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Here we have developed a FLEX+DMFT formalism, where the symmetry properties of the system are incorporated by constructing a SO(4) generalization of the conventional fluctuation-exchange approximation (FLEX) coupled self-consistently to the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Along with this line, we emphasize that the SO(4) symmetry is the lowest group-symmetry that enables us to investigate superconductivity and antiferromagnetism on an equal footing. We have imposed this by decomposing the electron operator into auxiliary fermionic and slave-boson constituents that respect SU(2)$_{rm spin}otimes$SU(2)$_{eta{rm spin}}$. This is used not in a mean-field treatment as in the usual slave-boson formalisms, but instead in the DMFT impurity solver with an SU(2)$_{rm spin}otimes$SU(2)$_{eta{rm spin}}$ hybridization function to incorporate the FLEX-generated bath information into DMFT iterations. While there have been attempts such as the doublon-less SU(2) slave-boson formalism, the present full-SU(2) slave-boson formalism is expected to provide a new platform for addressing the underlying physics for various quantum orders, which compete with each other and can coexist.
In this work, we adapt the formalism of the dynamical vertex approximation (D$Gamma$A), a diagrammatic approach including many-body correlations beyond the dynamical mean-field theory, to the case of attractive onsite interactions. We start by exploi ting the ladder approximation of the D$Gamma$A scheme, in order to derive the corresponding equations for the non-local self-energy and vertex functions of the attractive Hubbard model. Second, we prove the validity of our derivation by showing that the results obtained in the particle-hole symmetric case fully preserve the exact mapping between the attractive and the repulsive models. It will be shown, how this property can be related to the structure of the ladders, which makes our derivation applicable for any approximation scheme based on ladder diagrams. Finally, we apply our D$Gamma$A algorithm to the attractive Hubbard model in three dimensions, for different fillings and interaction values. Specifically, we focus on the parameters region in the proximity of the second-order transition to the superconducting and charge-density wave phases, respectively, and calculate (i) their phase-diagrams, (ii) their critical behavior, as well as (iii) the effects of the strong non-local correlations on the single-particle properties.
We study layered systems and heterostructures of s-wave superconductors by means of a suitable generalization of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. In order to reduce the computational effort, we consider an embedding scheme in which a relatively small num ber of active layers is embedded in an effective potential accounting for the effect of the rest of the system. We introduce a feedback of the active layers on the embedding potential that improves on previous approaches and essentially eliminates the effects of the finiteness of the active slab allowing for cheap computation of very large systems. We extend the method to the superconducting state, and we benchmark the approach by means of simple paradigmatic examples showing some examples on how an interface affects the superconducting properties. As examples, we show that superconductivity can penetrate from an intermediate coupling superconductor into a weaker coupling one for around ten layers, and that the first two layers of a system with repulsive interaction can turn superconducting by proximity effects even when charge redistribution is inhibited.
We examine the electronic properties of newly discovered ferroelectric metal LiOsO$_3$ combining density-functional and dynamical mean-field theories. We show that the material is close to a Mott transition and that electronic correlations can be tun ed to engineer a Mott multiferroic state in 1/1 superlattice of LiOsO$_3$ and LiNbO$_3$. We use electronic structure calculations to predict that the (LiOsO$_3$)$_1$/(LiNbO$_3$)$_1$ superlattice is a type-I multiferroic material with a ferrolectric polarization of 41.2~$mu$C cm$^{-2}$, Curie temperature of 927,K, and Neel temperature of 671,K. Our results support a route towards high-temperature multiferroics, emph{i.e.}, driving non-magnetic emph{polar metals} into correlated insulating magnetic states.
Using density-functional theory, we calculate the electronic bandstructure of single-layer graphene on top of hexagonal In_2Te_2 monolayers. The geometric configuration with In and Te atoms at centers of carbon hexagons leads to a Kekule texture with an ensuing bandgap of 20 meV. The alternative structure, nearly degenerate in energy, with the In and Te atoms on top of carbon sites is characterized instead by gapless spectrum with the original Dirac cones of graphene reshaped, depending on the graphene-indium chalcogenide distance, either in the form of an undoubled pseudo-spin one Dirac cone or in a quadratic band crossing point at the Fermi level. These electronic phases harbor charge fractionalization and topological Mott insulating states of matter.
