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The statistical mechanics characterization of a finite subsystem embedded in an infinite system is a fundamental question of quantum physics. Nevertheless, a full closed form { for all required entropic measures} does not exist in the general case ev en for free systems when the finite system in question is composed of several disjoint intervals. Here we develop a mathematical framework based on the Riemann-Hilbert approach to treat this problem in the one-dimensional case where the finite system is composed of two disjoint intervals and in the thermodynamic limit (both intervals and the space between them contains an infinite number of lattice sites and the result is given as a thermodynamic expansion). To demonstrate the usefulness of our method, we compute the change in the entanglement and negativity namely the spectrum of eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix with our without time reversal of one of the intervals. We do this in the case that the distance between the intervals is much larger than their size. The method we use can be easily applied to compute any power in an expansion in the ratio of the distance between the intervals to their size. {We expect these results to provide the necessary mathematical apparatus to address relevant questions in concrete physical scenarios, namely the structure and extent of quantum correlations in fermionic systems subject to local environment.
81 - Eldad Bettelheim 2021
We study a matrix element of the field operator in the Lieb-Liniger model using the Bethe ansatz technique coupled with a functional approach to compute Slavnov determinants. We obtain the matrix element exactly in the thermodynamic limit for any cou pling constant $c$, and compare our results to known semiclassics at the limit $cto0.$
144 - Eldad Bettelheim 2019
The Whitham approach is a well-studied method to describe non-linear integrable systems. Although approximate in nature, its results may predict rather accurately the time evolution of such systems in many situations given initial conditions. A simil arly powerful approach has recently emerged that is applicable to quantum integrable systems, namely the generalized hydrodynamics approach. This paper aims at showing that the Whitham approach is the semiclassical limit of the generalized hydrodynamics approach by connecting the two formal methods explicitly on the example of the Lieb-Liniger model on the quantum side to the non-linear Schr{o}dinger equation on the classical side in the $cto0$ limit, $c$ being the interaction parameter. We show how quantum expectation values may be computed in this limit based on the connection established here which is mentioned above.
We consider the problem of viscous fingering in the presence of quenched disorder that is both weak and short-range correlated. The two point correlation function of the harmonic measure is calculated perturbatively, and is used in order to calculate the correction the the box-counting fractal dimension. We show that the disorder increases the fractal dimension, and that its effect decreases logarithmically with the size of the fractal.
85 - Eldad Bettelheim 2018
We find the statistical weight of excitations at long times following a quench in the Kondo problem. The weights computed are directly related to the overlap between initial and final states that are, respectively, states close to the Kondo ground st ate and states close to the normal metal ground state. The overlap is computed making use of the Slavnov approach, whereby a functional representation method is adopted, in order to obtain definite expressions.
151 - Eldad Bettelheim 2017
In quantum mechanics it is often required to describe in a semiclassical approximation the motion of particles moving within a given energy band. Such a representation leads to the appearance of an analogues of fictitious forces in the semiclassical equations of motion associated with the Berry curvature. The purpose of this paper is to derive systematically the kinetic Boltzmann equations displaying these effects in the case that the band is degenerate, and as such the Berry curvature is non-Abelian. We use the formalism of phase-space quantum mechanics to derive the results.
140 - Eldad Bettelheim 2015
We review here particular aspects of the connection between Laplacian growth problems and classical integrable systems. In addition, we put forth a possible relation between quantum integrable systems and Laplacian growth problems. Such a connection, if confirmed, has the potential to allow for a theoretical prediction of the fractal properties of Laplacian growth clusters, through the representation theory of conformal field theory.
94 - Eldad Bettelheim 2015
We give integral equations for the generating function of the cummulants of the work done in a quench for the Kondo model in the thermodynamic limit. Our approach is based on an extension of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz to non-equilibrium situation s. This extension is made possible by use of a large $N$ expansion of the overlap between Bethe states. In particular, we make use of the Slavnov determinant formula for such overlaps, passing to a function-space representation of the Slavnov matrix . We leave the analysis of the resulting integral equations to future work.
We study the inner product of two Bethe states, one of which is taken on-shell, in an inhomogeneous XXX chain in the Sutherland limit, where the number of magnons is comparable with the length L of the chain and the magnon rapidities arrange in a sma ll number of macroscopically large Bethe strings. The leading order in the large L limit is known to be expressed through a contour integral of a dilogarithm. Here we derive the subleading term. Our analysis is based on a new contour-integral representation of the inner product in terms of a Fredholm determinant. We give two derivations of the sub-leading term. Besides a direct derivation by solving a Riemann-Hilbert problem, we give a less rigorous, but more intuitive derivation by field-theoretical methods. For that we represent the Fredholm determinant as an expectation value in a Fock space of chiral fermions and then bosonize. We construct a collective field for the bosonized theory, the short wave-length part of which may be evaluated exactly, while the long wave-length part is amenable to a $1/L$ expansion. Our treatment thus results in a systematic 1/L expansion of structure factors within the Sutherland limit.
We present a derivation of a previously announced result for matrix elements between exact eigenstates of the pairing Hamiltnonian. Our results, which generalize the well known BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) expressions for what is known as coherenc e factors, are derived based on the Slavnov formula for overlaps between Bethe-ansatz states, thus making use of the known connection between the exact diagonalization of the BCS Hamiltonian, due to Richardson, and the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The resulting formula has a compact form after a suitable parameterization of the Energy plane. Although we apply our method here to the pairing Hamiltonian, it may be adjusted to study what is termed the Sutherland limit for exactly solvable models, namely where a macroscopic number of rapidities form a large string.

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