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We investigate in detail the phase diagram of the Abelian-Higgs model in one spatial dimension and time (1+1D) on a lattice. We identify a line of first order phase transitions separating the Higgs region from the confined one. This line terminates i n a quantum critical point above which the two regions are connected by a smooth crossover. We analyze the critical point and find compelling evidences for its description as the product of two non-interacting systems, a massless free fermion and a massless free boson. However, we find also some surprizing results that cannot be explained by our simple picture, suggesting this newly discovered critical point to be an unusual one.
Thermalization of random-field Heisenberg spin chain is probed by time evolution of density correlation functions. Studying the impacts of average energies of initial product states on dynamics of the system, we provide arguments in favor of the exis tence of a mobility edge in the large system-size limit.
Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization method (POLFED) for large sparse matrices is introduced. The algorithm finds an optimal basis of a subspace spanned by eigenvectors with eigenvalues close to a specified energy target by a spectral transfor mation using a high order polynomial of the matrix. The memory requirements scale better with system size than in the state-of-the-art shift-invert approach. The potential of POLFED is demonstrated examining many-body localization transition in 1D interacting quantum spin-1/2 chains. We investigate the disorder strength and system size scaling of Thouless time. System size dependence of bipartite entanglement entropy and of the gap ratio highlights the importance of finite-size effects in the system. We discuss possible scenarios regarding the many-body localization transition obtaining estimates for the critical disorder strength.
We introduce a scheme by which flat bands with higher Chern number $vert Cvert>1$ can be designed in ultracold gases through a coherent manipulation of Bloch bands. Inspired by quantum-optics methods, our approach consists in creating a dark Bloch ba nd by coupling a set of source bands through resonant processes. Considering a $Lambda$ system of three bands, the Chern number of the dark band is found to follow a simple sum rule in terms of the Chern numbers of the source bands: $C_D!=!C_1+C_2-C_3$. Altogether, our dark-state scheme realizes a nearly flat Bloch band with predictable and tunable Chern number $C_D$. We illustrate our method based on a $Lambda$ system, formed of the bands of the Harper-Hofstadter model, which leads to a nearly flat Chern band with $C_D!=!2$. We explore a realistic sequence to load atoms into the dark Chern band, as well as a probing scheme based on Hall drift measurements. Dark Chern bands offer a practical platform where exotic fractional quantum Hall states could be realized in ultracold gases.
We determine the quantum ground state of dipolar bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice and interacting via $s$-wave scattering. The Hamiltonian is an extended Bose-Hubbard model which includes hopping terms due to the interactions. We ide ntify the parameter regime for which the coefficients of the interaction-induced hopping terms become negative. For these parameters we numerically determine the phase diagram for a canonical ensemble and by means of density matrix renormalization group. We show that at sufficiently large values of the dipolar strength there is a quantum interference between the tunneling due to single-particle effects and the one due to the interactions. Because of this phenomenon, incompressible phases appear at relatively large values of the single-particle tunneling rates. This quantum interference cuts the phase diagram into two different, disconnected superfluid phases. In particular, at vanishing kinetic energy, the phase is always superfluid with a staggered superfluid order parameter. These dynamics emerge from quantum interference phenomena between quantum fluctuations and interactions and shed light into their role in determining the thermodynamic properties of quantum matter.
We analyze the localization properties of the disordered Hubbard model in the presence of a synthetic magnetic field. An analysis of level spacing ratio shows a clear transition from ergodic to many-body localized phase. The transition shifts to larg er disorder strengths with increasing magnetic flux. Study of dynamics of local correlations and entanglement entropy indicates that charge excitations remain localized whereas spin degree of freedom gets delocalized in the presence of the synthetic flux. This residual ergodicity is enhanced by the presence of the magnetic field with dynamical observables suggesting incomplete localization at large disorder strengths. Furthermore, we examine the effect of quantum statistics on the local correlations and show that the long-time spin oscillations of a hard-core boson system are destroyed as opposed to the fermionic case.
Spectral statistics of disordered systems encode Thouless and Heisenberg time scales whose ratio determines whether the system is chaotic or localized. Identifying similarities between system size and disorder strength scaling of Thouless time for di sordered quantum many-body systems with results for 3D and 5D Anderson models, we argue that the two-parameter scaling breaks down in the vicinity of the transition to the localized phase signalling subdiffusive dynamics.
We compare accuracy of two prime time evolution algorithms involving Matrix Product States - tDMRG (time-dependent density matrix renormalization group) and TDVP (time-dependent variational principle). The latter is supposed to be superior within a l imited and fixed auxiliary space dimension. Surprisingly, we find that the performance of algorithms depends on the model considered. In particular, many-body localized systems as well as the crossover regions between localized and delocalized phases are better described by tDMRG, contrary to the delocalized regime where TDVP indeed outperforms tDMRG in terms of accuracy and reliability. As an example, we study many-body localization transition in a large size Heisenberg chain. We discuss drawbacks of previous estimates [Phys. Rev. B 98, 174202 (2018)] of the critical disorder strength for large systems.
Statistics of tunneling rates in the presence of chaotic classical dynamics is discussed on a realistic example: a hydrogen atom placed in parallel uniform static electric and magnetic fields, where tunneling is followed by ionization along the field s direction. Depending on the magnetic quantum number, one may observe either a standard Porter-Thomas distribution of tunneling rates or, for strong scarring by a periodic orbit parallel to the external fields, strong deviations from it. For the latter case, a simple model based on random matrix theory gives the correct distribution.
Non dispersive electronic Rydberg wave packets may be created in atoms illuminated by a microwave field of circular polarization. We discuss the spontaneous emission from such states and show that the elastic incoherent component (occuring at the fre quency of the driving field) dominates the spectrum in the semiclassical limit, contrary to earlier predictions. We calculate the frequencies of single photon emissions and the associated rates in the harmonic approximation, i.e. when the wave packet has approximately a Gaussian shape. The results agree well with exact quantum mechanical calculations, which validates the analytical approach.

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