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Supervised fuzzy logic control on vehicle’s suspension system for chattering reduction and ride comfort enhancement

تقليل الاهتزاز باستخدام التحكم العائم الإشرافي على تحكم بالنمط المنزلق لتحسين راحة الركوب في نظام تعليق العربة

1337   1   40   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this paper, a problem of ride comfort enhancement in a moving vehicle was introduced and controlled by damping force to deduce vibration caused by road profile. Sliding mode control was used to give the damping force in two degree of freedom suspension system. A mechanic model of suspension system was given, dampers and springs were used for passive damping to reduce chattering and sliding mode control for semi-active control with proposed method by using supervised fuzzy logic control for chattering decreasing was designed. A simulation with the given initial conditions was designed using Matlab/Simulink. By computing of root mean square error we got that the proposed method gave the best responses with the smallest chattering compared with traditional mechanical damping and sliding mode control. All results plotted using Matlab/Simulink.

References used
Boiko I.M 2010- Analysis of Chattering in Sliding Mode Control Systems with Continuous Boundary Layer Approximation of Discontinuous Control, American Control Conference on O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA, USA ,June 29 - July 01, 2011
Chamsai T, Jirawattana P and Radpukdee T 2010- Sliding Mode Control with PID Tuning Technique: An Application to a DC Servo Motor Position Tracking Control, Energy Research Journal 1 (2): 55-61
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