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Variation around a Pyramid theme: optical recombination and optimal use of photons

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 نشر من قبل Benoit Neichel
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a new type of Wave Front Sensor (WFS) derived from the Pyramid WFS (PWFS). This new WFS, called the Flattened Pyramid-WFS (FPWFS), has a reduced Pyramid angle in order to optically overlap the four pupil images into an unique intensity. This map is then used to derive the phase information. In this letter this new WFS is compared to three existing WFSs, namely the PWFS, the Modulated PWFS (MPWFS) and the Zernike WFS (ZWFS) following tests about sensitivity, linearity range and low photon flux behavior. The FPWFS turns out to be more linear than a modulated pyramid for the high-spatial order aberrations but it provides an improved sensitivity compared to the non-modulated pyramid. The noise propagation may even be as low as the ZWFS for some given radial orders. Furthermore, the pixel arrangement being more efficient than for the PWFS, the FPWFS seems particularly well suited for high-contrast applications.

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The Zernike wavefront sensor (ZWFS) is a concept belonging to the wide class Fourier-filtering wavefront sensor (FFWFS). The ZWFS is known for its extremely high sensitivity while having a low dynamic range, which makes it a unique sensor for second stage adaptive optics (AO) systems or quasi-static aberrations calibration sensor. This sensor is composed of a focal plane mask made of a phase shifting dot fully described by two parameters: its diameter and depth. In this letter, we aim to improve the performance of this sensor by changing the diameter of its phase shifting dot. We begin with a general theoretical framework providing an analytical description of the FFWFS properties, then we predict the expected ZWFS sensitivity for different configurations of dot diameters and depths. The analytical predictions are then validated with end-to-end simulations. From this, we propose a variation of the classical ZWFS shape which exhibits extremely appealing properties. We show that the ZWFS sensitivity can be optimized by modifying the dot diameter and even reach the optimal theoretical limit, with a trade-off for low spatial frequencies sensitivity. As an example, we show that a ZWFS with a 2{lambda}/D dot diameter (where {lambda} is the sensing wavelength and D the telescope diameter), hereafter called Z2WFS, exhibits a sensitivity twice higher than the classical 1.06{lambda}/D ZWFS for all the phase spatial components except for tip-tilt modes. Furthermore, this gain in sensitivity does not impact the dynamic range of the sensor, and the Z2WFS exhibits a similar dynamical range as the classical 1.06{lambda}/D ZWFS. This study opens the path to the conception of diameter-optimized ZWFS.
Extremely Large Telescopes have overwhelmingly opted for the Pyramid wavefront sensor (PyWFS) over the more widely used Shack-Hartmann WaveFront Sensor (SHWFS) to perform their Single Conjugate Adaptive Optics (SCAO) mode. The PyWFS, a sensor based o n Fourier filtering, has proven to be highly successful in many astronomy applications. However, it exhibits non-linearity behaviors that lead to a reduction of its sensitivity when working with non-zero residual wavefronts. This so-called Optical Gains (OG) effect, degrades the close loop performance of SCAO systems and prevents accurate correction of Non-Common Path Aberrations (NCPA). In this paper, we aim at computing the OG using a fast and agile strategy in order to control the PyWFS measurements in adaptive optics closed loop systems. Using a novel theoretical description of the PyFWS, which is based on a convolutional model, we are able to analytically predict the behavior of the PyWFS in closed-loop operation. This model enables us to explore the impact of residual wavefront error on particular aspects such as sensitivity and associated OG. The proposed method relies on the knowledge of the residual wavefront statistics and enables automatic estimation of the current OG. End-to-End numerical simulations are used to validate our predictions and test the relevance of our approach. We demonstrate, using on non-invasive strategy, that our method provides an accurate estimation of the OG. The model itself only requires AO telemetry data to derive statistical information on atmospheric turbulence. Furthermore, we show that by only using an estimation of the current Fried parameter r_0 and the basic system-level characteristics, OGs can be estimated with an accuracy of less than 10%. Finally, we highlight the importance of OG estimation in the case of NCPA compensation. The proposed method is applied to the PyWFS.
Wavefront sensing and control are important for enabling one of the key advantages of using large apertures, namely higher angular resolutions. Pyramid wavefront sensors are becoming commonplace in new instrument designs owing to their superior sensi tivity. However, one remaining roadblock to their widespread use is the fabrication of the pyramidal optic. This complex optic is challenging to fabricate due to the pyramid tip, where four planes need to intersect in a single point. Thus far, only a handful of these have been produced due to the low yields and long lead times. To address this, we present an alternative implementation of the pyramid wavefront sensor that relies on two roof prisms instead. Such prisms are easy and inexpensive to source. We demonstrate the successful operation of the roof prism pyramid wavefront sensor on a 8-m class telescope, at visible and near infrared wavelengths ---for the first time using a SAPHIRA HgCdTe detector without modulation for a laboratory demonstration---, and elucidate how this sensor can be used more widely on wavefront control test benches and instruments.
We present a consistent multimode theory that describes the coupling of single photons generated by collinear Type-I parametric down-conversion into single-mode optical fibers. We have calculated an analytic expression for the fiber diameter which ma ximizes the pair photon count rate. For a given focal length and wavelength, a lower limit of the fiber diameter for satisfactory coupling is obtained.
With its high sensitivity, the Pyramid wavefront sensor (PyWFS) is becoming an advantageous sensor for astronomical adaptive optics (AO) systems. However, this sensor exhibits significant non-linear behaviours leading to challenging AO control issues . In order to mitigate these effects, we propose to use, in addition to the classical pyramid sensor, a focal plane image combined with a convolutive description of the sensor to perform a fast tracking of the PyWFS non-linearities, the so-called optical gains (OG). We show that this additional focal plane imaging path only requires a small fraction of the total flux, while representing a robust solution to estimate the PyWFS OG. Finally, we demonstrate the gain brought by our method with the specific examples of bootstrap and Non-Common Path Aberrations (NCPA) handling.
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