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From the perspective of many body physics, the transmon qubit architectures currently developed for quantum computing are systems of coupled nonlinear quantum resonators. A significant amount of intentional frequency detuning (disorder) is required t o protect individual qubit states against the destabilizing effects of nonlinear resonator coupling. Here we investigate the stability of this variant of a many-body localized (MBL) phase for system parameters relevant to current quantum processors of two different types, those using untunable qubits (IBM type) and those using tunable qubits (Delft/Google type). Applying three independent diagnostics of localization theory - a Kullback-Leibler analysis of spectral statistics, statistics of many-body wave functions (inverse participation ratios), and a Walsh transform of the many-body spectrum - we find that these computing platforms are dangerously close to a phase of uncontrollable chaotic fluctuations.
Magnetic fields can give rise to a plethora of phenomena in Kitaev spin systems, such as the formation of non-trivial spin liquids in two and three spatial dimensions. For the original honeycomb Kitaev model, it has recently been observed that the si gn of the bond-directional exchange is of crucial relevance for the field-induced physics, with antiferromagnetic couplings giving rise to an intermediate spin liquid regime between the low-field gapped Kitaev spin liquid and the high-field polarized state, which is not present in the ferromagnetically coupled model. Here, by employing a Majorana mean-field approach for a magnetic field pointing along the [001] direction, we present a systematic study of field-induced spin liquid phases for a variety of two and three-dimensional lattice geometries. We find that antiferromagnetic couplings generically lead to (i) spin liquid phases that are considerably more stable in field than those for ferromagnetic couplings, and (ii) an intermediate spin liquid phase which arises from a change in the topology of the Majorana band structure. Close inspection of the mean-field parameters reveal that the intermediate phase occurs due to a field-driven sign change in an effective $z$-bond energy parameter. Our results clearly demonstrate the richness of the Majorana physics of the antiferromagnetic Kitaev models, in comparison to their ferromagnetic counterparts.
We present numerically exact results from sign-problem free quantum Monte Carlo simulations for a spin-fermion model near an $O(3)$ symmetric antiferromagnetic (AFM) quantum critical point. We find a hierarchy of energy scales that emerges near the q uantum critical point. At high energy scales, there is a broad regime characterized by Landau-damped order parameter dynamics with dynamical critical exponent $z=2$, while the fermionic excitations remain coherent. The quantum critical magnetic fluctuations are well described by Hertz-Millis theory, except for a $T^{-2}$ divergence of the static AFM susceptibility. This regime persists down to a lower energy scale, where the fermions become overdamped and concomitantly, a transition into a $d-$wave superconducting state occurs. These findings resemble earlier results for a spin-fermion model with easy-plane AFM fluctuations of an $O(2)$ SDW order parameter, despite noticeable differences in the perturbative structure of the two theories. In the $O(3)$ case, perturbative corrections to the spin-fermion vertex are expected to dominate at an additional energy scale, below which the $z=2$ behavior breaks down, leading to a novel $z=1$ fixed point with emergent local nesting at the hot spots [Schlief et al., PRX 7, 021010 (2017)]. Motivated by this prediction, we also consider a variant of the model where the hot spots are nearly locally nested. Within the available temperature range in our study ($Tge E_F/200$), we find substantial deviations from the $z=2$ Hertz-Millis behavior, but no evidence for the predicted $z=1$ criticality.
In the field of quantum magnetism, the advent of numerous spin-orbit assisted Mott insulating compounds, such as the family of Kitaev materials, has led to a growing interest in studying general spin models with non-diagonal interactions that do not retain the SU(2) invariance of the underlying spin degrees of freedom. However, the exchange frustration arising from these non-diagonal and often bond-directional interactions for two- and three-dimensional lattice geometries poses a serious challenge for numerical many-body simulation techniques. In this paper, we present an extended formulation of the pseudo-fermion functional renormalization group that is capable of capturing the physics of frustrated quantum magnets with generic (diagonal and off-diagonal) two-spin interaction terms. Based on a careful symmetry analysis of the underlying flow equations, we reveal that the computational complexity grows only moderately, as compared to models with only diagonal interaction terms. We apply the formalism to a kagome antiferromagnet which is augmented by general in-plane and out-of-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions, as argued to be present in the spin liquid candidate material herbertsmithite. We calculate the complete ground state phase diagram in the strength of in-plane and out-of-plane DM couplings, and discuss the extended stability of the spin liquid of the unperturbed kagome antiferromagnet in the presence of these couplings.
