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We present detailed radio observations of the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT2019dsg, obtained with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and spanning $55-560$ days post-disruption. We find that the p eak brightness of the radio emission increases until ~200 days and subsequently begins to decrease steadily. Using the standard equipartition analysis, including the effects of synchrotron cooling as determined by the joint VLA-ALMA spectral energy distributions, we find that the outflow powering the radio emission is in roughly free expansion with a velocity of $approx 0.07c$, while its kinetic energy increases by a factor of about 5 from 55 to 200 days and plateaus at $approx 5times 10^{48}$ erg thereafter. The ambient density traced by the outflow declines as $approx R^{-1.6}$ on a scale of $approx (1-4)times 10^{16}$ cm ($approx 6300-25000$ $R_s$), followed by a steeper decline to $approx 6times 10^{16}$ cm ($approx 37500$ $R_s$). Allowing for a collimated geometry, we find that to reach even mildly relativistic velocities ($Gamma=2$) the outflow requires an opening angle of $theta_japprox 2^circ$, which is narrow even by the standards of GRB jets; a truly relativistic outflow requires an unphysically narrow jet. The outflow velocity and kinetic energy in AT2019dsg are typical of previous non-relativistic TDEs, and comparable to those from Type Ib/c supernovae, raising doubts about the claimed association with a high-energy neutrino event.
142 - T. Helk , E. Berger , S. Jamnuch 2020
The lack of available table-top extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources with high enough fluxes and coherence properties have limited the availability of nonlinear XUV and x-ray spectroscopies to free electron lasers (FEL). Here, we demonstrate second harm onic generation (SHG) on a table-top XUV source for the first time by observing SHG at the Ti M2,3-edge with a high harmonic seeded soft x-ray laser (HHG-SXRL) [1,2]. Further, this experiment represents the first SHG experiment in the XUV. First-principles electronic structure calculations are used to confirm the surface specificity and resonant enhancement of the SHG signal. The realization of XUV-SHG on a table-top source with femtosecond temporal resolution opens up tremendous opportunities for the study of element-specific dynamics in multi-component systems where surface, interfacial, and bulk-phase asymmetries play a driving role in smaller-scale labs as opposed to FELs.
113 - C. E. Berger , K. J. Morrell , 2020
We characterize the high-temperature thermodynamics of rotating bosons and fermions in two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) isotropic harmonic trapping potentials. We begin by calculating analytically the conventional virial coefficients $b_n$ for al l $n$ in the noninteracting case, as functions of the trapping and rotational frequencies. We also report on the virial coefficients for the angular momentum and associated moment of inertia. Using the bn coefficients, we analyze the deconfined limit (in which the angular frequency matches the trapping frequency) and derive explicitly the limiting form of the partition function, showing from the thermodynamic standpoint how both the 2D and 3D cases become effectively homogeneous 2D systems. To tackle the virial coefficients in the presence of weak interactions, we implement a coarse temporal lattice approximation and obtain virial coefficients up to third order.
The discovery of a persistent radio source coincident with the first repeating fast radio burst, FRB 121102, and offset from the center of its dwarf host galaxy has been used as evidence for a link with young millisecond magnetars born in superlumino us supernovae (SLSNe) or long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs). A prediction of this scenario is that compact radio sources offset from the centers of dwarf galaxies may serve as signposts for at least some FRBs. Recently, Reines et al. 2019 presented the discovery of 20 such radio sources in nearby ($zlesssim 0.055$) dwarf galaxies, and argued that these cannot be explained by emission from HII regions, normal supernova remnants, or normal radio supernovae. Instead, they attribute the emission to accreting wandering massive black holes. Here, we explore the alternative possibility that these sources are analogs of FRB 121102. We compare their properties -- radio luminosities, spectral energy distributions, light curves, ratios of radio-to-optical flux, and spatial offsets -- to FRB 121102, a few other well-localized FRBs, and potentially related systems, and find that these are all consistent as arising from the same population. We further compare their properties to the magnetar nebula model used to explain FRB 121102, as well as to theoretical off-axis LGRB light curves, and find overall consistency. Finally, we find a consistent occurrence rate relative to repeating FRBs and LGRBs. We outline key follow-up observations to further test these possible connections.
Using a leading-order semiclassical approximation, we calculate the third- and fourth-order virial coefficients of nonrelativistic spin-1/2 fermions in a harmonic trapping potential in arbitrary spatial dimensions, and as functions of temperature, tr apping frequency and coupling strength. Our simple, analytic results for the interaction-induced changes $Delta b_3$ and $Delta b_4$ agree qualitatively, and in some regimes quantitatively, with previous numerical calculations for the unitary limit of three-dimensional Fermi gases.
We review the theory and applications of complex stochastic quantization to the quantum many-body problem. Along the way, we present a brief overview of a number of ideas that either ameliorate or in some cases altogether solve the sign problem, incl uding the classic reweighting method, alternative Hubbard-Stratonovich transformations, dual variables (for bosons and fermions), Majorana fermions, density-of-states methods, imaginary asymmetry approaches, and Lefschetz thimbles. We discuss some aspects of the mathematical underpinnings of conventional stochastic quantization, provide a few pedagogical examples, and summarize open challenges and practical solutions for the complex case. Finally, we review the recent applications of complex Langevin to quantum field theory in relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum matter, with an emphasis on the nonrelativistic case.
