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109 - Daniel J. Price 2015
We present a new approach to simulating mixtures of gas and dust in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). We show how the two-fluid equations can be rewritten to describe a single-fluid mixture moving with the barycentric velocity, with each particl e carrying a dust fraction. We show how this formulation can be implemented in SPH while preserving the conservation properties (i.e. conservation of mass of each phase, momentum and energy). We also show that the method solves two key issues with the two fluid approach: it avoids over-damping of the mixture when the drag is strong and prevents a problem with dust particles becoming trapped below the resolution of the gas. We also show how the general one-fluid formulation can be simplified in the limit of strong drag (i.e. small grains) to the usual SPH equations plus a diffusion equation for the evolution of the dust fraction that can be evolved explicitly and does not require any implicit timestepping. We present tests of the simplified formulation showing that it is accurate in the small grain/strong drag limit. We discuss some of the issues we have had to solve while developing this method and finally present a preliminary application to dust settling in protoplanetary discs.
88 - Daniel J. Price 2015
We describe a simple method for simulating the dynamics of small grains in a dusty gas, relevant to micron-sized grains in the interstellar medium and grains of centimetre size and smaller in protoplanetary discs. The method involves solving one extr a diffusion equation for the dust fraction in addition to the usual equations of hydrodynamics. This diffusion approximation for dust is valid when the dust stopping time is smaller than the computational timestep. We present a numerical implementation using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) that is conservative, accurate and fast. It does not require any implicit timestepping and can be straightforwardly ported into existing 3D codes.
90 - A. A. Vidotto 2014
Stellar flares, winds and coronal mass ejections form the space weather. They are signatures of the magnetic activity of cool stars and, since activity varies with age, mass and rotation, the space weather that extra-solar planets experience can be v ery different from the one encountered by the solar system planets. How do stellar activity and magnetism influence the space weather of exoplanets orbiting main-sequence stars? How do the environments surrounding exoplanets differ from those around the planets in our own solar system? How can the detailed knowledge acquired by the solar system community be applied in exoplanetary systems? How does space weather affect habitability? These were questions that were addressed in the splinter session Cool stars and Space Weather, that took place on 9 Jun 2014, during the Cool Stars 18 meeting. In this paper, we present a summary of the contributions made to this session.
101 - A. A. Vidotto 2014
We investigate how the observed large-scale surface magnetic fields of low-mass stars (~0.1 -- 2 Msun), reconstructed through Zeeman-Doppler imaging (ZDI), vary with age t, rotation and X-ray emission. Our sample consists of 104 magnetic maps of 73 s tars, from accreting pre-main sequence to main-sequence objects (1 Myr < t < 10 Gyr). For non-accreting dwarfs we empirically find that the unsigned average large-scale surface field <|Bv|> is related to age as $t^{-0.655 pm 0.045}$. This relation has a similar dependence to that identified by Skumanich (1972), used as the basis for gyrochronology. Likewise, our relation could be used as an age-dating method (magnetochronology). The trends with rotation we find for the large-scale stellar magnetism are consistent with the trends found from Zeeman broadening measurements (sensitive to large- and small-scale fields). These similarities indicate that the fields recovered from both techniques are coupled to each other, suggesting that small- and large-scale fields could share the same dynamo field generation processes. For the accreting objects, fewer statistically significant relations are found, with one being a correlation between the unsigned magnetic flux and rotation period. We attribute this to a signature of star-disc interaction, rather than being driven by the dynamo.
230 - Simon Dobson 2013
Co-operative and pre-emptive scheduling are usually considered to be complementary models of threading. In the case of virtual machines, we show that they can be unified using a single concept, the bounded execution of a thread of control, essentiall y providing a first-class representation of a computation as it is reduced. Furthermore this technique can be used to surface the thread scheduler of a language into the language itself, allowing programs to provide their own schedulers without any additional support in the virtual machine, and allowing the same virtual machine to support different thread models simultaneously and without re-compilation.
144 - A. A. Vidotto 2013
We perform three-dimensional numerical simulations of stellar winds of early-M dwarf stars. Our simulations incorporate observationally reconstructed large-scale surface magnetic maps, suggesting that the complexity of the magnetic field can play an important role in the angular momentum evolution of the star, possibly explaining the large distribution of periods in field dM stars, as reported in recent works. In spite of the diversity of the magnetic field topologies among the stars in our sample, we find that stellar wind flowing near the (rotational) equatorial plane carries most of the stellar angular momentum, but there is no preferred colatitude contributing to mass loss, as the mass flux is maximum at different colatitudes for different stars. We find that more non-axisymmetric magnetic fields result in more asymmetric mass fluxes and wind total pressures $p_{rm tot}$ (defined as the sum of thermal, magnetic and ram pressures). Because planetary magnetospheric sizes are set by pressure equilibrium between the planets magnetic field and $p_{rm tot}$, variations of up to a factor of $3$ in $p_{rm tot}$ (as found in the case of a planet orbiting at several stellar radii away from the star) lead to variations in magnetospheric radii of about 20 percent along the planetary orbital path. In analogy to the flux of cosmic rays that impact the Earth, which is inversely modulated with the non-axisymmetric component of the total open solar magnetic flux, we conclude that planets orbiting M dwarf stars like DT~Vir, DS~Leo and GJ~182, which have significant non-axisymmetric field components, should be the more efficiently shielded from galactic cosmic rays, even if the planets lack a protective thick atmosphere/large magnetosphere of their own.
