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Prediction of preterm birth by estimating ultrasonographic cervical changes

التنبؤ بالولادة المبكرة بقياس تبدلات عنق الرحم بواسطة الأمواج ما فوق الصوتية

1861   0   62   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study is carried on 65 pregnant patients attending the outpatient clinics and inpatient department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Al Assad University Hospital from February- 2013 until February- 2014. They were divided to three groups. The first is preterm labor with intact membranes (25 patients). The second is PROM (20 patients). The third one is control group (20 patients). All of them were submitted to ultrasonography to find cervical changes (cervical canal length and diameter of internal os in order to predict preterm delivery. Cervical canal length has a sensitivity of 91.43%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100%, a negative predictive value of 76.92%, and a relative risk (95% CI) of 4.33 (1.61-11.69) among patients with short cervical canal length and those with normal cervix. Diameter of internal os as a predictor of preterm delivery has a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 60%, a positive predictive value of 84%, a negative predictive value of 30%, and a relative risk (95% CI) of 1.2 (0.86–1.68).

References used
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Mankind is still suffering from many diseases , and with the development of civilization there are many diseases that appear with different clinical types , but tumors, especially malignant , are still very important. Cervical cancer is the secon d common cancer in women , as it is the cause of more than 200.000 deaths annually. Hence the importance of early detection of cervical cancer and of decreasing mortality.
Introduction : Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) occurs in 10% of pregnancies , while 3-5% of pregnancies are complicated with Preterm rupture of membranes (PPROM) . Aim : To study the role of uterine cervix injuries in PROM . Materials and M ethods :This is a case-control retrospective study conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Al-Assad and Tishreen University Hospitals , Lattakia , Syria , during the period between January 2015 – July 2017 . The case group consisted of 90 PROM patients with a history or a physical examination suggesting a cervical traumatic injury after exclusion the traditional risk factors of premature rupture of membranes, The control group consisted of 50 healthy pregnant women who successfully completed the pregnancy without PROM.
This study was conducted at AL Assad University Hospital in Latakia in 2012. It was a prospective study of pregnant patients admitted Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology during the period between 1\9\2012 and 1\9\2013. These patients had regular menstrual information and were in 37th week or more of gestation and did not have any disease in the mother or fetus affecting the growth of the fetus. The study included 122 patients regardless of the mode of delivery. Each patient's information was documented: estimated gestational age by LMP (last menstrual period) and estimated gestational age by ECHO using (BPD : biparietal diameter, FL: femur length) during the 24-hour from delivery, presentation and amount of liquid by ECHO. Gestational age ranged between 37 and 41.5 weeks "with an average of 38.6 weeks" and a standard deviation of 1.1 weeks" by LMP. Results showed almost convergent values based on all BPD and FL. There was also a stronger correlation between the ages of pregnancy estimated FL, LMP than BPD, LMP. Moreover, there was presence of a strong correlation between the ages of pregnancy estimated using BPD, FL and LMP when the presentation was breech. It was also observed that the presence of a good amount of liquid is necessary to estimate the age pregnancy ultrasound.
The research was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Al-Assad university hospital in Lattakia in the period between (1/1/2014) – (30/6/2015). The study included (100) patient, who submitted to colposcopy and Papanicolaou smear to detect the effect of early marriage (early onset of sexual activity) on colposcopic and cellular finding in cervix . The results in (early married women) group (50) patient were compared to control group from patients who (not early married women)group (50) patient. We found that there was important difference in the rate of abnormal colposcopic findings : This rate in early married women was (26%) and in the second was (12%). We also found that there was important difference in the rate of abnormal cellular findings: This rate in early married women was (18%) and in the second was (8%). This assure the effect of early onset of sexual activity (early marriage) on colposcopical and cellular finding in cervix with assuring on the importance of frequent colposcopy and Papanicolaou smear test.
The present study aimed to early embryonic diagnose death in 46 bitchs. Blood samples were collected at the, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th day after ovulation.
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