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Let a random geometric graph be defined in the supercritical regime for the existence of a unique infinite connected component in Euclidean space. Consider the first-passage percolation model with independent and identically distributed random variab les on the random infinite connected component. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of the asymptotic shape and we show that the shape is an Euclidean ball. We give some examples exhibiting the result for Bernoulli percolation and the Richardson model. For the Richardson model we further show that it converges weakly to a nonstandard branching process in the joint limit of large intensities and slow passing times.
In this paper we address the problem of determining whether the eigenspaces of a class of weighted Laplacians on Cayley graphs are generically irreducible or not. This work is divided into two parts. In the first part, we express the weighted Laplaci an on Cayley graphs as the divergence of a gradient in an analogous way to the approach adopted in Riemannian geometry. In the second part, we analyze its spectrum on left-invariant Cayley graphs endowed with an invariant metric in both directed and undirected cases. We give some criteria for a given eigenspace being generically irreducible. Finally, we introduce an additional operator which is comparable to the Laplacian, and we verify that the same criteria hold.
We study the frog model on Cayley graphs of groups with polynomial growth rate $D geq 3$. The frog model is an interacting particle system in discrete time. We consider that the process begins with a particle at each vertex of the graph and only one of these particles is active when the process begins. Each activated particle performs a simple random walk in discrete time activating the inactive particles in the visited vertices. We prove that the activation time of particles grows at least linearly and we show that in the abelian case with any finite generator set the set of activated sites has a limiting shape.
The reproduction speed of a continuous-time branching random walk is proportional to a positive parameter $lambda$. There is a threshold for $lambda$, which is called $lambda_w$, that separates almost sure global extinction from global survival. Anal ogously, there exists another threshold $lambda_s$ below which any site is visited almost surely a finite number of times (i.e.~local extinction) while above it there is a positive probability of visiting every site infinitely many times. The local critical parameter $lambda_s$ is completely understood and can be computed as a function of the reproduction rates. On the other hand, only for some classes of branching random walks it is known that the global critical parameter $lambda_w$ is the inverse of a certain function of the reproduction rates, which we denote by $K_w$. We provide here new sufficient conditions which guarantee that the global critical parameter equals $1/K_w$. This result extends previously known results for branching random walks on multigraphs and general branching random walks. We show that these sufficient conditions are satisfied by periodic tree-like branching random walks. We also discuss the critical parameter and the critical behaviour of continuous-time branching processes in varying environment. So far, only examples where $lambda_w=1/K_w$ were known; here we provide an example where $lambda_w>1/K_w$.
In this work we study the Poisson Boolean model of percolation in locally compact Polish metric spaces and we prove the invariance of subcritical and supercritical phases under mm-quasi-isometries. In other words, we prove that if the Poisson Boolean model of percolation is subcritical or supercritical (or exhibits phase transition) in a metric space M which is mm-quasi-isometric to a metric space N, then these phases also exist for the Poisson Boolean model of percolation in N. Then we apply these results to understand the phenomenon of phase transition in a large family of metric spaces. Indeed, we study the Poisson Boolean model of percolation in the context of Riemannian manifolds, in a large family of nilpotent Lie groups and in Cayley graphs. Also, we prove the existence of a subcritical phase in Gromov spaces with bounded growth at some scale.
We consider the discrete Boolean model of percolation on graphs satisfying a doubling metric condition. We study sufficient conditions on the distribution of the radii of balls placed at the points of a Bernoulli point process for the absence of perc olation, provided that the retention parameter of the underlying point process is small enough. We exhibit three families of interesting graphs where the main result of this work holds. Finally, we give sufficient conditions for ergodicity of the discrete Boolean model of percolation.
We consider the Bernoulli Boolean discrete percolation model on the d-dimensional integer lattice. We study sufficient conditions on the distribution of the radii of balls placed at the points of a Bernoulli point process for the absence of percolati on, provided that the intensity of the underlying point process is small enough. We also study a Harris graphical procedure to construct, forward in time, particle systems with interactions of infinite range under the assumption that the corresponding generator admits a Kalikow-type decomposition. We do so by using the subcriticality of the boolean model of discrete percolation.
We introduce a system of coalescing random paths with radialbehavior in a subsetof the plane. We call it theDiscrete Radial Poissonian Web. We show that underdiffusive scaling this family converges in distribution toa mapping of a restrictionof the Brownian Web.

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