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193 - Xiuhong Wei , Linglong Dai 2021
Extremely large-scale massive MIMO (XL-MIMO) is a promising technique for future 6G communications. The sharp increase of BS antennas leads to the unaffordable channel estimation overhead. Existing low-overhead channel estimation schemes are based on the far-field or near-field channel model. However, the far-field or near-field channel model mismatches the practical XL-MIMO channel feature, where some scatters are in the far-field region while others may locate in the near-field region, i.e., hybrid-field channel. Thus, existing far-field and near-field channel estimation schemes cannot be directly used to accurately estimate the hybrid-field XL-MIMO channel. To solve this problem, we propose an efficient hybrid-field channel estimation scheme by accurately modeling the XL-MIMO channel. Specifically, we firstly reveal the hybrid-field channel feature of the XL-MIMO channel. Then, we propose a hybrid-field channel model to capture this feature, which contains both the far-field and near-field path components. Finally, we propose a hybrid-field channel estimation scheme, where the far-field and near-field path components are respectively estimated. Simulation results show the proposed scheme performs better than existing schemes.
186 - Jingbo Tan , Linglong Dai 2021
Terahertz (THz) communication is considered to be a promising technology for future 6G network. To overcome the severe attenuation and relieve the high power consumption, massive MIMO with hybrid precoding has been widely considered for THz communica tion. However, accurate wideband channel estimation is challenging in THz massive MIMO systems. The existing wideband channel estimation schemes based on the ideal assumption of common sparse channel support will suffer from a severe performance loss due to the beam split effect. In this paper, we propose a beam split pattern detection based channel estimation scheme to realize reliable wideband channel estimation. Specifically, a comprehensive analysis on the angle-domain sparse structure of the wideband channel is provided by considering the beam split effect. Based on the analysis, we define a series of index sets called as beam split patterns, which are proved to have a one-to-one match to different physical channel directions. Inspired by this one-to-one match, we propose to estimate the physical channel direction by exploiting beam split patterns at first. Then, the sparse channel supports at different subcarriers can be obtained by utilizing a support detection window. This support detection window is generated by expanding the beam split pattern which is determined by the obtained physical channel direction. The above estimation procedure will be repeated path by path until all path components are estimated. The proposed scheme exploits the wideband channel property implied by the beam split effect, which can significantly improve the channel estimation accuracy. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is able to achieve higher accuracy than existing schemes.
152 - Mingyao Cui , Linglong Dai 2021
Extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output (XL-MIMO) with hybrid precoding is a promising technique to meet the high data rate requirements for future 6G communications. To realize efficient hybrid precoding, it is essential to obtain accur ate channel state information. Existing channel estimation algorithms with low pilot overhead heavily rely on the channel sparsity in the angle domain, which is achieved by the classical far-field planar wavefront assumption. However, due to the non-negligible near-field spherical wavefront property in XL-MIMO systems, this channel sparsity in the angle domain is not available anymore, and thus existing far-field channel estimation schemes will suffer from severe performance loss. To address this problem, in this paper we study the near-field channel estimation by exploiting the polar-domain sparse representation of the near-field XL-MIMO channel. Specifically, unlike the classical angle-domain representation that only considers the angle information of the channel, we propose a new polar-domain representation, which simultaneously accounts for both the angle and distance information. In this way, the near-field channel also exhibits sparsity in the polar domain. By exploiting the channel sparsity in the polar domain, we propose the on-grid and off-grid near-field channel estimation schemes for XL-MIMO. Firstly, an on-grid polar-domain simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (P-SOMP) algorithm is proposed to efficiently estimate the near-field channel. Furthermore, to solve the resolution limitation of the on-grid P-SOMP algorithm, an off-grid polar-domain simultaneous iterative gridless weighted (P-SIGW) algorithm is proposed to improve the estimation accuracy, where the parameters of the near-field channel are directly estimated. Finally, numerical results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
71 - Linglong Dai 2021
Proposed initially from a practical circumstance, the traveling salesman problem caught the attention of numerous economists, computer scientists, and mathematicians. These theorists were instead intrigued by seeking a systemic way to find the optima l route. Many attempts have been made along the way and all concluded the nonexistence of a general algorithm that determines optimal solution to all traveling salesman problems alike. In this study, we present proof for the nonexistence of such an algorithm for both asymmetric (with oriented roads) and symmetric (with unoriented roads) traveling salesman problems in the setup of constructive mathematics.
Large-scale antenna arrays employed by the base station (BS) constitute an essential next-generation communications technique. However, due to the constraints of size, cost, and power consumption, it is usually considered unrealistic to use a large-s cale antenna array at the user side. Inspired by the emerging technique of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), we firstly propose the concept of user-side RIS (US-RIS) for facilitating the employment of a large-scale antenna array at the user side in a cost- and energy-efficient way. In contrast to the existing employments of RIS, which belong to the family of base-station-side RISs (BSS-RISs), the US-RIS concept by definition facilitates the employment of RIS at the user side for the first time. This is achieved by conceiving a multi-layer structure to realize a compact form-factor. Furthermore, our theoretical results demonstrate that, in contrast to the existing single-layer structure, where only the phase of the signal reflected from RIS can be adjusted, the amplitude of the signal penetrating multi-layer US-RIS can also be partially controlled, which brings about a new degree of freedom (DoF) for beamformer design that can be beneficially exploited for performance enhancement. In addition, based on the proposed multi-layer US-RIS, we formulate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) maximization problem of US-RIS-aided communications. Due to the non-convexity of the problem introduced by this multi-layer structure, we propose a multi-layer transmit beamformer design relying on an iterative algorithm for finding the optimal solution by alternately updating each variable. Finally, our simulation results verify the superiority of the proposed multi-layer US-RIS as a compact realization of a large-scale antenna array at the user side for uplink transmission.
