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Allelopathic Effects of Sorghum Halepense (L.) Pers. and Avena Sterilis L. Water Extracts on Early Seedling Growth of Portulacca Oleracea L. and Medicago Sativa L.

التأثير الأليلوباثي للمستخلصات المائية لنباتي الرزين Sorghum Halepense (L.) Pers والشوفان العقيم .Avena Sterilis L في النمو المبكر لبادرات البقلة Portulacca Oleracea L. والفصة Medicago Sativa L.

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Life Science
and research's language is العربية
 Created by براءه عثمان

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Allelopathy uses, as target plants, the cultivated species that are sometimes considered useful for comparative analysis, but do not naturally co-exist with the donor species (Reigosa et al., 2013) . Therefore, the weed common purslane (portulaca oleracea) (Portulacaceae) was selected as a target in addition to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (Fabaceae) to compare with it. Two worldwide distribution weeds: sterile oat (Avena sterilis), and Aleppo grass (Sorghum halepense) (Poaceae) were chosen as donor plants, Water extracts of donor plants were prepared, 2%,4%,8% concentrations were used and distilled water was used for control. Seed germination and early seedling growth of target plants were studied in petri dishes. Lengths of seedlings were measured, after that, following indicators were calculated: Relative seed germination (RSG), relative elongation ratio of Shoot (RERs) and root (RERr), Inhibition percentage of germination, shoot and root length (I), and root/shoot ratio. Means and standard deviation were calculated and means were statically analyzed with one – way ANOVA, LSD test was chosen to compare differences between treatment means at a probability levels (0.01, 0.05). The result showed that extracts had greater effects on seedling growth rather than on germination and all measurements were affected, extracts had inhibition effects on root length of the two tested species, shoot length of alfalfa, but a stimulation effect on shoot length of common purslane. All root / shoot ratios were significant in all treatments of common purslane, and alfalfa treated with Aleppo grass only, while the seed germination differences were generally non – significant, Aleppo grass extracts were more effective than that of sterile oat, and the effect generally increased by increasing concentration.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة التأثيرات الأليلوباثية لمستخلصات الماء من نباتي السورغم الحلبي (Sorghum halepense) والشوفان العقيم (Avena sterilis) على نمو البادرات المبكرة لنباتي الرجلة (Portulacca oleracea) والبرسيم (Medicago sativa). تم اختيار الرجلة والبرسيم كنباتات مستهدفة، بينما تم اختيار الشوفان العقيم والسورغم الحلبي كنباتات مانحة. تم تحضير مستخلصات الماء من النباتات المانحة بتركيزات 2%، 4%، و8%، واستخدام الماء المقطر كتحكم. تم دراسة إنبات البذور ونمو البادرات المبكرة في أطباق بتري، وتم قياس أطوال البادرات وحساب مؤشرات مثل نسبة الإنبات النسبي (RSG)، نسبة الاستطالة النسبية للجذر (RERr) والساق (RERs)، ونسبة التثبيط في الإنبات وطول الجذر والساق، ونسبة الجذر إلى الساق. أظهرت النتائج أن المستخلصات كان لها تأثير أكبر على نمو البادرات مقارنة بالإنبات، حيث كان لها تأثير تثبيطي على طول الجذر لنباتي الرجلة والبرسيم، وتأثير تحفيزي على طول الساق لنبات الرجلة. كانت مستخلصات السورغم الحلبي أكثر فعالية من مستخلصات الشوفان العقيم، وزاد التأثير بزيادة التركيز.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة إسهامًا مهمًا في فهم التأثيرات الأليلوباثية للنباتات على نمو البادرات، ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن أن تشمل الدراسة مجموعة أوسع من النباتات المستهدفة لتوفير نتائج أكثر شمولية. ثانيًا، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى الآليات الكيميائية التي تقف وراء التأثيرات الأليلوباثية، مما قد يحد من فهمنا الكامل لهذه الظاهرة. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر قوة إذا تم تنفيذها في ظروف بيئية متنوعة بدلاً من الظروف المخبرية فقط، مما يعزز من تطبيق النتائج في البيئات الطبيعية والزراعية. على الرغم من هذه النقاط، فإن الدراسة تقدم بيانات قيمة حول التأثيرات الأليلوباثية وتفتح المجال لمزيد من الأبحاث في هذا المجال.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي النباتات المانحة والمستهدفة التي تم استخدامها في الدراسة؟

    النباتات المانحة هي الشوفان العقيم والسورغم الحلبي، بينما النباتات المستهدفة هي الرجلة والبرسيم.

