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Thermal – Structural Behavior of Composite Bridges Under Fire

الاستجابة الحرارية - الإنشائية في الجسور المركبة تحت تأثير الحريق

1771   1   99   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper presents structural analysis in using ANSYS programme for modeling of heat load then comparison between the analytical results and experimental results is performed .

References used
DAIRY. A.H., 2009 – Behavior of Composite Steel Deck – Concrete Slabs Subjected to Elevated Temperature. Journal of engineering and development, vol. 13, No. 1, Iraq.9
WANG. Y.C., 2002 – Steel and Composite Structures. Spon Press,1nd,London.635p
JAEN.M.F., 2000 -Structures in Fire. University Of Liege, Danish Institue Of Fire Technology, CIB-B14 Fire, 2nd, Copenhagen.480p
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Stability of elements require determination of their dimension, such that the resulting displacement under static or thermal loads are acceptable. Those elements have to resist the applied loads so that the structure or any element does not loss c onstancy. The most important criteria for stability is represented via element curvature under the influence of load, that load is of any type or in any position. Therefor this paper presents derivation of a theoretical equation to calculate the deflection generated from heating variation between the top and bottom surface of simple steel beam, by means of heating transfer expression.
Calculation of fire resistance for any structural member divided in two independent steps . The first step involves predicting the temperature distribution inside the structural members, referred to as ‘thermal analysis’. The second step of the analy sis, termed the ‘structural analysis’, is carried out for the main purpose of determining the response of the structure due to static and thermal loading. The first stages of analysis are discussed in this paper, using finite element method by a structural analysis program " ANSYS "
This paper studies a practical laboratory process of the possibility of benefiting from an important resource of the natural resources available in the country, namely "Basalt" which is found in large quantities in the southern region (As-Suwayda) to demonstrate how much it meets the requirements of Standard Specifications for use in the manufacture of concrete by testing five design mixtures of concrete , of which the cubic dimensions are (15% x 15) cm and the cylindrical dimensions are (15 * 30 cm) with different percentages of the basaltic and dolomitic calcareous compounds used in them as follows: (0% basalt and 100% lime),( 25% basalt and 75% lime) , (50 % basalt 50 % lime) (75% basalt 25% lime), (100%basalt and 0% lime) on the strength of pressure and tensile strain by Splitting and Moduls of Elasticity of ages (28-7-3) days, and its effect on the behavior of Reinforced Structural Elements susceptible to shear and Bending through testing Reinforced beams of dimensions (16 × 12 × 200) cm on shear, Bending and cracking Moduls (Coefficient) with ages of (14-28) days.
The thermal exchangers are widely used in the power generating stations and many refrigeration systems. Activity in the thermal cycle depends on its design and real calculations. The aim of our present work, is to find an ideal calculation method of the working exchangers parameters and evaluating the used technical engineering soluting. We discussed the ideal chosen problems and the affecting parameters, and used a calculating design for a thermal exchanger in the heating and feeding with hot water, considering these parameters. The proposed designing benefit, could be evaluated from the final indication that could be expressed by real palpable material. We found that the ideal parameters choosing could clearly descrese the preparation costs the heat exchanger blank – form by three times and give full clear proposed calculation method of all the parameters and its exchanging. This could save of the best exchanging possibility chosen from the different exchanger.
This researchdeals with the topic of controlling the cost of concrete bridge projects in the early design phase. The research aims at using cost controlling as an auxiliary tool for designing and decision making.Cost control methodology has been pr oposed based on modeling the elements of structure, and proposing a method forcost estimate. This method based on estimating of quantitiesfrom the general parameters of the structure and prices are being updated periodically.The proposed methodology studiesmany available alternatives that werechosen by the designer andevaluate thesealternativeseconomically.
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