367 - Aleks Scholz 2013
The abundance of brown dwarfs (BDs) in young clusters is a diagnostic of star formation theory. Here we revisit the issue of determining the substellar initial mass function (IMF), based on a comparison between NGC1333 and IC348, two clusters in the Perseus star-forming region. We derive their mass distributions for a range of model isochrones, varying distances, extinction laws and ages, with comprehensive assessments of the uncertainties. We find that the choice of isochrone and other parameters have significant effects on the results, thus we caution against comparing IMFs obtained using different approaches. For NGC1333, we find that the star/BD ratio R is between 1.9 and 2.4, for all plausible scenarios, consistent with our previous work. For IC348, R is between 2.9 and 4.0, suggesting that previous studies have overestimated this value. Thus, the star forming process generates about 2.5-5 substellar objects per 10 stars. The derived star/BD ratios correspond to a slope of the power-law mass function of alpha=0.7-1.0 for the 0.03-1.0Msol mass range. The median mass in these clusters - the typical stellar mass - is between 0.13-0.30Msol. Assuming that NGC1333 is at a shorter distance than IC348, we find a significant difference in the cumulative distribution of masses between the two clusters, resulting from an overabundance of very low mass objects in NGC1333. Gaia astrometry will constrain the cluster distances better and will lead to a more definitive conclusion. Furthermore, ratio R is somewhat larger in IC348 compared with NGC1333, although this difference is still within the margins of error. Our results indicate that environments with higher object density may produce a larger fraction of very low mass objects, in line with predictions for brown dwarf formation through gravitational fragmentation of filaments falling into a cluster potential.
110 - J. Llama 2011
Near ultraviolet observations of WASP-12b have revealed an early ingress compared to the optical transit lightcurve. This has been interpreted as due to the presence of a magnetospheric bow shock which forms when the relative velocity of the planetar y and stellar material is supersonic. We aim to reproduce this observed early ingress by modelling the stellar wind (or coronal plasma) in order to derive the speed and density of the material at the planetary orbital radius. From this we determine the orientation of the shock and the density of compressed plasma behind it. With this model for the density structure surrounding the planet we perform Monte Carlo radiation transfer simulations of the near UV transits of WASP-12b with and without a bow shock. We find that we can reproduce the transit lightcurves with a wide range of plasma temperatures, shock geometries and optical depths. Our results support the hypothesis that a bow shock could explain the observed early ingress.
166 - R. De Propris 2010
We measure the fraction of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) in dynamically close pairs (with projected separation less than 20 $h^{-1}$ kpc and velocity difference less than 500 km s$^{-1}$) to estimate the dry merger rate for galaxies with $-23 < M(r)_{ k+e,z=0.2} +5 log h < -21.5$ and $0.45 < z < 0.65$ in the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) redshift survey. For galaxies with a luminosity ratio of $1:4$ or greater we determine a $5sigma$ upper limit to the merger fraction of 1.0% and a merger rate of $< 0.8 times 10^{-5}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ Gyr$^{-1}$ (assuming that all pairs merge on the shortest possible timescale set by dynamical friction). This is significantly smaller than predicted by theoretical models and suggests that major dry mergers do not contribute to the formation of the red sequence at $z < 0.7$.
280 - A. Cassan 2009
Aims: Caustic-crossing binary-lens microlensing events are important anomalous events because they are capable of detecting an extrasolar planet companion orbiting the lens star. Fast and robust modelling methods are thus of prime interest in helping to decide whether a planet is detected by an event. Cassan (2008) introduced a new set of parameters to model binary-lens events, which are closely related to properties of the light curve. In this work, we explain how Bayesian priors can be added to this framework, and investigate on interesting options. Methods: We develop a mathematical formulation that allows us to compute analytically the priors on the new parameters, given some previous knowledge about other physical quantities. We explicitly compute the priors for a number of interesting cases, and show how this can be implemented in a fully Bayesian, Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Results: Using Bayesian priors can accelerate microlens fitting codes by reducing the time spent considering physically implausible models, and helps us to discriminate between alternative models based on the physical plausibility of their parameters.

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