  2. ما هي المؤشرات التي تم قياسها في الدراسة؟

    تم قياس نسبة الإنبات النسبي (RSG)، نسبة الاستطالة النسبية للجذر (RERr) والساق (RERs)، ونسبة التثبيط في الإنبات وطول الجذر والساق، ونسبة الجذر إلى الساق.

  3. ما هو التأثير الذي لوحظ على طول الجذر لنباتي الرجلة والبرسيم؟

    لوحظ تأثير تثبيطي على طول الجذر لنباتي الرجلة والبرسيم.

  4. كيف كانت فعالية مستخلصات السورغم الحلبي مقارنة بمستخلصات الشوفان العقيم؟

    كانت مستخلصات السورغم الحلبي أكثر فعالية من مستخلصات الشوفان العقيم، وزاد التأثير بزيادة التركيز.

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rate research

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This study was designed to estimate the allelophatic effect of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.), in the growth of one year old of olive seedlings, in a nursery (greenhouse) conditions. Two experiments were conducted in this study. In the first e xperiment, the effect of the aqueous extracts of cognograss leaves, rhizomes, and roots, at concentrations of (2%, 4% and 8%) on the growth of olive seedlings (total length and diameter) were evaluated. The results of this experiment indicated an inhibitory effect of the 4% and 8% aqueous extracts on growth parameters. It was found that treatments with 4% and 8% aqueous extracts caused significant reduction (60.2% and 83%) respectively in the total length, in compare to the control. As for the 2% aqueous extract, it showed a stimulation effect in the growth, an increase about 31.5% was recorded for the total length in compare to the control. A similar result was observed in regard the seedlings diameter growth. The 2% aqueous extract showed an 56.8% increase in the rate of diameter growth, while the 4% and 8% extracts showed a reduction effects 80% and 91.5% respectively. The second experiment evaluated the effect of dried powder of cogongrass parts at concentrations of (2%, 4% and 8%) on the growth of olive seedlings.
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This investigation was carried out at the experimental Station of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, King Saud University, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia, during the growing season 2001/2002. The objectives of the research were to study and evaluate the productivity, morphological and physiological behavior of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants grown under palm trees environment. The results proved the important effects of palm trees shading on alfalfa growth, development and productivity. Significant differences were observed between the control treatment and the two other treatments. The results also showed a significant increase in fresh and dry weight and quality characteristics except for fat percentage. This percentage increased gradually from treatment 1, which was located under palm trees, to treatment 2, which was located between palm trees to the control treatment, which was located away from palm trees, where there was no shading. The morphological and physiological characteristics did not significantly change in spite of the existed changes among their means.
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The research was conducted on hybrid Squash (Nancy F1) at Tishreen University in the growing season of spring 2013 in order to study the effect of ground covering and low tunnels on the early production of squash. The study consisted of four experi mental treatments: the control (without covering) and three covering treatments (ground covering using black mulch, ground covering with a low plastic tunnel, and a low plastic tunnel without ground covering). The completely randomized design was used with three replications per treatment and ten plants per replication. The results showed that the covering with a low plastic tunnel was superior to other treatments, resulting in a clear increase in female flowers, the ratio of female flowers to the total flowers, fruit number, and plant production. The results also showed a strong positive correlation between the plant production and the number of female flowers (r=0.999), the number of fruit per plant (r=0.999), the ratio of female flowers to the total flowers (r=0.990) and the total number of flowers (0.995). The correlation with male flowers was however negative (r=-0.954).
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