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We give two proofs of a level-rank duality for braided fusion categories obtained from quantum groups of type $C$ at roots of unity. The first proof uses conformal embeddings, while the second uses a classification of braided fusion categories associ ated with quantum groups of type $C$ at roots of unity. In addition we give a similar result for non-unitary braided fusion categories quantum groups of types $B$ and $C$ at odd roots of unity.
In this paper, we introduce the definitions of signatures of braided fusion categories, which are proved to be invariants of their Witt equivalence classes. These signature assignments define group homomorphisms on the Witt group. The higher central charges of pseudounitary modular categories can be expressed in terms of these signatures, which are applied to prove that the Ising modular categories have infinitely many square roots in the Witt group. This result is further applied to prove a conjecture of Davydov-Nikshych-Ostrik on the super-Witt group: the torsion subgroup generated by the completely anisotropic s-simple braided fusion categories has infinite rank.
We use zesting and symmetry gauging of modular tensor categories to analyze some previously unrealized modular data obtained by Grossman and Izumi. In one case we find all realizations and in the other we determine the form of possible realizations; in both cases all realizations can be obtained from quantum groups at roots of unity.
Acyclic anyon models are non-abelian anyon models for which thermal anyon errors can be corrected. In this note, we characterize acyclic anyon models and raise the question if the restriction to acyclic anyon models is a deficiency of the current pro tocol or could it be intrinsically related to the computational power of non-abelian anyons. We also obtain general results on acyclic anyon models and find new acyclic anyon models such as $SO(8)_2$ and untwisted Dijkgraaf-Witten theories of nilpotent finite groups.
114 - Eric C. Rowell , Hans Wenzl 2014
We give a description of the centralizer algebras for tensor powers of spin objects in the pre-modular categories $SO(N)_2$ (for $N$ odd) and $O(N)_2$ (for $N$ even) in terms of quantum $(n-1)$-tori, via non-standard deformations of $Umathfrak{so}_N$ . As a consequence we show that the corresponding braid group representations are Gaussian representations, the images of which are finite groups. This verifies special cases of a conjecture that braid group representations coming from weakly integral braided fusion categories have finite image.
We develop a theory of localization for braid group representations associated with objects in braided fusion categories and, more generally, to Yang-Baxter operators in monoidal categories. The essential problem is to determine when a family of brai d representations can be uniformly modelled upon a tensor power of a fixed vector space in such a way that the braid group generators act locally. Although related to the notion of (quasi-)fiber functors for fusion categories, remarkably, such localizations can exist for representations associated with objects of non-integral dimension. We conjecture that such localizations exist precisely when the object in question has dimension the square-root of an integer and prove several key special cases of the conjecture.
We develop a symbolic computational approach to classifying low-rank modular categories. We use this technique to classify pseudo-unitary modular categories of rank at most 5 that are non-self-dual, i.e. those for which some object is not isomorphic to its dual object.
We introduce a finiteness property for braided fusion categories, describe a conjecture that would characterize categories possessing this, and verify the conjecture in a number of important cases. In particular we say a category has F if the associa ted braid group representations factor over a finite group, and suggest that categories of integral Frobenius-Perron dimension are precisely those with property F.

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