Using density functional theory we investigate the lattice instability and electronic structure of recently discovered ferroelectric metal LiOsO$_3$. We show that the ferroelectric-like lattice instability is related to the Li-O distortion modes whil e the Os-O displacements change the d-p hybridization as in common ferroelectric insulators. Within the manifold of the d-orbitals, a dual behavior emerges. The ferroelectric transition is indeed mainly associated to the nominally empty e$_g$ orbitals which are hybridized with the oxygen p orbitals, while the t$_{2g}$ orbitals are responsible of the metallic response. Interestingly, these orbitals are nominally half-filled by three electrons, a configuration which suffers from strong correlation effects even for moderate values of the screened Coulomb interaction.
We show, by means of ab-initio calculations, that electron-electron correlations play an important role in potassium-doped picene ($K_x$-picene), recently characterized as a superconductor with $T_c = 18K$. The inclusion of exchange interactions by m eans of hybrid functionals reproduces the correct gap for the undoped compound and predicts an antiferromagnetic state for $x=3$, where superconductivity has been observed. The latter finding is compatible with a sizable value of the correlation strength, in agreement with simple estimates. Our results highlight the similarity between potassium-doped picene and alkali-doped fulleride superconductors.
The three-band model relevant to high temperature copper-oxide superconductors is solved using single-site dynamical mean field theory and a tight-binding parametrization of the copper and oxygen bands. For a band filling of one hole per unit cell th e metal/charge-transfer-insulator phase diagram is determined. The electron spectral function, optical conductivity and quasiparticle mass enhancement are computed as functions of electron and hole doping for parameters such that the corresponding to the paramagnetic metal and charge-transfer insulator sides of the one hole per cell phase diagram. The optical conductivity is computed using the Peierls phase approximation for the optical matrix elements. The calculation includes the physics of Zhang-Rice singlets. The effects of antiferromagnetism on the magnitude of the gap and the relation between correlation strength and doping-induced changes in state density are determined. Three band and one band models are compared. The two models are found to yield quantitatively consistent results for all energies less than about 4eV, including energies in the vicinity of the charge-transfer gap. Parameters on the insulating side of the metal/charge-transfer insulator phase boundary lead to gaps which are too large and near-gap conductivities which are too small relative to data. The results place the cuprates clearly in the intermediate correlation regime, on the paramagnetic metal side of the metal/charge-transfer insulator phase boundary.
We outline a general mechanism for Orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT), the coexistence of both itinerant and localized conduction electrons, and show how it can take place in a wide range of realistic situations, even for bands of identical wid th and correlation, provided a crystal field splits the energy levels in manifolds with different degeneracies and the exchange coupling is large enough to reduce orbital fluctuations. The mechanism relies on the different kinetic energy in manifolds with different degeneracy. This phase has Curie-Weiss susceptibility and non Fermi-liquid behavior, which disappear at a critical doping, all of which is reminiscent of the physics of the pnictides.
We solve by Dynamical Mean Field Theory a toy-model which has a phase diagram strikingly similar to that of high $T_c$ superconductors: a bell-shaped superconducting region adjacent the Mott insulator and a normal phase that evolves from a convention al Fermi liquid to a pseudogapped semi-metal as the Mott transition is approached. Guided by the physics of the impurity model that is self-consistently solved within Dynamical Mean Field Theory, we introduce an analytical ansatz to model the dynamical behavior across the various phases which fits very accurately the numerical data. The ansatz is based on the assumption that the wave-function renormalization, that is very severe especially in the pseudogap phase close to the Mott transition, is perfectly canceled by the vertex corrections in the Cooper pairing channel.A remarkable outcome is that a superconducting state can develop even from a pseudogapped normal state, in which there are no low-energy quasiparticles. The overall physical scenario that emerges, although unraveled in a specific model and in an infinite-coordination Bethe lattice, can be interpreted in terms of so general arguments to suggest that it can be realized in other correlated systems.

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