ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

377 - M. Trenti Stsci 2020
We study cosmic variance in deep high redshift surveys and its influence on the determination of the luminosity function for high redshift galaxies. For several survey geometries relevant for HST and JWST instruments, we characterize the distribution of the galaxy number counts. This is obtained by means of analytic estimates via the two point correlation function in extended Press-Schechter theory as well as by using synthetic catalogs extracted from N-body cosmological simulations of structure formation. We adopt a simple luminosity - dark halo mass relation to investigate the environment effects on the fitting of the luminosity function. We show that in addition to variations of the normalization of the luminosity function, a steepening of its slope is also expected in underdense fields, similarly to what is observed within voids in the local universe. Therefore, to avoid introducing artificial biases, caution must be taken when attempting to correct for field underdensity, such as in the case of HST UDF i-dropout sample, which exhibits a deficit of bright counts with respect to the average counts in GOODS. A public version of the cosmic variance calculator based on the two point correlation function integration is made available on the web.
175 - M. A. Zwaan 2015
We present the results of a survey for intervening HI 21-cm absorbers at intermediate and low redshift (0<z<1.2). For our total sample of 24 systems, we obtained high quality data for 17 systems, the other seven being severely affected by radio frequ ency interference (RFI). Five of our targets are low redshift (z<0.17) optical galaxies with small impact parameters (<20 kpc) toward radio-bright background sources. Two of these were detected in 21-cm absorption, showing narrow, high optical depth absorption profiles, the narrowest having a velocity dispersion of only 1.5 km/s, which puts an upper limit on the kinetic temperature of T_k<270 K. Combining our observations with results from the literature, we measure a weak anti-correlation between impact parameter and integral optical depth in local (z<0.5) 21-cm absorbers. Of eleven CaII and MgII systems searched, two were detected in 21-cm absorption, and six were affected by RFI to a level that precludes a detection. For these two systems at z~0.6 we measure spin temperatures of T_s=(65+/-17) K and T_s>180 K. A subset of our systems were also searched for OH absorption, but no detections were made.
119 - A. Bragaglia 2015
Information on globular clusters (GC) formation mechanisms can be gathered by studying the chemical signature of the multiple populations that compose these stellar systems. In particular, we are investigating the anticorrelations among O, Na, Al, an d Mg to explore the influence of cluster mass and environment on GCs in the Milky Way and in extragalactic systems. We present here the results obtained on NGC 6139 which, on the basis of its horizontal branch morphology, had been proposed to be dominated by first-generation stars. In our extensive study based on high resolution spectroscopy, the first for this cluster, we found a metallicity of [Fe/H]= -1.579 +/- 0.015 +/- 0.058 (rms=0.040 dex, 45 bona fide member stars) on the UVES scale defined by our group. The stars in NGC 6139 show a chemical pattern normal for GCs, with a rather extended Na-O (and Mg-Al) anticorrelation. NGC 6139 behaves like expected from its mass and contains a large fraction (about two thirds) of second-generation stars.
82 - Christian Illg 2015
Scatterings of electrons at quasiparticles or photons are very important for many topics in solid state physics, e.g., spintronics, magnonics or photonics, and therefore a correct numerical treatment of these scatterings is very important. For a quan tum-mechanical description of these scatterings Fermis golden rule is used in order to calculate the transition rate from an initial state to a final state in a first-order time-dependent perturbation theory. One can calculate the total transition rate from all initial states to all final states with Boltzmann rate equations involving Brillouin zone integrations. The numerical treatment of these integrations on a finite grid is often done via a replacement of the Dirac delta distribution by a Gaussian. The Dirac delta distribution appears in Fermis golden rule where it describes the energy conservation among the interacting particles. Since the Dirac delta distribution is a not a function it is not clear from a mathematical point of view that this procedure is justified. We show with physical and mathematical arguments that this numerical procedure is in general correct, and we comment on critical points.
We propose a new type of Wave Front Sensor (WFS) derived from the Pyramid WFS (PWFS). This new WFS, called the Flattened Pyramid-WFS (FPWFS), has a reduced Pyramid angle in order to optically overlap the four pupil images into an unique intensity. Th is map is then used to derive the phase information. In this letter this new WFS is compared to three existing WFSs, namely the PWFS, the Modulated PWFS (MPWFS) and the Zernike WFS (ZWFS) following tests about sensitivity, linearity range and low photon flux behavior. The FPWFS turns out to be more linear than a modulated pyramid for the high-spatial order aberrations but it provides an improved sensitivity compared to the non-modulated pyramid. The noise propagation may even be as low as the ZWFS for some given radial orders. Furthermore, the pixel arrangement being more efficient than for the PWFS, the FPWFS seems particularly well suited for high-contrast applications.
