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Handling synset overgeneration: Sense Merging in BTB-WN

التعامل مع المكشفي النشط: بالمعنى دمج في BTB-WN

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The paper reports on an effort to reconsider the representation of some cases of derivational paradigm patterns in Bulgarian. The new treatment implemented within BulTreeBank-WordNet (BTB-WN), a wordnet for Bulgarian, is the grouping together of related words that have a common main meaning in the same synset while the nuances in sense are to be encoded within the synset as a modification functions over the main meaning. In this way, we can solve the following challenges: (1) to avoid the influence of English Wordnet (EWN) synset distinctions over Bulgarian that was a result from the translation of some of the synsets from Core WordNet; (2) to represent the common meaning of such derivation patterns just once and to improve the management of BTB-WN, and (3) to encode idiosyncratic usages locally to the corresponding synsets instead of introducing new semantic relations.

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While aggregate performance metrics can generate valuable insights at a large scale, their dominance means more complex and nuanced language phenomena, such as vagueness, may be overlooked. Focusing on vague terms (e.g. sunny, cloudy, young, etc.) we inspect the behavior of visually grounded and text-only models, finding systematic divergences from human judgments even when a model's overall performance is high. To help explain this disparity, we identify two assumptions made by the datasets and models examined and, guided by the philosophy of vagueness, isolate cases where they do not hold.
This paper introduces Wn, a new Python library for working with wordnets. Unlike previous libraries, Wn is built from the beginning to accommodate multiple wordnets --- for multiple languages or multiple versions of the same wordnet --- while retaini ng the ability to query and traverse them independently. It is also able to download and incorporate wordnets published online. These features are made possible through Wn's adoption of standard formats and methods for interoperability, namely the WN-LMF schema (Vossen et al., 2013; Bond et al., 2020) and the Collaborative Interlingual Index (Bond et al., 2016). Wn is open-source, easily available, and well-documented.
Supervised systems have nowadays become the standard recipe for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), with Transformer-based language models as their primary ingredient. However, while these systems have certainly attained unprecedented performances, virt ually all of them operate under the constraining assumption that, given a context, each word can be disambiguated individually with no account of the other sense choices. To address this limitation and drop this assumption, we propose CONtinuous SEnse Comprehension (ConSeC), a novel approach to WSD: leveraging a recent re-framing of this task as a text extraction problem, we adapt it to our formulation and introduce a feedback loop strategy that allows the disambiguation of a target word to be conditioned not only on its context but also on the explicit senses assigned to nearby words. We evaluate ConSeC and examine how its components lead it to surpass all its competitors and set a new state of the art on English WSD. We also explore how ConSeC fares in the cross-lingual setting, focusing on 8 languages with various degrees of resource availability, and report significant improvements over prior systems. We release our code at
In this paper we analyze the extent to which contextualized sense embeddings, i.e., sense embeddings that are computed based on contextualized word embeddings, are transferable across languages.To this end, we compiled a unified cross-lingual benchma rk for Word Sense Disambiguation. We then propose two simple strategies to transfer sense-specific knowledge across languages and test them on the benchmark.Experimental results show that this contextualized knowledge can be effectively transferred to similar languages through pre-trained multilingual language models, to the extent that they can out-perform monolingual representations learnednfrom existing language-specific data.
In quality estimation (QE), the quality of translation can be predicted by referencing the source sentence and the machine translation (MT) output without access to the reference sentence. However, there exists a paradox in that constructing a datase t for creating a QE model requires non-trivial human labor and time, and it may even requires additional effort compared to the cost of constructing a parallel corpus. In this study, to address this paradox and utilize the various applications of QE, even in low-resource languages (LRLs), we propose a method for automatically constructing a pseudo-QE dataset without using human labor. We perform a comparative analysis on the pseudo-QE dataset using multilingual pre-trained language models. As we generate the pseudo dataset, we conduct experiments using various external machine translators as test sets to verify the accuracy of the results objectively. Also, the experimental results show that multilingual BART demonstrates the best performance, and we confirm the applicability of QE in LRLs using pseudo-QE dataset construction methods.

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