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Selecting the best data filtering method for NMT training

اختيار أفضل طريقة تصفية البيانات لتدريب NMT

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Performance of NMT systems has been proven to depend on the quality of the training data. In this paper we explore different open-source tools that can be used to score the quality of translation pairs, with the goal of obtaining clean corpora for training NMT models. We measure the performance of these tools by correlating their scores with human scores, as well as rank models trained on the resulting filtered datasets in terms of their performance on different test sets and MT performance metrics.

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Data filtering for machine translation (MT) describes the task of selecting a subset of a given, possibly noisy corpus with the aim to maximize the performance of an MT system trained on this selected data. Over the years, many different filtering ap proaches have been proposed. However, varying task definitions and data conditions make it difficult to draw a meaningful comparison. In the present work, we aim for a more systematic approach to the task at hand. First, we analyze the performance of language identification, a tool commonly used for data filtering in the MT community and identify specific weaknesses. Based on our findings, we then propose several novel methods for data filtering, based on cross-lingual word embeddings. We compare our approaches to one of the winning methods from the WMT 2018 shared task on parallel corpus filtering on three real-life, high resource MT tasks. We find that said method, which was performing very strong in the WMT shared task, does not perform well within our more realistic task conditions. While we find that our approaches come out at the top on all three tasks, different variants perform best on different tasks. Further experiments on the WMT 2020 shared task for parallel corpus filtering show that our methods achieve comparable results to the strongest submissions of this campaign.
The explosion of user-generated content (UGC)---e.g. social media posts and comments and and reviews---has motivated the development of NLP applications tailored to these types of informal texts. Prevalent among these applications have been sentiment analysis and machine translation (MT). Grounded in the observation that UGC features highly idiomatic and sentiment-charged language and we propose a decoder-side approach that incorporates automatic sentiment scoring into the MT candidate selection process. We train monolingual sentiment classifiers in English and Spanish and in addition to a multilingual sentiment model and by fine-tuning BERT and XLM-RoBERTa. Using n-best candidates generated by a baseline MT model with beam search and we select the candidate that minimizes the absolute difference between the sentiment score of the source sentence and that of the translation and and perform two human evaluations to assess the produced translations. Unlike previous work and we select this minimally divergent translation by considering the sentiment scores of the source sentence and translation on a continuous interval and rather than using e.g. binary classification and allowing for more fine-grained selection of translation candidates. The results of human evaluations show that and in comparison to the open-source MT baseline model on top of which our sentiment-based pipeline is built and our pipeline produces more accurate translations of colloquial and sentiment-heavy source texts.
The concept of frequency reuse has been successfully implemented in modern cellular communications systems in order to increase the system capacity. Further improvement of capacity can be achieved by employing adaptive arrays at the base station. In order to track the desired users, direction finding algorithms are used to locate the positions of mobile users as they move within or between cells. Recently, neural networks-based direction finding algorithms have been supposed for source direction finding. The performance of neural network is evaluated by comparing their prediction, standard deviation and Mean Square Error (MSE) between their predicted and measurement values. The research depends on this context. So, it has been compared the antenna array output signals according to their amplitude, then selected the signal that has the best amplitude in the system’s final output.
We propose a shared task on training instance selection for few-shot neural text generation. Large-scale pretrained language models have led to dramatic improvements in few-shot text generation. Nonetheless, almost all previous work simply applies ra ndom sampling to select the few-shot training instances. Little to no attention has been paid to the selection strategies and how they would affect model performance. Studying the selection strategy can help us (1) make the most use of our annotation budget in downstream tasks and (2) better benchmark few-shot text generative models. We welcome submissions that present their selection strategies and the effects on the generation quality.
There are two approaches for pairwise sentence scoring: Cross-encoders, which perform full-attention over the input pair, and Bi-encoders, which map each input independently to a dense vector space. While cross-encoders often achieve higher performan ce, they are too slow for many practical use cases. Bi-encoders, on the other hand, require substantial training data and fine-tuning over the target task to achieve competitive performance. We present a simple yet efficient data augmentation strategy called Augmented SBERT, where we use the cross-encoder to label a larger set of input pairs to augment the training data for the bi-encoder. We show that, in this process, selecting the sentence pairs is non-trivial and crucial for the success of the method. We evaluate our approach on multiple tasks (in-domain) as well as on a domain adaptation task. Augmented SBERT achieves an improvement of up to 6 points for in-domain and of up to 37 points for domain adaptation tasks compared to the original bi-encoder performance.

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