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Three body open flavor decays of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium

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 نشر من قبل Xin-Zhen Weng
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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With an extended quark pair creation model we systematically study the OZI-allowed three body open flavor decays of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium states. We obtain that the $BB^*pi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ partial decay widths of $Upsilon(10860)$ are consistent with experiment, and the corresponding partial decay widths of $Upsilon(11020)$ can reach up to 2$sim$3 MeV. Meanwhile the partial widths of $DD^*pi$ and $D^*D^*pi$ modes for most higher vector charmonium states can reach up to several MeV.

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In the present work, we study the OZI-allowed three body open flavor decay properties of higher vector charmonium and bottomonium states with an extended quark pair creation model. For the bottomonium system, we get that (i) the $BBpi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ partial decay widths of the $Upsilon(5S)$ state are consistent with the experiment, and the $BB^*pi$ partial decay width of the $Upsilon(5S)$ state is smaller but very close to the Belles experiment. Meanwhile, (ii) the $BB^*pi$ and $B^*B^*pi$ decay widths of $Upsilon(11020)$ can reachs $2sim3$ MeV. In addition, (iii) for the most of higher vector charmonium states, the partial decay widths of the $DD^*pi$ and $D^*D^*pi$ modes can reach up to several MeV, which may be observed in future experiments.
The open-charm strong decays of higher charmonium states up to the mass of the $6P$ multiplet are systematically studied in the $^3P_0$ model. The wave functions of the initial charmonium states are calculated in the linear potential (LP) and screene d potential (SP) quark model. The decay widths for most of the well-established charmonium states above the open-charm thresholds can be reasonably described. By comparing our quark model calculations with the experimental observations we also discuss the nature of some of the newly observed charmonium-like states. It is found that (i) the $psi(4415)$ may favor the $psi(4S)$ or $psi_1(3D)$ assignment. There may exist two highly overlapping vector charmonium states around 4.4 GeV; (ii) In the LP model the $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ $Y(4660)$ resonance and the $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ $X(4500)$ resonance may be assigned as the $psi(5S)$ and $chi_{c0}(4P)$, respectively; (iii) The newly observed state $X^*(3860)$ can be assigned as the $chi_{c0}(2P)$ state with a narrow width of about $30$ MeV; (iv) It seems to be difficult to accommodate the $X(4140)$ and $X(4274)$ states in the same potential model as excited $chi_{c1}$ states. (v) The $X(3940)$ resonance can be assigned as the $eta_c(3S)$ state; (vi) The vector charmonium-like states $Y(4230/4260,4360)$ and scalar $X(4700)$ cannot be described by any conventional charmonium states self-consistently in our model.
522 - S. Leupold 2008
The decays of light vector mesons into three pseudoscalar mesons are calculated to leading order in the recently proposed counting scheme that is based on the hadrogenesis conjecture. Fully differential as well as integrated decay widths are presente d. Since the required parameters have been fixed by other processes, the considered three-body decays are predictions of the presented approach. The decay width of the omega meson into three pions agrees very well with experiment. The partial decay widths of the K^* into its three K-pi-pi channels are predicted.
Many new states in the charmonium and bottomonium mass region were recently discovered by the BaBar, Belle and CDF Collaborations. We use the QCD Sum Rule approach to study the possible structure of some of these states. In particular we identify the recently observed bottomonium-like resonance $Z_b^+(10610)$ with the first excitation of the tetraquark $X_b(1^{++})$, the analogue of the X(3872) state in the charm sector.
We study the three-body anti-triplet ${bf B_c}to {bf B_n}MM$ decays with the $SU(3)$ flavor ($SU(3)_f$) symmetry, where ${bf B_c}$ denotes the charmed baryon anti-triplet of $(Xi_c^0,-Xi_c^+,Lambda_c^+)$, and ${bf B_n}$ and $M(M)$ represent baryon an d meson octets, respectively. By considering only the S-wave $MM$-pair contributions without resonance effects, the decays of ${bf B_c}to {bf B_n}MM$ can be decomposed into irreducible forms with 11 parameters under $SU(3)_f$, which are fitted by the 14 existing data, resulting in a reasonable value of $chi^2/d.o.f=2.8$ for the fit. Consequently, we find that the triangle sum rule of ${cal A}(Lambda_c^+to nbar K^0 pi^+)-{cal A}(Lambda_c^+to pK^- pi^+)-sqrt 2 {cal A}(Lambda_c^+to pbar K^0 pi^0)=0$ given by the isospin symmetry holds under $SU(3)_f$, where ${cal A}$ stands for the decay amplitude. In addition, we predict that ${cal B}(Lambda_c^+to n pi^{+} bar{K}^{0})=(0.9pm 0.8)times 10^{-2}$, which is $3-4$ times smaller than the BESIII observation, indicating the existence of the resonant states. For the to-be-observed ${bf B_c}to {bf B_n}MM$ decays, we compute the branching fractions with the $SU(3)_f$ amplitudes to be compared to the BESIII and LHCb measurements in the future.
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