structure. In this paper, we study the inner structure of constituent quarks implied in $XQM$ caused by the Goldstone boson emission process in nucleon. From a simplified model Hamiltonian derived from $XQM$, the intrinsic wave functions of constituent quarks are determined. Then the obtained transition probabilities of the emission of Goldstone boson from a quark can give a reasonable interpretation to the flavor symmetry breaking in nucleon flavor-spin structure.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The nucleon is naturally viewed as a bipartite system of valence spin -- defined by its non-vanishing chiral charge -- and non-valence or sea spin. The sea spin can be traced over to give a reduced density matrix, and it is shown that the resulting e ntanglement entropy acts as an order parameter of chiral symmetry breaking in the nucleon. In the large-$N_c$ limit, the entanglement entropy vanishes and the valence spin accounts for all of the nucleon spin, while in the limit of maximal entanglement entropy, the nucleon loses memory of the valence spin and consequently has spin dominated by the sea. The nucleon state vector in the chiral basis, fit to low-energy data, gives a valence spin content consistent with experiment and lattice QCD determinations, and has large entanglement entropy.
We discuss two topics related to the flavor structure of the nucleon sea. The first is on the identification of light-quark intrinsic sea from the comparison between recent data and the intrinsic sea model by Brodsky et al. Good agreement between the theory and data allows a separation of the intrinsic from the extrinsic sea components. The magnitudes of the up, down, and strange intrinsic seas have been extracted. We then discuss the flavor structure and the Bjorken-x dependence of the connected sea (CS) and disconnected sea (DS). We show that recent data together with input from lattice QCD allow a separation of the CS from the DS components of the light quark sea.
90 - A. J. Buchmann 2010
A group theoretical derivation of a relation between the N --> Delta charge quadrupole transition and neutron charge form factors is presented.
79 - Bertram Klein 2017
Finite-volume effects in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) have been a subject of much theoretical interest for more than two decades. They are in particular important for the analysis and interpretation of QCD simulations on a finite, discrete space-time lattice. Most of these effects are closely related to the phenomenon of spontaneous breaking of the chiral flavor symmetry and the emergence of pions as light Goldstone bosons. These long-range fluctuations are strongly affected by putting the system into a finite box, and an analysis with different methods can be organized according to the interplay between pion mass and box size. The finite volume also affects critical behavior at the chiral phase transition in QCD. In the present review, I will be mainly concerned with modeling such finite volume effects as they affect the thermodynamics of the chiral phase transition for two quark flavors. I review recent work on the analysis of finite-volume effects which makes use of the quark-meson model for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. To account for the effects of critical long-range fluctuations close to the phase transition, most of the calculations have been performed using non-perturbative Renormalization Group (RG) methods. I give an overview over the application of these methods to a finite volume. The method, the model and the results are put into the context of related work in random matrix theory for very small volumes, chiral perturbation theory for larger volumes, and related methods and approaches. They are applied towards the analysis of finite-volume effects in lattice QCD simulations and their interpretation, mainly in the context of the chiral phase transition for two quark flavors.
145 - Masashi Wakamatsu 2014
It is now widely recognized that a key to unravel the nonperturbative chiral-dynamics of QCD hidden in the deep-inelastic-scattering observables is the flavor structure of sea-quark distributions in the nucleon. We analyze the flavor structure of the nucleon sea in both of the unpolarized and longitudinally polarized parton distribution functions (PDFs) within a single theoretical framework of the flavor SU(3) chiral quark soliton model (CQSM), which contains only one adjustable parameter $Delta m_s$, the effective mass difference between the strange and nonstrange quarks. A particular attention is paid to a nontrivial correlation between the flavor asymmetry of the unpolarized and longitudinally polarized sea-quark distributions and also to a possible particle-antiparticle asymmetry of the strange quark distributions in the nucleon. We also investigate the charge-symmetry-violation (CSV) effects in the parton distribution functions exactly within the same theretical framework, which is expected to provide us with valuable information on the relative importance of the asymmetry of the strange and antistrange distributions and the CSV effects in the valence-quark distributions inside the nucleon in the resolution scenario of the so-called NuTeV anomaly in the extraction of the Weinberg angle.
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