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54 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2013
We derive a formula for the generating function of d-irreducible bipartite planar maps with several boundaries, i.e. having several marked faces of controlled degrees. It extends a formula due to Collet and Fusy for the case of arbitrary (non necessa rily irreducible) bipartite planar maps, which we recover by taking d=0. As an application, we obtain an expression for the number of d-irreducible bipartite planar maps with a prescribed number of faces of each allowed degree. Very explicit expressions are given in the case of maps without multiple edges (d=2), 4-irreducible maps and maps of girth at least 6 (d=4). Our derivation is based on a tree interpretation of the various encountered generating functions.
234 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2013
We consider the problem of enumerating d-irreducible maps, i.e. planar maps whose all cycles have length at least d, and such that any cycle of length d is the boundary of a face of degree d. We develop two approaches in parallel: the natural approac h via substitution where these maps are obtained from general maps by a replacement of all d-cycles by elementary faces, and a bijective approach via slice decomposition which consists in cutting the maps along shortest paths. Both lead to explicit expressions for the generating functions of d-irreducible maps with controlled face degrees, summarized in some elegant pointing formula. We provide an equivalent description of d-irreducible slices in terms of so-called d-oriented trees. We finally show that irreducible maps give rise to a hierarchy of discrete integrable equations which include equations encountered previously in the context of naturally embedded trees.
We use the nested loop approach to investigate loop models on random planar maps where the domains delimited by the loops are given two alternating colors, which can be assigned different local weights, hence allowing for an explicit Z_2 domain symme try breaking. Each loop receives a non local weight n, as well as a local bending energy which controls loop turns. By a standard cluster construction that we review, the Q = n^2 Potts model on general random maps is mapped to a particular instance of this problem with domain-non-symmetric weights. We derive in full generality a set of coupled functional relations for a pair of generating series which encode the enumeration of loop configurations on maps with a boundary of a given color, and solve it by extending well-known complex analytic techniques. In the case where loops are fully-packed, we analyze in details the phase diagram of the model and derive exact equations for the position of its non-generic critical points. In particular, we underline that the critical Potts model on general random maps is not self-dual whenever Q eq 1. In a model with domain-symmetric weights, we also show the possibility of a spontaneous domain symmetry breaking driven by the bending energy.
We continue our investigation of the nested loop approach to the O(n) model on random maps, by extending it to the case where loops may visit faces of arbitrary degree. This allows to express the partition function of the O(n) loop model as a special ization of the multivariate generating function of maps with controlled face degrees, where the face weights are determined by a fixed point condition. We deduce a functional equation for the resolvent of the model, involving some ring generating function describing the immediate vicinity of the loops. When the ring generating function has a single pole, the model is amenable to a full solution. Physically, such situation is realized upon considering loops visiting triangles only and further weighting these loops by some local bending energy. Our model interpolates between the two previously solved cases of triangulations without bending energy and quadrangulations with rigid loops. We analyze the phase diagram of our model in details and derive in particular the location of its non-generic critical points, which are in the universality classes of the dense and dilute O(n) model coupled to 2D quantum gravity. Similar techniques are also used to solve a twisting loop model on quadrangulations where loops are forced to make turns within each visited square. Along the way, we revisit the problem of maps with controlled, possibly unbounded, face degrees and give combinatorial derivations of the one-cut lemma and of the functional equation for the resolvent.
We consider the O(n) loop model on tetravalent maps and show how to rephrase it into a model of bipartite maps without loops. This follows from a combinatorial decomposition that consists in cutting the O(n) model configurations along their loops so that each elementary piece is a map that may have arbitrary even face degrees. In the induced statistics, these maps are drawn according to a Boltzmann distribution whose parameters (the face weights) are determined by a fixed point condition. In particular, we show that the dense and dilute critical points of the O(n) model correspond to bipartite maps with large faces (i.e. whose degree distribution has a fat tail). The re-expression of the fixed point condition in terms of linear integral equations allows us to explore the phase diagram of the model. In particular, we determine this phase diagram exactly for the simplest version of the model where the loops are rigid. Several generalizations of the model are discussed.
82 - J. Bouttier 2011
This chapter is an introduction to the connection between random matrices and maps, i.e graphs drawn on surfaces. We concentrate on the one-matrix model and explain how it encodes and allows to solve a map enumeration problem.
83 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2010
We consider planar quadrangulations with three marked vertices and discuss the geometry of triangles made of three geodesic paths joining them. We also study the geometry of minimal separating loops, i.e. paths of minimal length among all closed path s passing by one of the three vertices and separating the two others in the quadrangulation. We concentrate on the universal scaling limit of large quadrangulations, also known as the Brownian map, where pairs of geodesic paths or minimal separating loops have common parts of non-zero macroscopic length. This is the phenomenon of confluence, which distinguishes the geometry of random quadrangulations from that of smooth surfaces. We characterize the universal probability distribution for the lengths of these common parts.
106 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2010
We present an unexpected connection between two map enumeration problems. The first one consists in counting planar maps with a boundary of prescribed length. The second one consists in counting planar maps with two points at a prescribed distance. W e show that, in the general class of maps with controlled face degrees, the solution for both problems is actually encoded into the same quantity, respectively via its power series expansion and its continued fraction expansion. We then use known techniques for tackling the first problem in order to solve the second. This novel viewpoint provides a constructive approach for computing the so-called distance-dependent two-point function of general planar maps. We prove and extend some previously predicted exact formulas, which we identify in terms of particular Schur functions.
116 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2010
We present a detailed calculation of the distance-dependent two-point function for quadrangulations with no multiple edges. Various discrete observables measuring this two-point function are computed and analyzed in the limit of large maps. For large distances and in the scaling regime, we recover the same universal scaling function as for general quadrangulations. We then explore the geometry of minimal neck baby universes (minbus), which are the outgrowths to be removed from a general quadrangulation to transform it into a quadrangulation with no multiple edges, the mother universe. We give a number of distance-dependent characterizations of minbus, such as the two-point function inside a minbu or the law for the distance from a random point to the mother universe.
289 - J. Bouttier , E. Guitter 2009
We consider quadrangulations with a boundary and derive explicit expressions for the generating functions of these maps with either a marked vertex at a prescribed distance from the boundary, or two boundary vertices at a prescribed mutual distance i n the map. For large maps, this yields explicit formulas for the bulk-boundary and boundary-boundary correlators in the various encountered scaling regimes: a small boundary, a dense boundary and a critical boundary regime. The critical boundary regime is characterized by a one-parameter family of scaling functions interpolating between the Brownian map and the Brownian Continuum Random Tree. We discuss the cases of both generic and self-avoiding boundaries, which are shown to share the same universal scaling limit. We finally address the question of the bulk-loop distance statistics in the context of planar quadrangulations equipped with a self-avoiding loop. Here again, a new family of scaling functions describing critical loops is discovered.

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