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Just as classical information systems require buffers and memory, the same is true for quantum information systems. The potential that optical quantum information processing holds for revolutionising computation and communication is therefore driving significant research into developing optical quantum memory. A practical optical quantum memory must be able to store and recall quantum states on demand with high efficiency and low noise. Ideally, the platform for the memory would also be simple and inexpensive. Here, we present a complete tomographic reconstruction of quantum states that have been stored in the ground states of rubidium in a vapour cell operating at around 80$^o$C. Without conditional measurements, we show recall fidelity up to 98% for coherent pulses containing around one photon. In order to unambiguously verify that our memory beats the quantum no-cloning limit we employ state independent verification using conditional variance and signal transfer coefficients.
Quantum memories are an integral component of quantum repeaters - devices that will allow the extension of quantum key distribution to communication ranges beyond that permissible by passive transmission. A quantum memory for this application needs t o be highly efficient and have coherence times approaching a millisecond. Here we report on work towards this goal, with the development of a $^{87}$Rb magneto-optical trap with a peak optical depth of 1000 for the D2 $F=2 rightarrow F=3$ transition using spatial and temporal dark spots. With this purpose-built cold atomic ensemble to implement the gradient echo memory (GEM) scheme. Our data shows a memory efficiency of $80pm 2$% and coherence times up to 195 $mu$s, which is a factor of four greater than previous GEM experiments implemented in warm vapour cells.
The Gradient Echo Memory (GEM) scheme has potential to be a suitable protocol for storage and retrieval of optical quantum information. In this paper, we review the properties of the $Lambda$-GEM method that stores information in the ground states of three-level atomic ensembles via Raman coupling. The scheme is versatile in that it can store and re-sequence multiple pulses of light. To date, this scheme has been implemented using warm rubidium gas cells. There are different phenomena that can influence the performance of these atomic systems. We investigate the impact of atomic motion and four-wave mixing and present experiments that show how parasitic four-wave mixing can be mitigated. We also use the memory to demonstrate preservation of pulse shape and the backward retrieval of pulses.
The ability to coherently spectrally manipulate quantum information has the potential to improve qubit rates across quantum channels and find applications in optical quantum computing. In this paper we present experiments that use a multi-element sol enoid combined with the three-level gradient echo memory scheme to perform precision spectral manipulation of optical pulses. These operations include bandwidth and frequency manipulation, spectral filtering of separate frequency components, as well as time-delayed interference between pulses with both the same, and different, frequencies. These operations have potential uses in quantum information applications.
Using a gradient echo memory, we experimentally demonstrate cross phase modulation (XPM) between two optical pulses; one stored and one freely propagating through the memory medium. We explain how this idea can be extended to enable substantial nonli near interaction between two single photons that are both stored in the memory. We present semi-classical and quantum simulations along with a proposed experimental scheme to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving large XPM at single photon level.
We present experimental observations of interference between an atomic spin coherence and an optical field in a {Lambda}-type gradient echo memory. The interference is mediated by a strong classical field that couples a weak probe field to the atomic coherence through a resonant Raman transition. Interference can be observed between a prepared spin coherence and another propagating optical field, or between multiple {Lambda} transitions driving a single spin coherence. In principle, the interference in each scheme can yield a near unity visibility.
Digital control of optics experiments has many advantages over analog control systems, specifically in terms of scalability, cost, flexibility, and the integration of system information into one location. We present a digital control system, freely a vailable for download online, specifically designed for quantum optics experiments that allows for automatic and sequential re-locking of optical components. We show how the inbuilt locking analysis tools, including a white-noise network analyzer, can be used to help optimize individual locks, and verify the long term stability of the digital system. Finally, we present an example of the benefits of digital locking for quantum optics by applying the code to a specific experiment used to characterize optical Schrodinger cat states.
The non-linearity of a conditional photon-counting measurement can be used to `de-Gaussify a Gaussian state of light. Here we present and experimentally demonstrate a technique for photon number resolution using only homodyne detection. We then apply this technique to inform a conditional measurement; unambiguously reconstructing the statistics of the non-Gaussian one and two photon subtracted squeezed vacuum states. Although our photon number measurement relies on ensemble averages and cannot be used to prepare non-Gaussian states of light, its high efficiency, photon number resolving capabilities, and compatibility with the telecommunications band make it suitable for quantum information tasks relying on the outcomes of mean values.
The burgeoning fields of quantum computing and quantum key distribution have created a demand for a quantum memory. The gradient echo memory scheme is a quantum memory candidate for light storage that can boast efficiencies approaching unity, as well as the flexibility to work with either two or three level atoms. The key to this scheme is the frequency gradient that is placed across the memory. Currently the three level implementation uses a Zeeman gradient and warm atoms. In this paper we model a new gradient creation mechanism - the ac Stark effect - to provide an improvement in the flexibility of gradient creation and field switching times. We propose this scheme in concert with a move to cold atoms (~1 mK). These temperatures would increase the storage times possible, and the small ensemble volumes would enable large ac Stark shifts with reasonable laser power. We find that memory bandwidths on the order of MHz can be produced with experimentally achievable laser powers and trapping volumes, with high precision in gradient creation and switching times on the order of nanoseconds possible. By looking at the different decoherence mechanisms present in this system we determine that coherence times on the order of 10s of milliseconds are possible, as are delay-bandwidth products of approximately 50 and efficiencies over 90%.

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