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Nitrogen based magnetic semiconductors

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 نشر من قبل Ilya Elfimov
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe a possible pathway to new magnetic materials with no conventional magnetic elements present. The substitution of Nitrogen for Oxygen in simple non magnetic oxides leads to holes in N 2$p$ states which form local magnetic moments. Because of the very large Hunds rule coupling of Nitrogen and O 2$p$ electrons and the rather extended spatial extend of the wave functions these materials are predicted to be ferromagnetic metals or small band gap insulators. Experimental studies support the theoretical calculations with regard to the basic electronic structure and the formation of local magnetic moments. It remains to be seen if these materials are magnetically ordered and if so below what temperature.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We formulate a complete microscopic theory of a coupled pair of bound magnetic polarons, the bound-magnetic-polaron molecule (BMPM) in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) by taking into account both a proper two-body nature of the impurity-electro n wave function and within the general spin-rotation-invariant approach to the electronic states. We also take into account both the Heisenberg and the antiferromagnetic kinetic-exchange interactions, as well as the ferromagnetic coupling within the common spin BMPM cloud. The thermodynamic fluctuations of the spin cloud within the polaron effective Bohr radius of each polaron are taken as Gaussian.
Conducting and magnetic properties of a material often change in some confined geometries. However, a situation where a non-magnetic semiconductor becomes both metallic and magnetic at the surface is quite rare, and to the best of our knowledge has n ever been observed in experiment. In this work, we employ first-principles electronic structure theory to predict that such a peculiar magnetic state emerges in a family of quaternary Heusler compounds. We investigate magnetic and electronic properties of CoCrTiP, FeMnTiP and CoMnVAl. For the latter material, we also analyse the magnetic exchange interactions and use them for parametrizing an effective spin Hamiltonian. According to our results, magnetism in this material should persist at temperatures at least as high as 155 K.
68 - T. Chanier , F. Virot , R. Hayn 2009
We have calculated the chemical trend of magnetic exchange parameters ($J_{dd}$, $N alpha$, and $N beta$) of Zn-based II-VI semiconductors ZnA (A=O, S, Se, and Te) doped with Co or Mn. We show that a proper treatment of electron correlations by the L SDA+$U$ method leads to good agreement between experimental and theoretical values of the nearest-neighbor exchange coupling $J_{dd}$ between localized 3$d$ spins in contrast to the LSDA method. The exchange couplings between localized spins and doped electrons in the conduction band $N alpha$ are in good agreement with experiment as well. But the values for $N beta$ (coupling to doped holes in the valence band) indicate a cross-over from weak coupling (for A=Te and Se) to strong coupling (for A=O) and a localized hole state in ZnO:Mn. That hole localization explains the apparent discrepancy between photoemission and magneto-optical data for ZnO:Mn.
Simultaneous occurrence of the Mott and band gap in correlated semiconductors results in a complex optical response with the nature of the absorption edge difficult to resolve both experimentally and theoretically. Here, we combine a dynamical mean-f ield theory approach to localized 4f shells with an improved description of band gaps by a semi-local exchange-correlation potential to calculate the optical properties of the light rare-earth fluorosulfides LnSF (Ln=Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) from first principles. In agreement with experiment, we find the absorption edge in SmSF to stem from S-3p to Sm-4f transitions, while the Gd compound behaves as an ordinary p-d gap semiconductor. In the unexplored PrSF and NdSF systems we predict a rather unique occurrence of strongly hybridized 4f-5d states at the bottom of the conduction band. The nature of the absorption edge underlies a peculiar anisotropy of the optical conductivity in each system.
The implementation and control of room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) by adding magnetic atoms to a semiconductors lattice has been one of the most important problems in solid state state physics in the last decade. Herein we report for the first time, to our knowledge, on the mechanism that allows RTFM to be tuned by the inclusion of emph{non-magnetic} aluminum in nickel ferrite. This material, NiFe$_{2-x}$Al$_x$O$_4$ (x=0, 0.5, 1.5), has already shown much promise for magnetic semiconductor technologies, and we are able to add to its versatility technological viability with our results. The site occupancies and valencies of Fe atoms (Fe$^{3+}$ T$_d$, Fe$^{2+}$ O$_h$, and Fe$^{3+}$ O$_h$) can be methodically controlled by including aluminum. Using the fact that aluminum strongly prefers a 3+ octahedral environment, we can selectively fill iron sites with aluminum atoms, and hence specifically tune the magnetic contributions for each of the iron sites, and therefore the bulk material as well. Interestingly, the influence of the aluminum is weak on the electronic structure (supplemental material), allowing one to retain the desirable electronic properties while achieving desirable magnetic properties.
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