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Limiting shape for First-Passage Percolation models on Random Geometric Graphs

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 نشر من قبل Lucas R. de Lima
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Let a random geometric graph be defined in the supercritical regime for the existence of a unique infinite connected component in Euclidean space. Consider the first-passage percolation model with independent and identically distributed random variables on the random infinite connected component. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of the asymptotic shape and we show that the shape is an Euclidean ball. We give some examples exhibiting the result for Bernoulli percolation and the Richardson model. For the Richardson model we further show that it converges weakly to a nonstandard branching process in the joint limit of large intensities and slow passing times.

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We study the growth of two competing infection types on graphs generated by the configuration model with a given degree sequence. Starting from two vertices chosen uniformly at random, the infection types spread via the edges in the graph in that an uninfected vertex becomes type 1 (2) infected at rate $lambda_1$ ($lambda_2$) times the number of nearest neighbors of type 1 (2). Assuming (essentially) that the degree of a randomly chosen vertex has finite second moment, we show that if $lambda_1=lambda_2$, then the fraction of vertices that are ultimately infected by type 1 converges to a continuous random variable $Vin(0,1)$, as the number of vertices tends to infinity. Both infection types hence occupy a positive (random) fraction of the vertices. If $lambda_1 eq lambda_2$, on the other hand, then the type with the larger intensity occupies all but a vanishing fraction of the vertices. Our results apply also to a uniformly chosen simple graph with the given degree sequence.
94 - Shuta Nakajima 2020
The non-random fluctuation is one of the central objects in first passage percolation. It was proved in [Shuta Nakajima. Divergence of non-random fluctuation in First Passage Percolation. {em Electron. Commun. Probab.} 24 (65), 1-13. 2019.] that for a particular asymptotic direction, it diverges in a lattice first passage percolation with an explicit lower bound. In this paper, we discuss the non-random fluctuation in Euclidean first passage percolations and show that it diverges in dimension $dgeq 2$ in this model also. Compared with the result in cite{N19}, the present result is proved for any direction and improves the lower bound.
We study first-passage percolation where edges in the left and right half-planes are assigned values according to different distributions. We show that the asymptotic growth of the resulting inhomogeneous first-passage process obeys a shape theorem, and we express the limiting shape in terms of the limiting shapes for the homogeneous processes for the two weight distributions. We further show that there exist pairs of distributions for which the rate of growth in the vertical direction is strictly larger than the rate of growth of the homogeneous process with either of the two distributions, and that this corresponds to the creation of a defect along the vertical axis in the form of a `pyramid.
We consider first passage percolation on the configuration model. Once the network has been generated each edge is assigned an i.i.d. weight modeling the passage time of a message along this edge. Then independently two vertices are chosen uniformly at random, a sender and a recipient, and all edges along the geodesic connecting the two vertices are coloured in red (in the case that both vertices are in the same component). In this article we prove local limit theorems for the coloured graph around the recipient in the spirit of Benjamini and Schramm. We consider the explosive regime, in which case the random distances are of finite order, and the Malthusian regime, in which case the random distances are of logarithmic order.
Consider a collection of random variables attached to the vertices of a graph. The reconstruction problem requires to estimate one of them given `far away observations. Several theoretical results (and simple algorithms) are available when their join t probability distribution is Markov with respect to a tree. In this paper we consider the case of sequences of random graphs that converge locally to trees. In particular, we develop a sufficient condition for the tree and graph reconstruction problem to coincide. We apply such condition to colorings of random graphs. Further, we characterize the behavior of Ising models on such graphs, both with attractive and random interactions (respectively, `ferromagnetic and `spin glass).
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