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81 - J. Beck , W.W.L. Chen 2021
We show that on any non-integrable finite polysquare translation surface, superdensity, an optimal form of time-quantitative density, leads to an optimal form of time-quantitative uniformity that we call super-micro-uniformity.
113 - L. Chen , T. T. Han , C. Cai 2021
Pairing symmetry which characterizes the superconducting pairing mechanism is normally determined by measuring the superconducting gap structure ($|Delta_k|$). Here, we report the measurement of a strain-induced gap modulation ($partial|Delta_k|$) in uniaxially strained Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ utilizing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and $in$-$situ$ strain-tuning. We found that the uniaxial strain drives Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ into a nematic superconducting state which breaks the four-fold rotational symmetry of the superconducting pairing. The superconducting gap increases on the $d_{yz}$ electron and hole pockets while it decreases on the $d_{xz}$ counterparts. Such orbital selectivity indicates that orbital-selective pairing exists intrinsically in non-nematic iron-based superconductors. The $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ pairing channels are balanced originally in the pristine superconducting state, but become imbalanced under uniaxial strain. Our results highlight the important role of intra-orbital scattering in mediating the superconducting pairing in iron-based superconductors. It also highlights the measurement of $partial|Delta_k|$ as an effective way to characterize the superconducting pairing from a perturbation perspective.
161 - J. Beck , W.W.L. Chen 2021
We establish various analogs of the Kronecker-Weyl equidistribution theorem that can be considered higher-dimension
88 - J. Beck , W.W.L. Chen , 2021
This paper is motivated by an interesting problem studied more than 50 years ago by Veech and which can be considered a parity, or mod 2, version of the classical equidistribution problem concerning the irrational rotation sequence. The Veech discret e 2-circle problem can also be visualized as a continuous flat dynamical system, in the form of 1-direction geodesic flow on a 2-square-b surface, a surface obtained by modifying the surface comprising two side-by-side squares by the inclusion of barriers and gates on the vertical edges, with appropriate modification of the edge identifications. A famous result of Gutkin and Veech says that 1-direction geodesic flow on any flat finite polysquare translation surface exhibits optimal behavior, in the form of an elegant uniform-periodic dichotomy. However, for irrational values of b, the 2-square-b surface is not a polysquare surface, and Veech and others have highlighted serious violations of the uniform-periodic dichotomy. Here we extend some of the results of Veech to consider cases previously not covered, and also obtain some time-quantitative description of these violations. Furthermore, we establish a far-reaching generalization of some earlier results to the class of flat finite polysquare-b-rational translation surfaces, obtained from flat finite polysquare translation surfaces in a similar way that the 2-square-b surface is constructed.
Optical beams with periodic lattice structures have broadened the study of structured waves. In the present work, we generate spin-orbit entangled photon states with a lattice structure and use them in a remote state preparation protocol. We sequenti ally measure spatially-dependent correlation rates with an electron-multiplying intensified CCD camera and verify the successful remote preparation of spin-orbit states by performing pixel-wise quantum state tomography. Control of these novel structured waves in the quantum regime provides a method for quantum sensing and manipulation of periodic structures.
104 - J. Beck , W.W.L. Chen 2021
We introduce a new method to establish time-quantitative density in flat dynamical systems. First we give a shorter and different proof of our earlier result that a half-infinite geodesic on an arbitrary finite polysquare surface P is superdense on P if the slope of the geodesic is a badly approximable number. We then adapt our method to study time-quantitative density of half-infinite geodesics on algebraic polyrectangle surfaces.
122 - J. Beck , W.W.L. Chen 2021
Consider a finite polysquare or square tiled region, a connected, but not necessarily simply-connected, polygonal region tiled with aligned unit squares. Using ideas from diophantine approximation, we prove that a half-infinite billiard orbit in such a region is superdense, a best possible form of time-quantitative density, if and only if the initial slope of the orbit is a badly approximable number. As the traditional approach to questions of density and uniformity via ergodic theory depends on results such as Birkhoffs ergodic theorem which are essentially time-qualitative in nature and do not appear to lead naturally to time-quantitative statements, we appeal to a non-ergodic approach that is based largely on number theory and combinatorics. In particular, we use the famous 3-distance theorem in diophantine approximation combined with an iterative process. This paper improves on an earlier result of the authors and Yang where it is shown that badly approximable numbers that satisfy a quite severe technical restriction on the digits of their continued fractions lead to superdensity. Here we overcome this technical impediment.
248 - T. T. Han , L. Chen , C. Cai 2021
Artificially created two-dimensional (2D) interfaces or structures are ideal for seeking exotic phase transitions due to their highly tunable carrier density and interfacially enhanced many-body interactions. Here, we report the discovery of a metal- insulator transition (MIT) and an emergent gapped phase in the metal-semiconductor interface that is created in 2H-MoTe$_2$ via alkali-metal deposition. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we found that the electron-phonon coupling is strong at the interface as characterized by a clear observation of replica shake-off bands. Such strong electron-phonon coupling interplays with disorder scattering, leading to an Anderson localization of polarons which could explain the MIT. The domelike emergent gapped phase could then be attributed to a polaron extended state or phonon-mediated superconductivity. Our results demonstrate the capability of alkali-metal deposition as an effective method to enhance the many-body interactions in 2D semiconductors. The surface-doped 2H-MoTe$_2$ is a promising candidate for realizing polaronic insulator and high-$T_c$ superconductivity.
289 - L. Chen , T. T. Han , C. Cai 2020
Excitonic insulator (EI) is an intriguing insulating phase of matter, where electrons and holes are bonded into pairs, so called excitons, and form a phase-coherent state via Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). Its theoretical concept has been proposed several decades ago, but the followed research is very limited, due to the rare occurrence of EI in natural materials and the lack of manipulating method of excitonic condensation. In this paper, we report the realization of a doping-controlled EI-to-semi-metal transition in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ using $in$-$situ$ potassium deposition. Combining with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we delineate the evolution of electronic structure through the EI transition with unprecedented precision. The results not only show that Ta$ _2 $NiSe$ _5 $ (TNS) is an EI originated from a semi-metal non-interacting band structure, but also resolve two sequential transitions, which could be attributed to the phase-decoherence and pair-breaking respectively. Our results unveil the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)-BEC crossover behavior of TNS and demonstrate that its band structure and excitonic binding energy can be tuned precisely via alkali-metal deposition. This paves a way for investigations of BCS-BEC crossover phenomena, which could provide insights into the many-body physics in condensed matters and other many-body systems.
Current induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in ferromagnet/non-magnetic metal heterostructures open vast possibilities to design spintronic devices to store, process and transmit information in a simple architecture. It is a central task to search for efficient SOT-devices, and to quantify the magnitude as well as the symmetry of current-induced spin-orbit magnetic fields (SOFs). Here, we report a novel approach to determine the SOFs based on magnetization dynamics by means of time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy. A microwave current in a narrow Fe/GaAs (001) stripe generates an Oersted field as well as SOFs due to the reduced symmetry at the Fe/GaAs interface, and excites standing spin wave (SSW) modes because of the lateral confinement. Due to their different symmetries, the SOFs and the Oersted field generate distinctly different mode patterns. Thus it is possible to determine the magnitude of the SOFs from an analysis of the shape of the SSW patterns. Specifically, this method, which is conceptually different from previous approaches based on lineshape analysis, is phase independent and self-calibrated. It can be used to measure the current induced SOFs in other material systems, e.g., ferromagnetic metal/non-magnetic metal heterostructures.

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