فكرة المشروع الأساسية هي إنشاء دليل عربي متكامل فيما يخص بناء حاسوب تفرعي أو ما يسمى حاسوب خارق باستخدام عدة عقد (راسبيري باي)، مع الخطوات التفصيلية والروابط اللازمة للعمل، بالإضافة إلى المشكلات والحلول المطلوبة، مع تطبيق مفهوم الحوسبة التفرعية والبرمجة التفرعية كذلك، وترسيخ الفكرة بتطبيق معالجة صورة (عد النجوم في صورة لوكالة ناسا)،
This project is about an Arabic guide for building a supercomputer (cluster) based on raspberry pi nodes with a brief of the problems and the solutions needed, with an OpenCV application about counting stars in a Nasa Image
References used
As we enter the age of artificial intelligence, the need for intelligent home appliances has become very important for what this smart equipment can provide in the provision of electrical energy and water resources that are treasures should human pre
Content based 2Dcerebral digital subtraction angiography(DSA) images retrieval
system has been built. The systemfinds and retrieves images fromcerebral DSA imagedatabase(
Cerebral Sacular Aneurysms) which have a similar content to a query image.
In recent years, the problem of classifying objects in images has increased by using deep learning as a result of the industrial sector requirements. Despite of many algorithms used in this field, such as Deep Learning Neural Network DNN and Convolut
The various types of radial distortions generated by digital cameras are presented in this paper, like Barrel Distortions and Pincushion Distortion.
Image processing techniques are used to correct the barrel distortion generated by wide-angle lenses
This research serves the process of organizing the traffic by reducing traffic congestion,
especially at peak times to a minimum, presenting an effective method is not used locally to
automate traffic lights adoption concepts, image processing, con