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We consider analytical formulae that describe the chaotic regions around the main periodic orbit $(x=y=0)$ of the H{e}non map. Following our previous paper (Efthymiopoulos, Contopoulos, Katsanikas $2014$) we introduce new variables $(xi, eta)$ in whi ch the product $xieta=c$ (constant) gives hyperbolic invariant curves. These hyperbolae are mapped by a canonical transformation $Phi$ to the plane $(x,y)$, giving Moser invariant curves. We find that the series $Phi$ are convergent up to a maximum value of $c=c_{max}$. We give estimates of the errors due to the finite truncation of the series and discuss how these errors affect the applicability of analytical computations. For values of the basic parameter $kappa$ of the H{e}non map smaller than a critical value, there is an island of stability, around a stable periodic orbit $S$, containing KAM invariant curves. The Moser curves for $c leq 0.32$ are completely outside the last KAM curve around $S$, the curves with $0.32<c<0.41$ intersect the last KAM curve and the curves with $0.41leq c< c_{max} simeq 0.49$ are completely inside the last KAM curve. All orbits in the chaotic region around the periodic orbit $(x=y=0)$, although they seem random, belong to Moser invariant curves, which, therefore define a structure of chaos. Orbits starting close and outside the last KAM curve remain close to it for a stickiness time that is estimated analytically using the series $Phi$. We finally calculate the periodic orbits that accumulate close to the homoclinic points, i.e. the points of intersection of the asymptotic curves from $x=y=0$, exploiting a method based on the self-intersections of the invariant Moser curves. We find that all the computed periodic orbits are generated from the stable orbit $S$ for smaller values of the H{e}non parameter $kappa$, i.e. they are all regular periodic orbits.
We consider normal forms in `magnetic bottle type Hamiltonians of the form $H=frac{1}{2}(rho^2_rho+omega^2_1rho^2) +frac{1}{2}p^2_z+hot$ (second frequency $omega_2$ equal to zero in the lowest order). Our main results are: i) a novel method to constr uct the normal form in cases of resonance, and ii) a study of the asymptotic behavior of both the non-resonant and the resonant series. We find that, if we truncate the normal form series at order $r$, the series remainder in both constructions decreases with increasing $r$ down to a minimum, and then it increases with $r$. The computed minimum remainder turns to be exponentially small in $frac{1}{Delta E}$, where $Delta E$ is the mirror oscillation energy, while the optimal order scales as an inverse power of $Delta E$. We estimate numerically the exponents associated with the optimal order and the remainders exponential asymptotic behavior. In the resonant case, our novel method allows to compute a `quasi-integral (i.e. truncated formal integral) valid both for each particular resonance as well as away from all resonances. We applied these results to a specific magnetic bottle Hamiltonian. The non resonant normal form yields theorerical invariant curves on a surface of section which fit well the empirical curves away from resonances. On the other hand the resonant normal form fits very well both the invariant curves inside the islands of a particular resonance as well as the non-resonant invariant curves. Finally, we discuss how normal forms allow to compute a critical threshold for the onset of global chaos in the magnetic bottle.
In a 2D conservative Hamiltonian system there is a formal integral $Phi$ besides the energy H. This is not convergent near a stable periodic orbit, but it is convergent near an unstable periodic orbit. We explain this difference and we find the conve rgence radius along the asymptotic curves. In simple mappings this radius is infinite. This allows the theoretical calculation of the asymptotic curves and their intersections at homoclinic points. However in more complex mappings and in Hamiltonian systems the radius of convergence is in general finite and does not allow the theoretical calculation of any homoclinic point. Then we develop a method similar to analytic continuation, applicable in systems expressed in action-angle variables, that allows the calculation of the asymptotic curves to an arbitrary length. In this way we can study analytically the chaotic regions near the unstable periodic orbit and near its homoclinic points.
It is known that the asymptotic invariant manifolds around an unstable periodic orbit in conservative systems can be represented by convergent series (Cherry 1926, Moser 1956, 1958, Giorgilli 2001). The unstable and stable manifolds intersect at an i nfinity of homoclinic points, generating a complicated homoclinic tangle. In the case of simple mappings it was found (Da Silva Ritter et al. 1987) that the domain of convergence of the formal series extends to infinity along the invariant manifolds. This allows in practice to study the homoclinic tangle using only series. However in the case of Hamiltonian systems, or mappings with a finite analyticity domain,the convergence of the series along the asymptotic manifolds is also finite. Here, we provide numerical indications that the convergence does not reach any homoclinic points. We discuss in detail the convergence problem in various cases and we find the degree of approximation of the analytical invariant manifolds to the real (numerical) manifolds as i) the order of truncation of the series increases, and ii) we use higher numerical precision in computing the coefficients of the series. Then we introduce a new method of series composition, by using action-angle variables, that allows the calculation of the asymptotic manifolds up to an a arbitrarily large extent. This is the first case of an analytic development that allows the computation of the invariant manifolds and their intersections in a Hamiltonian system for an extent long enough to allow the study of homoclinic chaos by analytical means.
A usual assumption in the so-called {it de Broglie - Bohm} approach to quantum dynamics is that the quantum trajectories subject to typical `guiding wavefunctions turn to be quite irregular, i.e. {it chaotic} (in the dynamical systems sense). In the present paper, we consider mainly cases in which the quantum trajectories are {it ordered}, i.e. they have zero Lyapunov characteristic numbers. We use perturbative methods to establish the existence of such trajectories from a theoretical point of view, while we analyze their properties via numerical experiments. Using a 2D harmonic oscillator system, we first establish conditions under which a trajectory can be shown to avoid close encounters with a moving nodal point, thus avoiding the source of chaos in this system. We then consider series expansions for trajectories both in the interior and the exterior of the domain covered by nodal lines, probing the domain of convergence as well as how successful the series are in comparison with numerical computations or regular trajectories. We then examine a H{e}non - Heiles system possessing regular trajectories, thus generalizing previous results. Finally, we explore a key issue of physical interest in the context of the de Broglie - Bohm formalism, namely the influence of order in the so-called {it quantum relaxation} effect. We show that the existence of regular trajectories poses restrictions to the quantum relaxation process, and we give examples in which the relaxation is suppressed even when we consider initial ensembles of only chaotic trajectories, provided, however, that the system as a whole is characterized by a certain degree of order.
We study the connection between the appearance of a `metastable behavior of weakly chaotic orbits, characterized by a constant rate of increase of the Tsallis q-entropy (Tsallis 1988), and the solutions of the variational equations of motion for the same orbits. We demonstrate that the variational equations yield transient solutions, lasting for long time intervals, during which the length of deviation vectors of nearby orbits grows in time almost as a power-law. The associated power exponent can be simply related to the entropic exponent for which the q-entropy exhibits a constant rate of increase. This analysis leads to the definition of a new sensitive indicator distinguishing regular from weakly chaotic orbits, that we call `Average Power Law Exponent (APLE). We compare the APLE with other established indicators of the literature. In particular, we give examples of application of the APLE in a) a thin separatrix layer of the standard map, b) the stickiness region around an island of stability in the same map, and c) the web of resonances of a 4D symplectic map. In all these cases we identify weakly chaotic orbits exhibiting the `metastable behavior associated with the Tsallis q-entropy.

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