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Integrating security keys exchange in the secure routing in AODV protocol

دمج عمليات تبادل مفاتيح الحماية مع التسيير الآمن في بروتوكول AODV

1803   1   25   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Mobile ad-hoc Networking MANETS is a promising concept to provide flexible, adaptive, and reconfigurable architecture, cost effective solution.In the mobile ad hoc network security is the basic concern for network functions work properly.Routing is the corner stone in Mobile ad-hoc Networks, A lot of known vulnerabilities and security threats can be exploited to attack routing messages, so it is important to provide secure routing protocol for MANETs.In this paper, we present a secure extension for ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector Protocol (AODV). The default routing protocol for MANETs. The proposed protocol ensures that discovery of the route between the nodes is functioning properly and securely, achieving mutual authentication between nodes, routing message integrity, generating a security key of data sent and exchanges it securely to ensure confidentiality and all of these are in one stage. By this we save in wireless band, resource consumption, preventing duplicate of authentication algorithms.

References used
vsd_deshpande, "Possible Attacks In Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols",2006.
MONIS AKHLAQ, M NOMAN JAFRI, MUZAMMIL A KHAN, BABER ASLAM, "Data Security Key Establishment in AODV", Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007 February 16-19, 2007.
C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, and S. Das. "Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing". Internet RFC 3561, July 2003.
Weichao Wang, Yi Lu, Bharat K. Bhargava, "On Vulnerability and Protection of Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Protocol", In proceeding of: Telecommunications, 2003. ICT 2003. 10th International Conference.
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Routing protocols play an essential role in meeting the quality of service requirements in the network, but achieving these requirements may require frequent send and receive operations to build and maintain routing tables, which consume sensors r esource If we take into consideration the limitations of wireless sensor networks in terms of the amount of available energy and storage capacity. In this research a performance comparison of the on-demand Distance Vector Routing protocol AODV and Hierarchical Routing protocolHR was carried out in terms of the packet delivery and loose rate, delay and jitter, and the amount of expended energy in the Wireless sensor network operates according to IEEE802.15.4 standard in cases where some of sensors get out of work for limited periods of time. The results showed that the hierarchical routing protocols perform better in terms of delay time and transfer rate and the amount of consumed energy than on-demand Distance Vector Routing protocol routing protocol, but suffer larger packet loss due to routing path corruption as a result of sensors crashes.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are deployed in adversarial environments and used for critical applications such as battle field surveillance and medical monitoring, then security weaknesses become a big concern. The severe resource constraints of WSNs give rise to the need for resource bound security solutions. The Implicit Geographic Forwarding Protocol (IGF) is considered stateless, which means that it does not contain any routing tables and does not depend on the knowledge of the network topology, or on the presence or absence of the node in WSN. This protocol is developed to provide a range of mechanisms that increase security in IGF. Thus it keeps the dynamic connectivity features and provides effective defenses against potential attacks. These mechanisms supported the security against several attacks as Black hole, Sybil and Retransmission attacks, but the problem was the inability of mechanisms to deal with physical attack. This research deals with a detailed study of the SIGF-2 protocol and proposes an improvement for it, in which we use the concept of deployment knowledge from random key pool algorithm of keys management to defend against physical attack . The evaluation of simulation results, with different parameters, proved that our proposal had improved the studied protocol.
A Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a collection of nodes forming a wireless network, but the nodes of this network are vehicles with special equipment that enable them to communicate with each other. VANET protocols have to face high challenges due to dynamically changing topologies, link breakage and low vehicular density. A suitable and effective routing protocol helps to ensure that messages are reached to their destinations and achieve the desired aim of the application. In this research, we present an analysis of the performance of two major routing protocols used in these networks, which are AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) and GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing). This analysis is based on various parameters such as end-to-end delay and average dropped packets, in order to find the best protocol which can be used in the network with low density at the junctions. To achieve this purpose, we used a simulator OPNET_17.5. Depending on the simulation results, we have obtained and the analysis and comparison of two protocols at different low density contract. We found that GPSR protocol has better performance end-to-end delay and average dropped packets are used as the performance metrics, and is better for VANET under the low vehicular density simulation scenario at junctions.
Mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) is a wireless ad hoc network that consists of avery large number of tiny sensor nodes communicating with each other in which sensornodes are either equipped with motors for active mobility or attached to mobile objectsfor passive mobility. A real-time routing protocol for MWSN is an exciting area of research because messages in the network are delivered according to their end-to-end deadlines (packet lifetime) while sensor nodes are mobile. This paper proposes an enhanced realtime with load distribution (ERTLD) routing protocol for MWSN which is based on our previousrouting protocol RTLD. ERTLD utilized corona mechanism and optimal forwardingmetrics to forward the data packet in MWSN. It computes the optimal forwarding nodebased on RSSI, remaining battery level of sensor nodes and packet delayover one-hop. ERTLDensures high packet delivery ratio and experiences minimum end-to-end delay in WSNand MWSN compared to baseline routing protocol. . In this paper we consider a highly dynamic wireless sensor network system in which the sensor nodes and the base station(sink) are mobile.ERTLD has been studied and verified and compared with baseline routing protocols RTLD,MM-SPEED , RTLCthrough Network Simulator- 2(NS2)
In this paper, we use NCTUns 6.0 to simulate this kind of networks ,because it is difficult to do that is the real world .In this paper, two routing protocols (AODV, ADV) are studied within many scenarios to achieve their performances and reliabi lity using many metrics. We conclude that ADV routing protocol adapts quickly when the complexity of network and mobility of nodes increase. This is achieved by varying the size and frequency of routing updates.

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