عرف ازدحام القواطع السفلية بأنه تباين بين العرض الأنسي الوحشي للقواطع
الأربعة الدائمة و المسافة المتوفرة على العظم السنخي . على أية حال إن ازدحام
القواطع السفلية ليس مجرد تباين بين المسافة المتوفرة في العظم السنخي و حجوم الأسنان
فحسب لكن هناك عدة عوامل كميلان القواطع يمكن أن تؤثر على تطور الازدحام .
هدف البحث هو دراسة تأثير الازدحام الأمامي السفلي على وضعية القواطع العلوية
و السفلية في المرحلة المبكرة للإسنان المختلط .
Lower incisor crowding ( L.I.C ) is identified as the
discrepancy between mesiodistal tooth widths of four permanent
incisors and available space in the alveolar process. However,
incisor crowding is not merely a tooth-arch size discrepancy. Many
factors such as incisor inclination can be affect crowding
the aim of search. Was studying effect of mandibular anterior
crowding on maxillary and mandibular incisor position in the early
mixed dentition.
References used
Howe RP, McNamara JA Jr, O’Connor KA, 1983- An examination of dental crowding and its relationship to tooth size and arch dimension. American journal of orthodontics 83: 363–373
Poosti M, Jalali T, 2007- Tooth size and arch dimemsion in uncrowded versus crowded class I malocclusions. J Contemp Dent Pract, (8)3: 045 – 052
Sanin C, Savara BS, 1973- Factors that affect the alignment of the mandibular incisors: A longitudinal study. American journal of orthodontics. 64: 248–57
Many factors such as direction of mandibular growth, early loss of
deciduous molars, the effect of maxillary and mandibular lengths
and incisor and molar inclination can be associated with crowding.
The aim of study to evaluate the effect of mandibular anterior
crowding on maxillary and mandibular base lengths and ANB
angle in the early mixed dentition .
Individuals with dental crowding are the most frequent patients in
the orthodontic clinic. Therefore, it is useful to know the
contributing factors of dental crowding for planning of orthodontic
treatment and achieving stability and retention.
Arch length preservation, and maintenance of the leeway space in the mixed dentition can often provide an adequate space to resolve lower incisor crowding. Yet, the frequency of this occurrence is not known. To obtain this information, lingual arches
The aim of the study was to evaluate The relation between morphology of lips and incisors and mandibular rotation in adult class Ι individuals and to explore the gender dimorphism for these measurments. Material and methods True lateral cephalometri
The research was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Al-Assad university hospital in Lattakia in the period between (1/1/2014) – (30/6/2015). The study included (100) patient, who submitted to colposcopy and Papanicolaou smear