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We report room-temperature ferromagnetism in highly conducting transparent anatase Ti1-xTaxO2 (x~0.05) thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on LaAlO3 substrates. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), proton ind uced x-ray emission (PIXE), x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) indicated negligible magnetic contaminants in the films. The presence of ferromagnetism with concomitant large carrier densities was determined by a combination of superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry, electrical transport measurements, soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (SXMCD), XAS, and optical magnetic circular dichroism (OMCD) and was supported by first-principle calculations. SXMCD and XAS measurements revealed a 90% contribution to ferromagnetism from the Ti ions and a 10% contribution from the O ions. RBS/channelling measurements show complete Ta substitution in the Ti sites though carrier activation was only 50% at 5% Ta concentration implying compensation by cationic defects. The role of Ti vacancy and Ti3+ was studied via XAS and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. It was found that in films with strong ferromagnetism, the Ti vacancy signal was strong while Ti3+ signal was absent. We propose (in the absence of any obvious exchange mechanisms) that the localised magnetic moments, Ti vacancy sites, are ferromagnetically ordered by itinerant carriers. Cationic-defect-induced magnetism is an alternative route to ferromagnetism in wide-band-gap semiconducting oxides without any magnetic elements.
52 - A. Rusydi , W. Ku , B. Schulz 2010
A new excitation is observed at 201 meV in the doped-hole ladder cuprate Sr$_{14}$Cu$_{24}$O$_{41}$, using ultraviolet resonance Raman scattering with incident light at 3.7 eV polarized along the direction of the rungs. The excitation is found to be of charge nature, with a temperature independent excitation energy, and can be understood via an intra-ladder pair-breaking process. The intensity tracks closely the order parameter of the charge density wave in the ladder (CDW$_L$), but persists above the CDW$_L$ transition temperature ($T_{CDW_L}$), indicating a strong local pairing above $T_{CDW_L}$. The 201 meV excitation vanishes in La$_{6}$Ca$_{8}$Cu$_{24}$O$_{41+delta}$, and La$_{5}$Ca$_{9}$Cu$_{24}$O$_{41}$ which are samples with no holes in the ladders. Our results suggest that the doped holes in the ladder are composite bosons consisting of paired holons that order below $T_{CDW}$.
46 - A. Rusydi , I. Mahns , S. Mueller 2008
Multiferroicity in LiCu2O2 single crystals is studied using resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering, hard x-ray diffraction, heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical polarization. Two magnetic transitions are found at 24.6 K (T1) and 23 .2 K (T2). Our data are consistent with a sinusoidal spin structure at T2<T<T1 and with a helicoidal spin structure at T<T2 giving rise to ferroelectricity. Surprisingly, above T2 the correlation lengths of the spin structures increase as the temperature increases with dramatic changes of ~42% along the c-axis. Our results demonstrate the interplay of the geometrical frustration and the electronic and magnetic polarizations.
57 - A. Rusydi , R. Rauer , G. Neuber 2007
The electronic response of doped manganites at the transition from the paramagnetic insulating to the ferromagnetic metallic state in $rm La_{1-x}Ca_{x}MnO_3$ for $rm (x=0.3,0.2)$ was investigated by dc conductivity, ellipsometry, and VUV reflectance for energies between 0 and 24 eV. A stablized Kramers-Kronig transformation yields the optical conductivity and reveals changes in the optical spectral weight up to 24 eV at the metal to insulator transition. In the observed energy range, the spectral weight is conserved within $rm 0.3 %$. The redistribution of spectral weight between low and high energies has important ramifications for the down-folding of low-energy Hamiltonians. We discuss the importance of the charge-transfer, Coulomb onsite, Jahn-Teller, and screening effects to the electronic structure.
We describe a possible pathway to new magnetic materials with no conventional magnetic elements present. The substitution of Nitrogen for Oxygen in simple non magnetic oxides leads to holes in N 2$p$ states which form local magnetic moments. Because of the very large Hunds rule coupling of Nitrogen and O 2$p$ electrons and the rather extended spatial extend of the wave functions these materials are predicted to be ferromagnetic metals or small band gap insulators. Experimental studies support the theoretical calculations with regard to the basic electronic structure and the formation of local magnetic moments. It remains to be seen if these materials are magnetically ordered and if so below what temperature.
The distribution of holes in Sr$_{14-x}$Ca$_x$Cu$_{24}$O$_{41}$ (SCCO) is revisited with semi-emperical reanalysis of the x-ray absorption (XAS) data and exact-diagonalized cluster calculations. A new interpretation of the XAS data leads to much larg er ladder hole densities than previously suggested. These new hole densities lead to a simple interpretation of the hole crystal (HC) recently reported with 1/3 and 1/5 wave vectors along the ladder. Our interpretation is consistent with paired holes in the rung of the ladders. Exact diagonalization results for a minimal model of the doped ladders suggest that the stabilization of spin structures consisting of 4 spins in a square plaquette as a result of resonance valence bond (RVB) physics suppresses the hole crystal with a 1/4 wave vector.
The spin ladder is a reduced-dimensional analogue of the high temperature superconductors that was predicted to exhibit both superconductivity and an electronic charge density wave or hole crystal (HC). Both phenomena have been observed in the doped spin ladder system Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 (SCCO), which at x=0 exhibits a HC which is commensurate at all temperatures. To investigate the effects of discommensuration we used resonant soft x-ray scattering (RSXS) to study SCCO as a function of doped hole density, d. The HC forms only with the commensurate wave vectors L_L = 1/5 and L_L = 1/3 and exhibits a simple temperature scaling T_(1/3) / T_(1/5) = 5/3. For irrational wave vectors the HC melts, perhaps through the motion of topological defects carrying fractional charge.
We report direct evidence of charge/orbital ordering of low energy electronic states of $Cu$ in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+x}$ ortho-II phase in both the $CuO_3$ chain and the CuO$_2$ plane. Huge enhancement of the $({1/2},0,0)$ superstructure Bragg peak is observed when photon energy is tuned to the $Cu L_{2,3}$ absorption edge with large polarization dependence. The ordering in the $CuO_2$ plane discovered here sheds new light on how the one dimensional $Cu-O$ chains affect the $CuO_2$ plane, and why many normal and superconducting state properties of this system exhibit strong anisotropy.

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