ترجمة النص إلى لغة غير معروفة إلى مؤلف النص، التي يطلق عليها اسم الترجمة الصادرة، هي الحاجة الحديثة التي تعتبر تجربة المستخدم مجالا هاما للتحسين، بعد منشأة ترجمة الآلات الأساسية.نوضح ذلك من خلال إظهار ثلاث طرق حيث يمكن أن تتأثر ثقة المستخدم في الترجمة الخارجية، وكذلك الجودة النهائية الشاملة،: الترجمة الخلفية، تقدير الجودة (مع المحاذاة) وإصلاح المصادر.في هذه الورقة، وصفنا تجربة على الترجمة الصادرة من الإنجليزية إلى التشيكية والإستونية.نحن ندرس آثار كل وحدة ملاحظات مقترحة وتركز كذلك على كيفية تأثير جودة أنظمة الترجمة الآلية التي تؤثر على هذه النتائج وتصور المستخدم للنجاح.نظهر أن ردود الفعل الترجمة الخلفية لها تأثير مختلط على العملية برمتها: فهي تزيد ثقة المستخدم في الترجمة المنتجة، ولكن ليس الجودة الموضوعية.
Translating text into a language unknown to the text's author, dubbed outbound translation, is a modern need for which the user experience has significant room for improvement, beyond the basic machine translation facility. We demonstrate this by showing three ways in which user confidence in the outbound translation, as well as its overall final quality, can be affected: backward translation, quality estimation (with alignment) and source paraphrasing. In this paper, we describe an experiment on outbound translation from English to Czech and Estonian. We examine the effects of each proposed feedback module and further focus on how the quality of machine translation systems influence these findings and the user perception of success. We show that backward translation feedback has a mixed effect on the whole process: it increases user confidence in the produced translation, but not the objective quality.
References used
We present a tool that provides automated feedback to students studying Spanish writing. The feedback is given for four categories: topic development, coherence, writing conventions, and essay organization. The tool is made freely available via a Goo
The Covid pandemic upended translation teaching globally. The forced move to online teaching represented a gargantuan challenge for anyone only experienced in face-to-face teaching. Online translation teaching requires distinct approaches to guarante
With counterfactual bandit learning, models can be trained based on positive and negative feedback received for historical predictions, with no labeled data needed. Such feedback is often available in real-world dialog systems, however, the modulariz
Giving feedback to students is not just about marking their answers as correct or incorrect, but also finding mistakes in their thought process that led them to that incorrect answer. In this paper, we introduce a machine learning technique for mista
We investigate the question of how adaptive feedback from a virtual agent impacts the linguistic input of the user in a shared world game environment. To do so, we carry out an exploratory pilot study to observe how individualized linguistic feedback