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The Relationship between anemia and milk feeding in infants aged 6 months to 2 years in Tishreen and ALassad hospitals

دراسة العلاقة بين نوع الإرضاع و فقر الدم بعوز الحديد عند الرضع بين عمر الستة أشهر و السنتين في مشفيي الأسد و تشرين الجامعيين

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between milk feeding and iron deficiency anemia ,and to determine the association between anemia and infant birth order, time of introduction solid foods, socioeconomic state , Birth weight less than 3000 gram . Methods: A total of 300 children between 6 and 24 months old were attended at Alassad and TISHREEN Hospitals were enrolled in the Study during the period July 2015-July 2016,a patient –case study ,patient definition:an infant with anemia ,case definition:an infant without anemia we calculated the odd ratio with confidence intervals 95%,we used chi-square and TStudent test. Results: by studying the relationship between anemia and milk feeding we found the odd ratio=5.6,it means that the risk to have anemia is 6 times more in infants consumping breast using chi-square test to study the relationship between anemia and both of infant order,socioeconomic state,the resuts were :there is no association between birth order and anemia but there is a big association between anemia and socioeconomic state.the result of studying the relationship between taking iron complemnts and anemia :the risk of anemia is 2 times more in infants who do not take iron ccomplemnts.there was no relationship between introducing solid foods before the age 6 months and having anemia .there was no association between low birth weight infants and having anemia.

References used
BAKER RD; GREER FR; Committee on Nutrition. Diagnosis and prevention of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia in infants and young children (0-3 years of age). PEDIATRICS Volume 126, Number 5, November 2010
SEYEDeyed MEHDIehdi MONAJEMAZADEH; Mohammad Reza Zarkesh. Iron deficiency anemia in infants aged 12-15 months in Ahwazs, Iran. INDIAN JOURNAL of pathology and microbiology , Issue : 2 | Page : 182-184
RENFU LUO; YAOJIANG SHI; HUAN ZHOU; AI YUE; LINXIU ZHANG; SEAN SYLVIA;.Anemia and Feeding Practices among Infants in Rural Shaanxi Province in ChinaNutrients. Nutrients v 6(12), 2014 Dec, 5975–5991.HAMDY AHMED SLIEM1, SEHAM AHMED1, NADER NEMR2, IMAN El-SHERIF
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Pancytopenia is defined by reduction of all three formed elements of blood below the normal reference . It may be manifestation of a wide variety of disorders , yet there exist few published assessments of the frequencies of various etiologies , an d these frequencies exhibit substantial geographic variation . This study was carried out to investigate for and to identify the causes of pancytopenia , to find out the frequency of different causes , to determine the incidence of pancytopenia in relation to sex and age and to compare our findings with those of other similar studies in different countries .This was a prospective study conducted in Al-Asad and Tishreen academic hospitals in Lattakia city , Syria , ovar a period of one year . A total of 113 patients with the diagnosis of pancytopenia were enrolled in the study All patients underwent a detailed medical history and full physical examination followed by blood sampling for the investigations i.e. complete blood count with peripheral film , erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ) , liver function test , PT , HBsAg and Anti- HCV , ultrasonography of abdomen . All patients underwent bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy for some patients. A definite female preponderance was observed , 59 were female and 54 were male. The majority of cases were encountered in the age group of more than sixty years old .Infiltration disorders were the commonest cause that was observed in 38.1% followed by infections in 22.1% , megaloblastic anemia 12.4% , myelodysplasia 11.5%, aplastic anemia 7.1% , myelofibrosis 3.5% , hypersplenism 3.5% and systemic disorders 1.8% Detailed clinical history and meticulous physical examination along with baseline hematological investigations provide good information and help in systematic planning of further investigations to diagnose pancytopenia's cause.
laparoscopic cholecystectomy has many features that make it preferable to open surgery with a low incidence of complications. The study was conducted on 877 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Al-Assad and Tishreen hospitals in the period 2010-2017 The surgical method used and the reasons for conversion to open surgery were studied in addition to the complications occurring during or after the surgery in terms of occurrence rate and method of management of complications and the results of this management. The average age of patients was 46 years, the proportion of females was 64.5%, the mean surgical time was 45 minutes. The ratio of conversion to open surgery was 2.05% and the most common cause was severe inflammation, "unclear calot`s triangle" and suspicion of malignancy. Partial laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 1.36% of cases and peroperative complications occurred in 0.34% of cases and postoperative complications in 2.16% of cases. Analysis of the results revealed that the rates of conversion for open surgery and the incidence of complications are within the internationally accepted rates and that the results of management of complications were satisfactory and consistent with the methods used globally to manage complications. We concluded that this surgery is safe and its complications are rare. We recommend applying it in our hospitals . We have suggested some recommendations that can reduce the complications of this surgery.
Gastroesophageal reflux is one of the most common diseases in the world and his most important symptoms is the heartburn. He requires surgical treatment in some advanced cases. The study was performed on 20 patients who underwent laparoscopic anti -reflux surgery in Al-Assad and tishreen university hospitals in Lattakia between 2011-2017 and were followed for at least six months after surgery. The analysis of the results showed a complete efficacy of this surgery in terms of absence of clinical symptoms in patients and no need for medical treatment after surgery, Absence of major complications and temporary swallowing only in 15% of cases. Comparison with other studies has shown similar results in terms of effectiveness and complications. As a result of the study, we concluded that this surgery is low risk, highly effective, and has few complications.
Recent studies has proved that high proportion of reflux episodes in Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease(GERD) were non acidic ,and could not be detected by classic pH metry alone, especially less than 2 years, in whom nutrition is mainly depending on milk .It was too necessarily to improve a new technique (Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance MII) ,and by this any retrograde flow to the esophagus can be detected . The aim of this study was to determine whether pH-monitoring alone is sufficient to diagnose the Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD),and how much the diagnosis was improved after Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance (MII) has been added to the standard pH catheter in children less than 2 years.

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