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The Influence of Treatment of Some Vegetable Seeds with Aerated Solutions on Germination and Seedling Growth Rate

تأثير معاملة بذور الخضر قبل الزراعة في تحسين الإنبات و نمو الشتول

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The experiment was carried out to assess the germinability and seedling growth rate of some treated vegetable seeds (i.e. onion, carrot, and tomato) with aerated - aqueous solutions. Seeds were treated for 24 hours with 0.1% of both succinic acid and nutrient solution, and the seeds to medium ratio was 1:5. The soaking solution was continuously aerated by an air pump. At the end of treatment, the seeds were dried up at room temperature to eliminate the excess superficial moisture.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير معالجة بعض بذور الخضروات (البصل، الجزر، والطماطم) بمحاليل مائية مهوّاة على نسبة الإنبات ومعدل نمو الشتلات. تم معالجة البذور لمدة 24 ساعة بمحلول يحتوي على 0.1% من حمض السكسينيك والمحلول المغذي بنسبة 1:5. تم تهوية المحلول باستمرار باستخدام مضخة هواء، وبعد انتهاء المعالجة، جففت البذور في درجة حرارة الغرفة لإزالة الرطوبة السطحية الزائدة. تم زراعة بذور البصل والجزر في أطباق بتري وعلى وسط هلامي لتقييم نسبة الإنبات، بينما زُرعت بذور الطماطم في صواني شتلات بلاستيكية لتقييم تأثير المعالجة على معدل نمو الشتلات. أظهرت الدراسة أن معالجة البذور حسنت من نسبة الإنبات ومعدل نمو الشتلات. كانت نسبة الإنبات للبذور المزروعة في الوسط الهلامي أعلى بكثير من تلك المزروعة في أطباق بتري المزودة بورق الترشيح.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة نتائج مهمة حول تأثير معالجة البذور بمحاليل مائية مهوّاة على نسبة الإنبات ومعدل نمو الشتلات. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، لم يتم توضيح السبب العلمي وراء اختيار حمض السكسينيك والمحلول المغذي كمكونات للمحلول المائي. كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم اختبار أنواع أخرى من المحاليل أو تركيزات مختلفة. ثانياً، لم يتم ذكر أي تفاصيل حول الظروف البيئية التي تمت فيها التجارب مثل درجة الحرارة والرطوبة، والتي قد تؤثر بشكل كبير على نتائج الإنبات والنمو. أخيراً، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر قوة إذا تم تضمين أنواع أخرى من الخضروات لتقييم تأثير المعالجة على نطاق أوسع من المحاصيل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الخضروات التي تم اختبارها في الدراسة؟

    تم اختبار بذور البصل والجزر والطماطم في الدراسة.

  2. ما هي مكونات المحلول المائي المستخدم في معالجة البذور؟

    المحلول المائي يحتوي على 0.1% من حمض السكسينيك والمحلول المغذي بنسبة 1:5.

  3. كيف تم تقييم نسبة الإنبات للبذور؟

    تم تقييم نسبة الإنبات للبذور المزروعة في أطباق بتري وعلى وسط هلامي.

  4. ما هو تأثير المعالجة على معدل نمو الشتلات؟

    أظهرت الدراسة أن معالجة البذور حسنت من معدل نمو الشتلات.

References used
Banyar, B.E. (1987). N-gel Polymers for Agricultural floide - drilling. Acta Hort. 198:111-120
Bennett, M.A., and L. Waters. (1987). Germination and emergence of high sugar sweet corn is improved by presowing hydration of seed. Hortscience. 22(2): 236-238
Bewley, J.D., and M. Black. (1978). Physiology and biochemistry of seed in relation to germination. New York, Springer - Verlage, 116P
rate research

