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162 - Michael R. Geller 2021
Several techniques have been recently introduced to mitigate errors in near-term quantum computers without the overhead required by quantum error correcting codes. While most of the focus has been on gate errors, measurement errors are significantly larger than gate errors on some platforms. A widely used {it transition matrix error mitigation} (TMEM) technique uses measured transition probabilities between initial and final classical states to correct subsequently measured data. However from a rigorous perspective, the noisy measurement should be calibrated with perfectly prepared initial states and the presence of any state-preparation error corrupts the resulting mitigation. Here we develop a measurement error mitigation technique, conditionally rigorous TMEM, that is not sensitive to state-preparation errors and thus avoids this limitation. We demonstrate the importance of the technique for high-precision measurement and for quantum foundations experiments by measuring Mermin polynomials on IBM Q superconducting qubits. An extension of the technique allows one to correct for both state-preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors in expectation values as well; we illustrate this by giving a protocol for fully SPAM-corrected quantum process tomography.
There is great interest in using near-term quantum computers to simulate and study foundational problems in quantum mechanics and quantum information science, such as the scrambling measured by an out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC). Here we use an IBM Q processor, quantum error mitigation, and weaved Trotter simulation to study high-resolution operator spreading in a 4-spin Ising model as a function of space, time, and integrability. Reaching 4 spins while retaining high circuit fidelity is made possible by the use of a physically motivated fixed-node variant of the OTOC, allowing scrambling to be estimated without overhead. We find clear signatures of ballistic operator spreading in a chaotic regime, as well as operator localization in an integrable regime. The techniques developed and demonstrated here open up the possibility of using cloud-based quantum computers to study and visualize scrambling phenomena, as well as quantum information dynamics more generally.
Readout errors are a significant source of noise for near term quantum computers. A variety of methods have been proposed to mitigate these errors using classical post processing. For a system with $n$ qubits, the entire readout error profile is spec ified by a $2^ntimes 2^n$ matrix. Recent proposals to use sub-exponential approximations rely on small and/or short-ranged error correlations. In this paper, we introduce and demonstrate a methodology to categorize and quantify multiqubit readout error correlations. Two distinct types of error correlations are considered: sensitivity of the measurement of a given qubit to the state of nearby spectator qubits, and measurement operator covariances. We deploy this methodology on IBMQ quantum computers, finding that error correlations are indeed small compared to the single-qubit readout errors on IBMQ Melbourne (15 qubits) and IBMQ Manhattan (65 qubits), but that correlations on IBMQ Melbourne are long-ranged and do not decay with inter-qubit distance.
Currently available quantum hardware allows for small scale implementations of quantum machine learning algorithms. Such experiments aid the search for applications of quantum computers by benchmarking the near-term feasibility of candidate algorithm s. Here we demonstrate the quantum learning of a two-qubit unitary by a sequence of three parameterized quantum circuits containing a total of 21 variational parameters. Moreover, we variationally diagonalize the unitary to learn its spectral decomposition, i.e., its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We illustrate how this can be used as a subroutine to compress the depth of dynamical quantum simulations. One can view our implementation as a demonstration of entanglement-enhanced machine learning, as only a single (entangled) training data pair is required to learn a 4x4 unitary matrix.
126 - Michael R. Geller 2020
We review an experimental technique used to correct state preparation and measurement errors on gate-based quantum computers, and discuss its rigorous justification. Within a specific biased quantum measurement model, we prove that nonideal measureme nt of an arbitrary $n$-qubit state is equivalent to ideal projective measurement followed by a classical Markov process $Gamma$ acting on the output probability distribution. Measurement errors can be removed, with rigorous justification, if $Gamma$ can be learned and inverted. We show how to obtain $Gamma$ from gate set tomography (R. Blume-Kohout et al., arXiv:1310.4492) and apply the error correction technique to single IBM Q superconducting qubits.
State preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors limit the performance of near-term quantum computers and their potential for practical application. SPAM errors are partly correctable after a calibration step that requires, for a complete implementati on on a register of $n$ qubits, $2^n$ additional measurements. Here we introduce an approximate but efficient method for multiqubit SPAM error characterization and mitigation requiring the classical processing of $2^n ! times 2^n$ matrices, but only $O(4^k n^2)$ measurements, where $k=O(1)$ is the number of qubits in a correlation volume. We demonstrate and validate the technique using an IBM Q processor on registers of 4 and 8 superconducting qubits.
State preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors limit the performance of many gate-based quantum computing architecures, but are partly correctable after a calibration step that requires, for an exact implementation on a register of $n$ qubits, $2^n$ additional characterization experiments, as well as classical post-processing. Here we introduce an approximate but efficient method for SPAM error characterization requiring the {it classical} processing of $2^n ! times 2^n$ real matrices, but only $O(n^2)$ measurements. The technique assumes that multi-qubit measurement errors are dominated by pair correlations, which are estimated with $n(n-1)k/2$ two-qubit experiments, where $k$ is a parameter related to the accuracy. We demonstrate the technique on the IBM and Rigetti online superconducting quantum computers, allowing comparison of their SPAM errors in both magnitude and degree of correlation. We also study the correlations as a function of the registers geometric layout. We find that the pair-correlation model is fairly accurate on linear arrays of superconducting qubits. However qubits arranged in more closely spaced two-dimensional geometries exhibit significant higher-order (such as 3-qubit) SPAM error correlations.
Experimental detection of entanglement in superconducting qubits has been mostly limited, for more than two qubits, to witness-based and related approaches that can certify the presence of some entanglement, but not rigorously quantify how much. Here we measure the entanglement of three- and four-qubit GHZ and linear cluster states prepared on the 16-qubit IBM Rueschlikon (ibmqx5) chip, by estimating their entanglement monotones. GHZ and cluster states not only have wide application in quantum computing, but also have the convenient property of having similar state preparation circuits and fidelities, allowing for a meaningful comparison of their degree of entanglement. We also measure the decay of the monotones with time, and find in the GHZ case that they actually oscillate, which we interpret as a drift in the relative phase between the $|0rangle^{otimes n}$ and $|1rangle^{otimes n}$ components, but not an oscillation in the actual entanglement. After experimentally correcting for this drift with virtual Z rotations we find that the GHZ states appear to be considerably more robust than cluster states, exhibiting higher fidelity and entanglement at later times. Our results contribute to the quantification and understanding of the strength and robustness of multi-qubit entanglement in the noisy environment of a superconducting quantum computer.
34 - Michael R. Geller 2017
We study a circuit, the Josephson sampler, that embeds a real vector into an entangled state of n qubits, and optionally samples from it. We measure its fidelity and entanglement on the 16-qubit ibmqx5 chip. To assess its expressiveness, we also meas ure its ability to generate Haar random unitaries and quantum chaos, as measured by Porter-Thomas statistics and out-of-time-order correlation functions. The circuit requires nearest-neighbor CZ gates on a chain and is especially well suited for first-generation superconducting architectures.
191 - Michael R. Geller 2015
There is currently a tremendous interest in developing practical applications of NISQ processors without the overhead required by full error correction. Quantum information processing is especially challenging within the gate model, as algorithms qui ckly lose fidelity as the problem size and circuit depth grow. This has lead to a number of non-gate-model approaches such as analog quantum simulation and quantum annealing. These approaches come with specific hardware requirements that are typically different than that of a universal gate-based quantum computer. We have previously proposed a non-gate-model approach called the single-excitation subspace (SES) method, which requires a complete graph of superconducting qubits. Like any approach lacking error correction, the SES method is not scalable, but it often leads to algorithms with constant depth, allowing it to outperform the gate model in a wide variety of applications. A challenge of the SES method is that it requires a physical qubit for every basis state in the computers Hilbert space. This imposes large resource costs for algorithms using registers of ancillary qubits, as each ancilla would double the required graph size. Here we show how to circumvent this doubling by leaving the SES and reintroducing a tensor product structure in the computational subspace. Specifically, we implement the tensor product of an SES register holding ``data with one or more ancilla qubits. This enables a hybrid form of quantum computation where fast SES operations are performed on the data, traditional logic gates and measurements are performed on the ancillas, and controlled-unitaries act between. As an application we give an SES implementation of the quantum linear system solver of Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd.

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