236 - R. Aversa , A. Lapi (1 2015
[abridged] We investigate the coevolution of galaxies and hosted supermassive black holes throughout the history of the Universe by a statistical approach based on the continuity equation and the abundance matching technique. Specifically, we present analytical solutions of the continuity equation without source term to reconstruct the supermassive black hole (BH) mass function from the AGN luminosity functions. Such an approach includes physically-motivated AGN lightcurves tested on independent datasets, which describe the evolution of the Eddington ratio and radiative efficiency from slim- to thin-disc conditions. We nicely reproduce the local estimates of the BH mass function, the AGN duty cycle as a function of mass and redshift, along with the Eddington ratio function and the fraction of galaxies with given stellar mass hosting an AGN with given Eddington ratio. We exploit the same approach to reconstruct the observed stellar mass function at different redshift from the UV and far-IR luminosity functions associated to star formation in galaxies. These results imply that the buildup of stars and BHs in galaxies occurs via in-situ processes, with dry mergers playing a marginal role at least for stellar masses < 3 10^11 M_sun and BH masses < 10^9 M_sun, where the statistical data are more secure and less biased by systematic errors. In addition, we develop an improved abundance matching technique to link the stellar and BH content of galaxies to the gravitationally dominant dark matter component. The resulting relationships constitute a testbed for galaxy evolution models, highlighting the complementary role of stellar and AGN feedback in the star formation process. Finally, the clustering properties of BHs and galaxies are found to be in full agreement with current observations, so further validating our results from the continuity equation.
119 - Vratislav Krupar 2015
Type III radio bursts are intense radio emissions triggered by beams of energetic electrons often associated with solar flares. These exciter beams propagate outwards from the Sun along an open magnetic field line in the corona and in the interplanet ary (IP) medium. We performed a statistical survey of 29 simple and isolated IP type III bursts observed by STEREO/Waves instruments between January 2013 and September 2014. We investigated their time-frequency profiles in order to derive the speed and acceleration of exciter electron beams. We show these beams noticeably decelerate in the IP medium. Obtained speeds range from $sim$ 0.02c up to $sim$ 0.35c depending on initial assumptions. It corresponds to electron energies between tens of eV and hundreds of keV, and in order to explain the characteristic energies or speeds of type III electrons ($sim 0.1$c) observed simultaneously with Langmuir waves at 1 au, the emission of type III bursts near the peak should be predominately at double plasma frequency. Derived properties of electron beams can be used as input parameters for computer simulations of interactions between the beam and the plasma in the IP medium.
We present calculations on the formation of massive black holes with 10^5 Msun at z > 6 that can be the seeds of supermassive black holes at z > 6. Under the assumption of compact star cluster formation in merging galaxies, star clusters in haloes of 10^8 ~ 10^9 Msun can undergo rapid core-collapse leading to the formation of very massive stars (VMSs) with ~1000 Msun which directly collapse into black holes with similar masses. Star clusters in halos of > 10^9 Msun experience type-II supernovae before the formation of VMSs due to long core-collapse time scales. We also model the subsequent growth of black holes via accretion of residual stars in clusters. 2-body relaxation efficiently re-fills the loss cones of stellar orbits at larger radii and resonant relaxation at small radii is the main driver for accretion of stars onto black holes. As a result, more than ninety percent of stars in the initial cluster are swallowed by the central black holes before z=6. Using dark matter merger trees we derive black hole mass functions at z=6-20. The mass function ranges from 10^3 to 10^5 Msun at z <~ 15. Major merging of galaxies of >~ 4*10^8 Msun at z ~ 20 successfully leads to the formation of >~ 10^5 Msun BHs by z >~ 10 which can be the potential seeds of supermassive black holes seen today.
We present measurements of positions and relative proper motions in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We detail the construction of a single-epoch astrometric reference frame, based on specially-designed observations obtained with the two main imaging instruments ACS/WFC and WFC3/UVIS onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Internal comparisons indicate a sub milli-arc-second (mas) precision in the positions and the presence of semi-periodic systematics with a mean amplitude of ~0.8 mas. We combined these observations with numerous archival images taken with WFPC2 and spanning 17 years. The precision of the resulting proper motions for well-measured stars around the massive cluster R 136 can be as good as ~20 microarcsec/yr, although the true accuracy of proper motions is generally lower due to the residual systematic errors. The observed proper-motion dispersion for our highest-quality measurements is ~0.1 mas/yr. Our catalog of positions and proper motions contains 86,590 stars down to V~25 and over a total area of ~70 square arcmin. We examined the proper motions of 105 relatively bright stars and identified a total of 6 candidate runaway stars. We are able to tentatively confirm the runaway status of star VFTS 285, consistent with the findings from line-of-sight velocities, and to show that this star has likely been ejected from R 136. This study demonstrates that with HST it is now possible to reliably measure proper motions of individual stars in the nearest dwarf galaxies such as the LMC.
88 - Sunil Chandra 2015
We present a detailed investigation of the flaring activity observed from a BL Lac object, S5 0716+714 , during its brightest ever optical state in the second half of January 2015. Observed almost simultaneously in the optical, X-rays and {gamma}-ray s, a significant change in the degree of optical polarization (PD) and a swing in the position angle (PA) of polarization were recorded. A detection in the TeV (VHE) was also reported by the MAGIC consortium during this flaring episode. Two prominent sub-flares, peaking about 5-days apart, were seen in almost all the energy bands. The multi-wavelength light-curves, spectral energy distribution (SED) and polarization are modeled using the time-dependent code developed by Zhang et al. (2014). This model assumes a straight jet threaded by large scale helical magnetic fields taking into account the light travel time effects, incorporating synchrotron flux and polarization in 3D geometry. The rapid variation in PD and rotation in PA are most likely due to re-connections happening in the emission region in the jet, as suggested by the change in the ratio of toroidal to poloidal components of magnetic field during quiescent and flaring states.

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