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We numerically investigate the structure of many-body wave functions of 1D random quantum circuits with local measurements employing the participation entropies. The leading term in system size dependence of participation entropies indicates a multif ractal scaling of the wave-functions at any non-zero measurement rate. The sub-leading term contains universal information about measurement--induced phase transitions and plays the role of an order parameter, being non-zero in the error-correcting phase and vanishing in the quantum Zeno phase. We provide an analytical interpretation of this behavior expressing the participation entropy in terms of partition functions of classical statistical models in 2D.
92 - Bitan De , Piotr Sierant , 2021
The level statistics in the transition between delocalized and localized {phases of} many body interacting systems is {considered}. We recall the joint probability distribution for eigenvalues resulting from the statistical mechanics for energy level dynamics as introduced by Pechukas and Yukawa. The resulting single parameter analytic distribution is probed numerically {via Monte Carlo method}. The resulting higher order spacing ratios are compared with data coming from different {quantum many body systems}. It is found that this Pechukas-Yukawa distribution compares favorably with {$beta$--Gaussian ensemble -- a single parameter model of level statistics proposed recently in the context of disordered many-body systems.} {Moreover, the Pechukas-Yukawa distribution is also} only slightly inferior to the two-parameter $beta$-h ansatz shown {earlier} to reproduce {level statistics of} physical systems remarkably well.
Quantum systems evolving unitarily and subject to quantum measurements exhibit various types of non-equilibrium phase transitions, arising from the competition between unitary evolution and measurements. Dissipative phase transitions in steady states of time-independent Liouvillians and measurement induced phase transitions at the level of quantum trajectories are two primary examples of such transitions. Investigating a many-body spin system subject to periodic resetting measurements, we argue that many-body dissipative Floquet dynamics provides a natural framework to analyze both types of transitions. We show that a dissipative phase transition between a ferromagnetic ordered phase and a paramagnetic disordered phase emerges for long range systems as a function of measurement probabilities. A measurement induced transition of the entanglement entropy between volume law scaling and area law scaling is also present, and is distinct from the ordering transition. The ferromagnetic phase is lost for short range interactions, while the volume law phase of the entanglement is enhanced. An analysis of multifractal properties of wave function in Hilbert space provides a common perspective on both types of transitions in the system. Our findings are immediately relevant to trapped ion experiments, for which we detail a blueprint proposal based on currently available platforms.
The transition between ergodic and many-body localized phases is expected to occur via an avalanche mechanism, in which emph{ergodic bubbles} that arise due to local fluctuations in system properties thermalize their surroundings leading to delocaliz ation of the system, unless the disorder is sufficiently strong to stop this process. We propose an algorithm based on neural networks that allows to detect the ergodic bubbles using experimentally measurable two-site correlation functions. Investigating time evolution of the system, we observe a logarithmic in time growth of the ergodic bubbles in the MBL regime. The distribution of the size of ergodic bubbles converges during time evolution to an exponentially decaying distribution in the MBL regime, and a power-law distribution with a thermal peak in the critical regime, supporting thus the scenario of delocalization through the avalanche mechanism. Our algorithm permits to pin-point quantitative differences in time evolution of systems with random and quasiperiodic potentials, as well as to identify rare (Griffiths) events. Our results open new pathways in studies of the mechanisms of thermalization of disordered many-body systems and beyond.
We study the impact of quenched disorder on the dynamics of locally constrained quantum spin chains, that describe 1D arrays of Rydberg atoms in both frozen (Ising-type) and dressed (XY-type) regime. Performing large-scale numerical experiments, we o bserve no trace of many-body localization even at large disorder. Analyzing the role of quenched disorder terms in constrained systems we show that they act in two, distinct and competing ways: as an on-site disorder term for the basic excitations of the system, and as an interaction between excitations. The two contributions are of the same order, and as they compete (one towards localization, the other against it), one does never enter a truly strong disorder, weak interaction limit, where many-body localization occurs. Such a mechanism is further clarified in the case of XY-type constrained models: there, a term which would represent a bona-fide local quenched disorder term acting on the excitations of the clean model must be written as a series of non-local terms in the unconstrained variables. Our observations provide a simple picture to interpret the role of quenched disorder that could be immediately extended to other constrained models or quenched gauge theories.
Many-body localization (MBL) behavior is analyzed {in an extended Bose-Hubbard model with quasiperiodic infinite-range interactions. No additional disorder is present. Examining level statistics and entanglement entropy of eigenstates we show that a significant fraction of eigenstates of the system is localized in the presence of strong interactions. In spite of this, our results suggest that the system becomes ergodic in the standard thermodynamic limit in which the energy of the system is extensive. At the same time, the MBL regime seems to be stable if one allows for a super-extensive scaling of the energy. We show that our findings can be experimentally verified by studies of time dynamics in many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics setups. The quench spectroscopy is a particularly effective tool that allows us to systematically study energy dependence of time dynamics and to investigate a mobility edge in our system.
193 - Artur Maksymov , Piotr Sierant , 2020
The many-body localization transition for Heisenberg spin chain with a speckle disorder is studied. Such a model is equivalent to a system of spinless fermions in an optical lattice with an additional speckle field. Our numerical results show that th e many-body localization transition in speckle disorder falls within the same universality class as the transition in an uncorrelated random disorder, in contrast to the quasiperiodic potential typically studied in experiments. This hints at possibilities of experimental studies of the role of rare Griffiths regions and of the interplay of ergodic and localized grains at the many-body localization transition. Moreover, the speckle potential allows one to study the role of correlations in disorder on the transition. We study both spectral and dynamical properties of the system focusing on observables that are sensitive to the disorder type and its correlations. In particular, distributions of local imbalance at long times provide an experimentally available tool that reveals the presence of small ergodic grains even deep in the many-body localized phase in a correlated speckle disorder.
Thermalization of random-field Heisenberg spin chain is probed by time evolution of density correlation functions. Studying the impacts of average energies of initial product states on dynamics of the system, we provide arguments in favor of the exis tence of a mobility edge in the large system-size limit.
Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization method (POLFED) for large sparse matrices is introduced. The algorithm finds an optimal basis of a subspace spanned by eigenvectors with eigenvalues close to a specified energy target by a spectral transfor mation using a high order polynomial of the matrix. The memory requirements scale better with system size than in the state-of-the-art shift-invert approach. The potential of POLFED is demonstrated examining many-body localization transition in 1D interacting quantum spin-1/2 chains. We investigate the disorder strength and system size scaling of Thouless time. System size dependence of bipartite entanglement entropy and of the gap ratio highlights the importance of finite-size effects in the system. We discuss possible scenarios regarding the many-body localization transition obtaining estimates for the critical disorder strength.
We analyze the localization properties of the disordered Hubbard model in the presence of a synthetic magnetic field. An analysis of level spacing ratio shows a clear transition from ergodic to many-body localized phase. The transition shifts to larg er disorder strengths with increasing magnetic flux. Study of dynamics of local correlations and entanglement entropy indicates that charge excitations remain localized whereas spin degree of freedom gets delocalized in the presence of the synthetic flux. This residual ergodicity is enhanced by the presence of the magnetic field with dynamical observables suggesting incomplete localization at large disorder strengths. Furthermore, we examine the effect of quantum statistics on the local correlations and show that the long-time spin oscillations of a hard-core boson system are destroyed as opposed to the fermionic case.

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