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Several techniques have been recently introduced to mitigate errors in near-term quantum computers without the overhead required by quantum error correcting codes. While most of the focus has been on gate errors, measurement errors are significantly larger than gate errors on some platforms. A widely used {it transition matrix error mitigation} (TMEM) technique uses measured transition probabilities between initial and final classical states to correct subsequently measured data. However from a rigorous perspective, the noisy measurement should be calibrated with perfectly prepared initial states and the presence of any state-preparation error corrupts the resulting mitigation. Here we develop a measurement error mitigation technique, conditionally rigorous TMEM, that is not sensitive to state-preparation errors and thus avoids this limitation. We demonstrate the importance of the technique for high-precision measurement and for quantum foundations experiments by measuring Mermin polynomials on IBM Q superconducting qubits. An extension of the technique allows one to correct for both state-preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors in expectation values as well; we illustrate this by giving a protocol for fully SPAM-corrected quantum process tomography.
State preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors limit the performance of near-term quantum computers and their potential for practical application. SPAM errors are partly correctable after a calibration step that requires, for a complete implementati
We review an experimental technique used to correct state preparation and measurement errors on gate-based quantum computers, and discuss its rigorous justification. Within a specific biased quantum measurement model, we prove that nonideal measureme
Dynamical decoupling (DD) is a widely-used quantum control technique that takes advantage of temporal symmetries in order to partially suppress quantum errors without the need resource-intensive error detection and correction protocols. This and othe
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are a promising application for near-term quantum processors, however the quality of their results is greatly limited by noise. For this reason, various error mitigation techniques have emerged to deal with noise
We introduce a feasible method of constructing the entanglement witness that detects the genuine entanglement of a given pure multiqubit state. We illustrate our method in the scenario of constructing the witnesses for the multiqubit states that are