Photometric classification of supernovae (SNe) is imperative as recent and upcoming optical time-domain surveys, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), overwhelm the available resources for spectrosopic follow-up. Here we develop a range of light curve classification pipelines, trained on 518 spectroscopically-classified SNe from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey (PS1-MDS): 357 Type Ia, 93 Type II, 25 Type IIn, 21 Type Ibc, and 17 Type I SLSNe. We present a new parametric analytical model that can accommodate a broad range of SN light curve morphologies, including those with a plateau, and fit this model to data in four PS1 filters (griz). We test a number of feature extraction methods, data augmentation strategies, and machine learning algorithms to predict the class of each SN. Our best pipelines result in 90% average accuracy, 70% average purity, and 80% average completeness for all SN classes, with the highest success rates for Type Ia SNe and SLSNe and the lowest for Type Ibc SNe. Despite the greater complexity of our classification scheme, the purity of our Type Ia SN classification, 95%, is on par with methods developed specifically for Type Ia versus non-Type Ia binary classification. As the first of its kind, this study serves as a guide to developing and training classification algorithms for a wide range of SN types with a purely empirical training set, particularly one that is similar in its characteristics to the expected LSST main survey strategy. Future work will implement this classification pipeline on ~3000 PS1/MDS light curves that lack spectroscopic classification.
We present and analyse a new tidal disruption event (TDE), AT2017eqx at redshift z=0.1089, discovered by Pan-STARRS and ATLAS. The position of the transient is consistent with the nucleus of its host galaxy; it peaks at a luminosity of $L approx 10^{ 44}$ erg s$^{-1}$; and the spectrum shows a persistent blackbody temperature $T gtrsim 20,000$ K with broad H I and He II emission. The lines are initially centered at zero velocity, but by 100 days the H I lines disappear while the He II develops a blueshift of $gtrsim 5,000$ km s$^{-1}$. Both the early- and late-time morphologies have been seen in other TDEs, but the complete transition between them is unprecedented. The evolution can be explained by combining an extended atmosphere, undergoing slow contraction, with a wind in the polar direction becoming visible at late times. Our observations confirm that a lack of hydrogen a TDE spectrum does not indicate a stripped star, while the proposed model implies that much of the diversity in TDEs may be due to the observer viewing angle. Modelling the light curve suggests AT2017eqx resulted from the complete disruption of a solar-mass star by a black hole of $sim 10^{6.3} M_odot$. The host is another quiescent, Balmer-strong galaxy, though fainter and less centrally concentrated than most TDE hosts. Radio limits rule out a relativistic jet, while X-ray limits at 500 days are among the deepest for a TDE at this phase.
We present the detection of an unresolved radio source coincident with the position of the Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN) PTF10hgi ($z=0.098$) about 7.5 years post-explosion, with a flux density of $F_ u(6,,{rm GHz)}approx 47.3 mu Jy$ and a lu minosity of $L_ u(6,,{rm GHz})approx 1.1times 10^{28}$ erg s$^{-1}$ Hz$^{-1}$. This represents the first detection of radio emission coincident with a SLSN on any timescale. We investigate various scenarios for the origin of the radio emission: star formation activity, an active galactic nucleus, and a non-relativistic supernova blastwave. While any of these would be quite novel if confirmed, none appear likely when taken in context of the other properties of the host galaxy, previous radio observations of SLSNe, and the general population of hydrogen-poor SNe. Instead, the radio emission is reminiscent of the quiescent radio source associated with the repeating FRB 121102, which has been argued to be powered by a magnetar born in a SLSN or LGRB explosion several decades ago. We show that the properties of the radio source are consistent with a magnetar wind nebula or an off-axis jet, indicating the presence of a central engine. Our directed search for FRBs from the location of PTF10hgi using 40 min of VLA phased-array data reveals no detections to a limit of $22$ mJy ($10sigma$; 10 ms duration). We outline several follow-up observations that can conclusively establish the origin of the radio emission.
109 - P. K. Blanchard 2018
We present optical observations of the Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN-I) SN2017dwh at $z!approx!0.13$, which reached $M_{i}!approx!-21$ mag at peak. Spectra taken a few days after peak show an unusual and strong absorption line centered near 32 00AA that we identify with Co II, suggesting a high fraction of synthesized $^{56}$Ni in the ejecta. By $sim!1$ month after peak, SN2017dwh became much redder than other SLSNe-I, instead strongly resembling broad-lined Type Ic supernovae (Ic-BL SNe) with clear suppression of the flux redward of $sim!5000$ AA, providing further evidence for a large mass of Fe-group elements. Late-time upper limits indicate a $^{56}$Ni mass of $lesssim 0.6$ M$_odot$, leaving open the possibility that SN2017dwh produced a $^{56}$Ni mass comparable to SN1998bw ($approx!0.4$ M$_odot$). Fitting the light curve with a combined magnetar and $^{56}$Ni model using ${tt MOSFiT}$, we find that the light curve can easily accommodate such masses without affecting the inferred magnetar parameters. We also find that SN2017dwh occurred in the least-luminous detected host galaxy to date for a SLSN-I, with $M_{B} = -13.5$ mag and an implied metallicity of $Z!sim!0.08$ $Z_odot$. The spectral properties of SN2017dwh provide new evidence linking SLSNe-I with Type Ic-BL SNe, and in particular the high Fe-group abundance may be due to enhanced $^{56}$Ni production or mixing due to asphericity. Finally, we find that SN2017dwh represents the most extreme end of a correlation between continuum shape and Co II absorption strength in the near-peak spectra of SLSNe-I, indicating that Fe-group abundance likely accounts for some of the variation in their spectral shapes.

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