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The Contribute of Audit committees to strengthening Sharia Control in Syrian Islamic Banks -Filed Study-

مدى مساهمة لجان التدقيق في تعزيز الرقابة الشرعية في المصارف الإسلامية السورية - دراسة ميدانية-

1881   1   51   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aimed to show the extent of the contribution of audit committees in strengthening Sharia Control in Syrian Islamic banks, to achieve this goal the researcher prepared a questionnaire was distributed to a number of internal Sharia Auditor and staff management of banking operations in Syrian Islamic banks, the study concluded that the functions of the Audit Committee affect strengthen Sharia Control in Syrian Islamic banks and so from the standpoint of my sample study, the study concluded a series of recommendations including the need for the guidance of the audit Committee in the Islamic banks to activate and the role of the Sharia internal audit function in the legitimate Islamic banks in Syria to maintain the reputation of the bank and its commitment to the provisions of Islamic Sharia.

References used
AICPA, 2012, Codification of Statements of Auditing Standards, Chicago, Commerce Clearing House,
Arens, Alvin A, and Elder, Randal J,and Mark S, Beasley,2010, "Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach",10th ed
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 1992, Terminology for Accountants. 4th edition. Canada, CICA
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This study aims to state the extent of the contribution of internal audit in the reduction of operational risks faced by Islamic banks in Syria in order to protect and continuity. To achieve this goal, the researcher depends on the style of the quest ionnaire that has been distributed to workers in the management of banking operations and management of the internal audit in Islamic banks operating in Syria, that are 3 banks, where the total number of workers in both the Department of Banking Operations and Internal Audit Department is 70 employees, and has been distributed to 70, and collected 60 valid questionnaires for the study: 45 questionnaires relate to the Department of Banking Operations, 15 to the Internal Audit Department. The findings of this study showed that the Internal audit contribution in reduction of operational risks faced by Islamic banks in Syria, from the standpoint of the two specimens, the most important study, as recommended by the necessity of activating the role of the Internal Audit Department in the process of operational risk management in Islamic banks to ensure its continuity.
After the collapse of major international companies, the attention has been increased to provide appropriate mechanisms to reduce the causes of these collapses. Some of these causes were related to fraud in financial reporting. One of the used mec hanisms is the audit committee which plays the role of supervisor in the companies. The objective of this research is to study the role of audit committees in reducing fraud in the Syrian public companies, and to achieve this goal, the researcher has prepared questionnaire which has been distributed to some members of audit committees in the Syrian public companies and some external auditors, the questionnaire has included audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks which would reduce fraud. The researcher has found that audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks reduce fraud according to the research samples.
This study aims to clarify the concept of profitability and liquidity at the Islamic Banks, and discuss how the liquidity affects the Islamic banks profitability. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher, after presenting the theoreti cal framework for the study, conducts a case study of the Islamic banks working in Syria (Albaraka- Syria Bank, Cham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank), and conducts an appropriate statistical test to show the relationship between the liquidity and profitability (measured by ROA) of those Islamic banks. The researcher depends on the financial statements in the reports published by Islamic banks, using the statistical program SPSS 18 to get the results of this test. This study concluded that: there is no a significant relationship between Islamic banks liquidity and profitability, although they have high liquidity ratios, and low return on assets in general.
Islamic banks were created as an Islamic alternative to traditional banks. Hence, the existence of legitimate oversight is considered necessary to Islamic banks. The importance of Shari'ah control is related to its role in a legitimate banking provis ions, and ensuring the Bank's commitment, to ensure all transactions are in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah, and thus ensures the integrity and credibility of Islamic banks. From these importance, this research deals with the Shari'ah control in Islamic banking and its role in evaluating the performance according to the Shari'ah. The concept of Shari'ah control, its structure, stages, and problems were studied. Then the Shari'ah control in Syria and its role in adjust the performance of Islamic banks was evaluated by a set of appropriate standards. At the end, the research drew a set of conclusions and recommendations. One of the most important conclusions is that, the Shari'ah control board in Islamic banks in Syria has many features that enable them to perform its role in controlling and evaluating the work of the Islamic banks in terms of Shari'ah. Through the form and composition of the Commission, having a degree of administrative and financial autonomy, mandatory resolutions, and the nature of the tasks entrusted to it. As a result, Shari'ah control boards in Islamic banks in Syria are considered to be in line with their goal of ensuring full adherence to Islamic Shari'ah. One of the most important recommendations is that, working to avoid shortcomings and deficiencies, providing more features and requirements for activation of Shari'ah control, and enabling it to adjust and correct performance of the Islamic banks.
Islamic banks face many contemporary challenges due to the international events, global transformations, and the attempt to restrict the growth and expansion of Islamic banks and its extension across the whole world, as well as errors and illegal a nd banking breaches that some Islamic banks has committed. This situation makes it imperative for all the stakeholders, first and foremost the Committee of Sharia in these banks, and the control exercised by central banks to Islamic and conventional banks is a paramount, and that such control has increased the efficiency of Islamic banks. It did not take into account the working conditions of these banks subject to the provisions of Islamic law (Sharia). Hence, this research is to learn how to exercise control over the Islamic banks in Syria. The researcher addressed the types of control on Islamic banks in Syria represented by the internal control and supervision of the Central Bank and the Shari'a. The researcher presented at the end of this research a set of conclusions: there are significant differences between the banking control methods imposed on Commercial and Islamic banks, as well as the existence of legal supervision of Islamic banks is necessary to ensure that the provisions of the Islamic law. Eventually, the researcher concludes a set of proposals and recommendations, including: the need to develop qualitative and quantitative methods to control the work of the Islamic banks to achieve desired control objectives in improving the performance of Islamic banks, as well as the need to allocate a separate department within the Central Bank of Syria, to carry out inspection and control of Islamic banks, while providing the Department with trained and qualified human resources on Islamic banking.
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