ظهر الشيك الالكتروني بظهور التجارة الالكترونية كأحد وسائل الدفع المتطورة فهو بمثابة
المكافئ الالكتروني للشيك التقليدي و يشتمل على ذات البيانات التي يحتويها الشيك
التقليدي. و لعل ما يميز هذا الشيك أنه يقوم بشكل أساسي على الوسيلة الالكترونية التي
أكسبته نوعاً من الخصوصية في الإنشاء و التداول.
فهو عبارة عن رسالة بيانات الكترونية موقعة و بالتالي فله حجية قانونية في الوفاء بالنسبة
للبلدان التي تأخذ بحجية كل من الوثيقة الالكترونية و التوقيع الالكتروني.
The electronic check on the back of the emergence of electronic
commerce as a means of advanced payment. It is evolving as the
equivalent of a check on the traditional and incorporates relevant
data contained in the traditional. Check perhaps what distinguishes
this check it is based mainly on the electronic medium ;which
earned him assort of privacy in the construction and trading. It is an
electronic message signed and thus hath legal force to meet for
countries that take legal force that takes all of the electronic
document and electronic signature.
References used
CHAFFEY ,D,2006- e- business and e-commerce management, strategy, implementation and practice. Prentice Hall, Third Edition,Newjersey ,U.S,120p
DAVIS ,W, AND BENAMATI, J, 2003 -,e-commerce basics, technology foundation and e-business application. Addison Wesley, Cornell University,Newyork,U.S,450p
REED,C,AND SUTTER,G,2003-e-commerce,computer law. Oxford University Press, Fifth Edition,U.K, 552p
هدف هذا البحث إلى بيان مفهوم التوقيع الالكتروني الخاص بجهة التصديق الالكتروني و أهميته و طرائق التحقق من عائديته لجهة التصديق، كما يظهر الخطر الناجم عن ذلك التوقيع و سبل الوقاية منه، و تعتمد هذه الدراسة على توضيح أهم الطرائق المتبعة في التحقق من التو
The administrative decision is the most important mean of expressing the will of the public administration.
Such decision is one of the important subject-matters of administrative law, which is distinguished by being flexible and developed, as in co
the research aim to determine what is the electronic arbitration as a term
and concept and then the understanding of substantive and
procedural legal aspects, all this as the way to resolve electronic
commerce disputes.
An online store is the cornerstone of e-business. It is a set of
elements that integrate with each other to conduct business online. It
agrees with the traditional store in terms of the trader's goal of doing
business. However, it raises the quest
Data mining is becoming a pervasive technology in activities as diverse as using historical data to predict the success of a marketing campaign looking for patterns in financial transactions to discover illegal activities. From this perspective it wa