الترجمة المعاكسة المعاكسة تعاليم على مستوى العالم.يمثل الانتقال القسري للتدريس عبر الإنترنت تحدي غارغانتوي لأي شخص من ذوي الخبرة فقط في تدريس وجها لوجه.يتطلب تعليم الترجمة عبر الإنترنت مناهجا متميزة لضمان أن الطلاب يمكنهم الوصول إلى أهداف التعلم المستهدفة.تقدم هذه الورقة مراجعة الأدبيات حول تقديم ملاحظات فعالة في ضوء هذه التغييرات الجذابة في تدريس الترجمة بالإضافة إلى وصف كمستوى البحث الحالي على التعليقات عبر الإنترنت لتدريب الترجمة على تصميم الدورات التدريبية عبر الإنترنت في برنامج الترجمةفي جامعة روتجرز.
The Covid pandemic upended translation teaching globally. The forced move to online teaching represented a gargantuan challenge for anyone only experienced in face-to-face teaching. Online translation teaching requires distinct approaches to guarantee that students can reach the targeted learning goals. This paper presents a literature review on the provision of effective feedback in the light of these drastic changes in translation teaching as well as a description as how existing research on online feedback for translation training has been applied to the design of online courses at the translation program at Rutgers University.
References used
Adaptive Machine Translation purports to dynamically include user feedback to improve translation quality. In a post-editing scenario, user corrections of machine translation output are thus continuously incorporated into translation models, reducing
We present a tool that provides automated feedback to students studying Spanish writing. The feedback is given for four categories: topic development, coherence, writing conventions, and essay organization. The tool is made freely available via a Goo
In online forums focused on health and wellbeing, individuals tend to seek and give the following social support: emotional and informational support. Understanding the expressions of these social supports in an online COVID- 19 forum is important fo
Translating text into a language unknown to the text's author, dubbed outbound translation, is a modern need for which the user experience has significant room for improvement, beyond the basic machine translation facility. We demonstrate this by sho
With counterfactual bandit learning, models can be trained based on positive and negative feedback received for historical predictions, with no labeled data needed. Such feedback is often available in real-world dialog systems, however, the modulariz