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The international organization to fight crime (Interpol)

المنظمة الدولية للشرطة الجنائية (الانتربول)

1042   3   1515   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Thus, the scientific fact proved that any individual state efforts can not eliminate crime, in addition to the border between the countries has facilitated the overlapping international criminals to move from different countries and doing crimes. Then demonstrated the need for an international entity (Interpol) to take it upon, do the job and cooperates through various police agencies in the country, especially through the exchange of information related to the crime and the offender as quickly as possible.

References used
M.Fooner:" Interpol: the inside story of the international crime fighthing organization Chicago,1973
ميثاق المنظمة الدولية للشرطة الجنائية (الانتربول).
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The Statute of the International Criminal Court authorized the appeal of its judgments in two ways: ordinary, an appeal, an extraordinary review of judgments, and in the eyes of both appeals the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court. The international legislator organized the grounds, procedures, provisions and effects of the appeal, Much more than what was prescribed in national legislation.
The widespread dissemination of the above-mentioned rules and the establishment of an international criminal court will greatly contribute to opening the way to breaking this vicious cycle and achieving the objective of establishing legal norms tha t protect human beings during armed conflicts of both types. And the motives of the International Criminal Court and the legal rules governing its work and its functions and its impact on society. The United States of America is one of the most countries that evade international judicial justice and in violation of the rules of the International Criminal Court through the issuance of several types of laws: First - laws that prevent the trial of any citizen or a US soldier before the international judicial body to be the jurisdiction of the US domestic courts. Second, resorting to bilateral and special treaties with countries on whose territory US military bases are located, so that if their soldiers commit international war crimes, the jurisdiction of the US military courts shall be exclusive and not within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
This research raises the question of the possibility of prosecuting the members of the " ISIS" organization for this crime, and what is the response of international law to it, through studying the best possible ways. The study ended with a set o f results and proposals, the most important of which was the establishment of a special international court to try individuals of "ISIS" for the crime of intentional destruction of cultural heritage under the name of "cultural cleansing".
The existence of the Arabs in Africa extends deeply in history. In fact, there are many theorems to trace when Arabs arrived at Africa. These theorems vary depending on the way we want to define who Arabs are. In addition, the humanitarians' dimensio ns in international relations are in themselves rather vague because such interpretation is not agreed upon in both western and international law especially in relation to Arab and African situations. There is no doubt that international relations, especially neighbourhood relations, are not as they are supposed to be. In fact, these relations are completely oriented by maintaining interest, ignoring morals, which results in replacing intimacy with resentment. It is true that Westerns succeeded in contaminating Arab-African relations to extent of hostility. The can be attributed to the cooperation between Arabs and Africans is completely controlled by the political moods rather than on true mutual interest. This fluctuating mood has led to the absence of common vision to face challenges. Therefore the necessity demands taking practical action not merely wishes and words to create a new regional cooperation for the human good. This cooperation should result in developing bordering cities economically, culturally, and at humanitarian level. There is also a need to boost up financial aids to be as or exceed the western financial aids, which make people less dependent on Western and rebuild historical relations and revive ties of kinship between regional countries. All this in the context of a humanitarian status-strong neighbor and good neighborliness. ...
The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations، and the court leads a role represented in resolving legal disputes raised by member states، and providing advisory opinions in those legal issues referred to the court by United Nations bodies and authorized specialized agencies.
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