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of pepper (pipiemento variety), and eggplant (Dara variety) seed's treatment on germination characteristics, and the impact of eggplant seeds treatment on seedling quality. The seeds were treated for 24 hours in glass containers, in which the ratio of seeds to the applied media was 1:5, the concentration of the mineral solution was 0.1%, while the concentration of each of GA3 and the organic nutrient solution was 0.01%. The media were continuously aerated by passing a current of pure oxygen (O2), at sufficient pressure to homogenously mix the seeds in the media. The seeds were dried up after 24 hours of treatment to remove the excess moisture. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes, and soil-full containers to assess the germinability, and seed vigor. The eggplant seeds were also sown in peat-moss containing pots (8 cm indiameter) to study the influence of treatment on seedling quality. The results showed that treatment efficiency depends on the nature of the used media, and crop. In addition, it has been revealed that the aeration of media enhanced the germination, accelerated the seedling growth, and improved their quality.
This study has been carried out using the onion and pepper seeds to determine the effects of the aqueous medium temperature, during treatment with oxygen, on the germination percentage seed vigor and for determining the period needed for the treat ment with the oxygen as well. The treatment period has taken ١٢-٣٦ hours according to the kind of crop and the medium temperature, which varied between ١٠-٣٠ °C. Results of the study indicated that the treatment of seeds with oxygen, in an aqueous medium, improved the germination percentage and the seed vigor. The period needed for the treatment of the seeds with oxygen differs according to the kind of crop and the temperature of the medium and varies between ١٨-٢٤ hours with respect to the onion seeds, and between ٢٤-٣٦ hours regarding the pepper seeds. The period needed for treatment with oxygen decreases with the rise of temperature.
The effect of sandy soil treatment with superabsorbent polymer(0.1,0.2g/kg)on infiltration rate and shoot and root growth of green pepper at two soil levels (80and 100%)of field capacity was studied. The results indicate that sandy soil treatment with polymer (0.1 and 0.2 g/kg)decreased infiltration rate by 41.1 and 50.9% alternatively compared to the control. Germination rate, plant height ,leaf area, shoot and root dry weight were increased significantly with polymer treatment compared to the control and mineral fertilization treatment ,but that difference was not significant among field capacity levels (80and 100%) Treatments with hydrogel (0.1,0.2g/kg)decreased water need to produce a unity of shoot dry matter and economized water by 50 and 65%compared to the control.
The effect of salinity and the treatment with fungicide on seed germination of Cupressus sempervirens L. was investigated. Five concentrations of salinity (0, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10%) were used. One part of the seeds was treated with fungicides (Benomyl ), while the other part was germinated without fungicide treatment. The results showed that seed germination was reduced by salinity, but the reduction was more pronounced without fungicide and with salt concentration, the seeds didn't germinate at 5 and 10% NaCl. Despite the decrease of germination indices with the increase of salt concentrations, the statistical results didn't show significant differences in salinity concentrations and the control in germination speed without fungicide, but they were significant with the fungicide. The statistical results showed significant differences between the presence and absence of fungicide in all treatments
The study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA342, Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48K, Bacillus subtillis B2g, B. subtillis FZB27 to induce systemic resistance in Tomato plants against Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) under greenhouse conditions. Tomato seeds submerged in suspension of Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA342, Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48, Bacillus subtillis B2g and B. subtillis FZB27 9×109cfu . plants emerged from these seed were inoculated with CMV after 10 days of planting. The time of beginning symptoms was recorded, Disease incidence, disease severity, area under disease progress curve AUDPC, progress of infection disease degrees during the study period were calculated using virtual symptoms . pyroxidas enzyme activity was determined, Some growth parameters such as Plant height, foliage fresh weight, root fresh weight , foliage dry weight, root dry weight were observed after 30 DAI. Results of this study showed that seed treatment with Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA342, Serratia .plymuthica HRO-C48, Bacillus subtillis B2g, B. subtillis FZB27 significantly decreased the diseases incidence on treated and inculated plants which ranged between 40% - 66.66% ,compared with un treated and inculated control 93.33% Without the presence of significant differences between the bacterial treatments. significantly decreased the diseases severity on treated plants which ranged between 45.53 %- 62.2% compared with inculated and un treated control 88.86% .Without the presence of significant differences between the bacterial treatments. Peroxidas activity on treated plants increased by Compared with untreated plants. Seed treatments with bacteria significantly increased the plant growth. The plant height , fresh and dry weight of foliage, fresh and dry weight of root on treated plants were significantly higher than those of inculated and un-treated plants according to LSD 5%.where bacteria reduced the rate of stunting and the rate of decline mild and dry weight of foliage and mild and dry weight of the root occurring due to infection with the Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
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