A series of Pr(TM)$_2$X$_{20}$ (with TM=Ti,V,Rh,Ir and X=Al,Zn) Kondo materials, containing non-Kramers Pr$^{3+}$ $4f^2$ moments on a diamond lattice, have been shown to exhibit intertwined orders such as quadrupolar order and superconductivity. Moti vated by these experiments, we propose and study a Landau theory of multipolar order to capture the phase diagram and its field dependence. In zero magnetic field, we show that different quadrupolar states, or the coexistence of quadrupolar and octupolar orderings, may lead to ground states with multiple broken symmetries. Upon heating, such states may undergo two-step thermal transitions into the symmetric paramagnetic phase, with partial restoration of broken symmetries in the intervening phase. For nonzero magnetic field, we show the evolution of these thermal phase transitions strongly depends on the field direction, due to clock anisotropy terms in the free energy. Our findings shed substantial light on experimental results in the Pr(TM)$_2$Al$_{20}$ materials. We propose further experimental tests to distinguish purely quadrupolar orders from coexisting quadrupolar-octupolar orders.
56 - Jan Attig , Simon Trebst 2017
The formation of coplanar spin spirals is a common motif in the magnetic ordering of many frustrated magnets. For classical antiferromagnets, geometric frustration can lead to a massively degenerate ground state manifold of spirals whose propagation vectors can be described, depending on the lattice geometry, by points (triangular), lines (fcc), surfaces (frustrated diamond) or completely flat bands (pyrochlore). Here we demonstrate an exact mathematical correspondence of these spiral manifolds of classical antiferromagnets with the Fermi surfaces of free-fermion band structures. We provide an explicit lattice construction relating the frustrated spin model to a corresponding free-fermion tight-binding model. Examples of this correspondence relate the 120$^circ$ order of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet to the Dirac nodal structure of the honeycomb tight-binding model or the spiral line manifold of the fcc antiferromagnet to the Dirac nodal line of the diamond tight-binding model. We discuss implications of topological band structures in the fermionic system to the corresponding classical spin system.
50 - Simon Trebst 2017
In transition-metal compounds with partially filled $4d$ and $5d$ shells spin-orbit entanglement, electronic correlations, and crystal-field effects conspire to give rise to a variety of novel forms of topological quantum matter. This includes Kitaev materials -- a family of spin-orbit assisted Mott insulators, in which local, spin-orbit entangled $j=1/2$ moments form that are subject to strong bond-directional interactions. On a conceptual level, Kitaev materials attract much interest for their unconventional forms of magnetism, such as spin liquid physics in two- and three-dimensional lattice geometries or the formation of non-trivial spin textures. Experimentally, a number of Kitaev materials have been synthesized, which includes the honeycomb materials Na$_2$IrO$_3$, $alpha$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$, and RuCl$_3$, the triangular materials Ba$_3$Ir$_x$Ti$_{3-x}$O$_9$, as well as the three-dimensional hyper-honeycomb and stripy-honeycomb materials $beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ and $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$. These lecture notes provide a short review of the current status of the theoretical and experimental exploration of these Kitaev materials.
A set of localized, non-Abelian anyons - such as vortices in a p_x + i p_y superconductor or quasiholes in certain quantum Hall states - gives rise to a macroscopic degeneracy. Such a degeneracy is split in the presence of interactions between the an yons. Here we show that in two spatial dimensions this splitting selects a unique collective state as ground state of the interacting many-body system. This collective state can be a novel gapped quantum liquid nucleated inside the original parent liquid (of which the anyons are excitations). This physics is of relevance for any quantum Hall plateau realizing a non-Abelian quantum Hall state when moving off the center of the plateau.
In this chapter we discuss aspects of the quantum critical behavior that occurs at a quantum phase transition separating a topological phase from a conventionally ordered one. We concentrate on a family of quantum lattice models, namely certain defor mations of the toric code model, that exhibit continuous quantum phase transitions. One such deformation leads to a Lorentz-invariant transition in the 3D Ising universality class. An alternative deformation gives rise to a so-called conformal quantum critical point where equal-time correlations become conformally invariant and can be related to those of the 2D Ising model. We study the behavior of several physical observables, such as non-local operators and entanglement entropies, that can be used to characterize these quantum phase transitions. Finally, we briefly consider the role of thermal fluctuations and related phase transitions, before closing with a short overview of field theoretical descriptions of these quantum critical points.
Quantum mechanical systems, whose degrees of freedom are so-called su(2)_k anyons, form a bridge between ordinary SU(2) spin systems and systems of interacting non-Abelian anyons. Such a connection can be made for arbitrary spin-S systems, and we exp licitly discuss spin-1/2 and spin-1 systems. Anyonic spin-1/2 chains exhibit a topological protection mechanism that stabilizes their gapless ground states and which vanishes only in the limit (k to infinity) of the ordinary spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. For anyonic spin-1 chains we find their phase diagrams to closely mirror the one of the biquadratic SU(2) spin-1 chain. Our results describe at the same time nucleation of different 2D topological quantum fluids within a `parent non-Abelian quantum Hall state, arising from a macroscopic occupation of localized, interacting anyons. The edge states between the `nucleated and the `parent liquids are neutral, and correspond precisely to the gapless modes of the anyonic chains.

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