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Generative adversarial networks achieve great performance in photorealistic image synthesis in various domains, including human images. However, they usually employ latent vectors that encode the sampled outputs globally. This does not allow convenie nt control of semantically-relevant individual parts of the image, and is not able to draw samples that only differ in partial aspects, such as clothing style. We address these limitations and present a generative model for images of dressed humans offering control over pose, local body part appearance and garment style. This is the first method to solve various aspects of human image generation such as global appearance sampling, pose transfer, parts and garment transfer, and parts sampling jointly in a unified framework. As our model encodes part-based latent appearance vectors in a normalized pose-independent space and warps them to different poses, it preserves body and clothing appearance under varying posture. Experiments show that our flexible and general generative method outperforms task-specific baselines for pose-conditioned image generation, pose transfer and part sampling in terms of realism and output resolution.
Photo-realistic re-rendering of a human from a single image with explicit control over body pose, shape and appearance enables a wide range of applications, such as human appearance transfer, virtual try-on, motion imitation, and novel view synthesis . While significant progress has been made in this direction using learning-based image generation tools, such as GANs, existing approaches yield noticeable artefacts such as blurring of fine details, unrealistic distortions of the body parts and garments as well as severe changes of the textures. We, therefore, propose a new method for synthesising photo-realistic human images with explicit control over pose and part-based appearance, i.e., StylePoseGAN, where we extend a non-controllable generator to accept conditioning of pose and appearance separately. Our network can be trained in a fully supervised way with human images to disentangle pose, appearance and body parts, and it significantly outperforms existing single image re-rendering methods. Our disentangled representation opens up further applications such as garment transfer, motion transfer, virtual try-on, head (identity) swap and appearance interpolation. StylePoseGAN achieves state-of-the-art image generation fidelity on common perceptual metrics compared to the current best-performing methods and convinces in a comprehensive user study.
Human re-rendering from a single image is a starkly under-constrained problem, and state-of-the-art algorithms often exhibit undesired artefacts, such as over-smoothing, unrealistic distortions of the body parts and garments, or implausible changes o f the texture. To address these challenges, we propose a new method for neural re-rendering of a human under a novel user-defined pose and viewpoint, given one input image. Our algorithm represents body pose and shape as a parametric mesh which can be reconstructed from a single image and easily reposed. Instead of a colour-based UV texture map, our approach further employs a learned high-dimensional UV feature map to encode appearance. This rich implicit representation captures detailed appearance variation across poses, viewpoints, person identities and clothing styles better than learned colour texture maps. The body model with the rendered feature maps is fed through a neural image-translation network that creates the final rendered colour image. The above components are combined in an end-to-end-trained neural network architecture that takes as input a source person image, and images of the parametric body model in the source pose and desired target pose. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our approach produces higher quality single image re-rendering results than existing methods.
We propose a system for surface completion and inpainting of 3D shapes using generative models, learnt on local patches. Our method uses a novel encoding of height map based local patches parameterized using 3D mesh quadrangulation of the low resolut ion input shape. This provides us sufficient amount of local 3D patches to learn a generative model for the task of repairing moderate sized holes. Following the ideas from the recent progress in 2D inpainting, we investigated both linear dictionary based model and convolutional denoising autoencoders based model for the task for inpainting, and show our results to be better than the previous geometry based method of surface inpainting. We validate our method on both synthetic shapes and real world scans.
We present a novel global representation of 3D shapes, suitable for the application of 2D CNNs. We represent 3D shapes as multi-layered height-maps (MLH) where at each grid location, we store multiple instances of height maps, thereby representing 3D shape detail that is hidden behind several layers of occlusion. We provide a novel view merging method for combining view dependent information (Eg. MLH descriptors) from multiple views. Because of the ability of using 2D CNNs, our method is highly memory efficient in terms of input resolution compared to the voxel based input. Together with MLH descriptors and our multi view merging, we achieve the state-of-the-art result in classification on ModelNet dataset.
We propose a novel 3D shape parameterization by surface patches, that are oriented by 3D mesh quadrangulation of the shape. By encoding 3D surface detail on local patches, we learn a patch dictionary that identifies principal surface features of the shape. Unlike previous methods, we are able to encode surface patches of variable size as determined by the user. We propose novel methods for dictionary learning and patch reconstruction based on the query of a noisy input patch with holes. We evaluate the patch dictionary towards various applications in 3D shape inpainting, denoising and compression. Our method is able to predict missing vertices and inpaint moderately sized holes. We demonstrate a complete pipeline for reconstructing the 3D mesh from the patch encoding. We validate our shape parameterization and reconstruction methods on both synthetic shapes and real world scans. We show that our patch dictionary performs successful shape completion of complicated surface textures.

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