As a revolutionary paradigm for controlling wireless channels, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have emerged as a candidate technology for future 6G networks. However, due to the multiplicative fading effect, RISs only achieve a negligible capacity gain in many scenarios with strong direct links. In this paper, the concept of active RISs is proposed to overcome this fundamental limitation. Unlike the existing passive RISs that reflect signals without amplification, active RISs can amplify the reflected signals. We develop a signal model for active RISs, which is validated through experimental measurements. Based on this model, we formulate the sum-rate maximization problem for active RIS aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and a precoding algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. Results show that, in a typical wireless system, the existing passive RISs can realize only a negligible sum-rate gain of 3%, while the proposed active RISs can achieve a significant sum-rate gain of 108%, thus overcoming the multiplicative fading effect.
97 - Linglong Dai , Jingbo Tan , 2021
Benefiting from tens of GHz bandwidth, terahertz (THz) communication is considered to be a promising technology to provide ultra-high speed data rates for future 6G wireless systems. To compensate for the serious propagation attenuation of THz signal s, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with hybrid precoding can be utilized to generate directional beams with high array gains. However, the standard hybrid precoding architecture based on frequency-independent phase-shifters cannot cope with the beam split effect in THz massive MIMO systems, where the directional beams will split into different physical directions at different subcarrier frequencies. The beam split effect will result in a serious array gain loss across the entire bandwidth, which has not been well investigated in THz massive MIMO systems. In this paper, we first reveal and quantify the seriousness of the beam split effect in THz massive MIMO systems by analyzing the array gain loss it causes. Then, we propose a new precoding architecture called delay-phase precoding (DPP) to mitigate this effect. Specifically, the proposed DPP introduces a time delay network as a new precoding layer between radio-frequency chains and phase-shifters in the standard hybrid precoding architecture. In this way, conventional phase-controlled analog beamforming can be converted into delay-phase controlled analog beamforming. Unlike frequency-independent phase shifts, the time delay network introduced in the DPP can realize frequency-dependent phase shifts, which can be designed to generate frequency-dependent beams towards the target physical direction across the entire THz bandwidth. Due to the joint control of delay and phase, the proposed DPP can significantly relieve the array gain loss caused by the beam split effect. Furthermore, we propose a hardware structure by using true-time-delayers to realize the concept of DPP.
Large intelligent surface (LIS) has recently emerged as a potential low-cost solution to reshape the wireless propagation environment for improving the spectral efficiency. In this paper, we consider a downlink millimeter-wave (mmWave) multiple-input -multiple-output (MIMO) system, where an LIS is deployed to assist the downlink data transmission from a base station (BS) to a user equipment (UE). Both the BS and the UE are equipped with a large number of antennas, and a hybrid analog/digital precoding/combining structure is used to reduce the hardware cost and energy consumption. We aim to maximize the spectral efficiency by jointly optimizing the LISs reflection coefficients and the hybrid precoder (combiner) at the BS (UE). To tackle this non-convex problem, we reformulate the complex optimization problem into a much more friendly optimization problem by exploiting the inherent structure of the effective (cascade) mmWave channel. A manifold optimization (MO)-based algorithm is then developed. Simulation results show that by carefully devising LISs reflection coefficients, our proposed method can help realize a favorable propagation environment with a small channel matrix condition number. Besides, it can achieve a performance comparable to those of state-of-the-art algorithms, while at a much lower computational complexity.
The emerging millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with lens antenna arrays, which is also known as beamspace MIMO, can effectively reduce the required number of power-hungry radio frequency (RF) chains. Therefore, it has been considered as a promising technique for the upcoming 5G communications and beyond. However, most current studies on beamspace MIMO have not taken into account the important power leakage problem in beamspace channels, which possibly leads to a significant degradation in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the system sum-rate. To this end, we propose a beam aligning precoding method to handle the power leakage problem in this paper. Firstly, a phase shifter network (PSN) structure is proposed, which enables each RF chain in beamspace MIMO to select multiple beams to collect the leakage power. Then, a rotation-based precoding algorithm is designed based on the proposed PSN structure, which aligns the channel gains of the selected beams towards the same direction for maximizing the received SNR at each user. Furthermore, we reveal some system design insights by analyzing the sum-rate and energy efficiency (EE) of the proposed beam aligning precoding method. In simulations, the proposed approach is found to achieve the near-optimal sum-rate performance compared with the ideal case of no power leakage, and obtains a higher EE than the existing schemes with either a linear or planar array.
121 - Zijian Zhang , Linglong Dai 2020
Thanks to the strong ability against the inter-cell interference, cell-free network has been considered as a promising technique to improve the network capacity of future wireless systems. However, for further capacity enhancement, it requires to dep loy more base stations (BSs) with high cost and power consumption. To address the issue, inspired by the recently proposed technique called reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), we propose the concept of RIS-aided cell-free network to improve the network capacity with low cost and power consumption. Then, for the proposed RIS-aided cell-free network in the typical wideband scenario, we formulate the joint precoding design problem at the BSs and RISs to maximize the network capacity. Due to the non-convexity and high complexity of the formulated problem, we develop an alternating optimization algorithm to solve this challenging problem. Note that most of the considered scenarios in existing works are special cases of the general scenario in this paper, and the proposed joint precoding framework can also serve as a general solution to maximize the capacity in most of existing RIS-aided scenarios. Finally, simulation results verify that, compared with the conventional cell-free network, the network capacity of the proposed scheme can be improved significantly.

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