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Contribution study of biostratigraphy and sedimentlogy deposits at south part of Syrian coastal chain (Safita and Tartus Area: 1/50000)

مساهمة في دراسة بيوستراتغرافية ترسيبية لتوضعات طابق السينومانيان في الجزء الجنوبي من السلسلة الساحلية السورية (رقعتي طرطوس- صافيتا 1/50000)

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Study of 30 sediment samples at the laboratory and different Samples in situ (Field observation) reveals that related to Cenomanian Stage in Tartus and Safita Area. The results of this study reveals there are many, secondary and local Faults, which are related to the east Mediterranean mean Fault, which contributed in the exist joints in carbonate thin deposit Rocks, which help in quarrying the rocks. The study reveals that the cenomanian strata are represented by Deeping / shallowing-up Cycles and an interesting darkish mud sedimentary layer in Slenfa formation, and there are some other interesting sedimentary limestone and marly limestone's deposits, which contain fossils and some flint nodules and nodular limstone. The study of some of these flint nodules indicated the existent of rudistic shell within it, where as the other contain some benthic Foraminifera as Orbitolina, which reveals an Sedimentation in shallow marine environment. The study of fossils, micro Foraminifera & macro, in rock samples have prove that sedimentary rocks in the study area are related to the Cenemanian stage. The macro fossils like (Gastropods, Bivalves & Ammonites ), also we determined a layer of Oyster in the area within Hanafiah formation and Rudista layer. Result revealed that sediment deposit related to Carbonate-Platform.

References used
Ammar,O., Trifonov, G.V., (2004-2007): RECENT GEODYNAMICS OF WESTERN SYRIA, Syrian-Russian Project
BREW, G.; LUPA, J.; BARAZANGI, M.; SAWAF, T.; Al–IMAM, A.; ZAZA, T.. Structure and tectonic development of the Dead Sea Fault System and Ghab Basin in Syria. Journal of the Geological Society London, Vol. 158, (2001),pp. 665–674
CARON,M.-Cretaceous planktic foraminifera, in: H.M.BOLLI,J.B. SAUNDERS and K.,PERch-NIELSEN, Plankton Stratigraphy, Cambridge University press,1985, 17-86
rate research

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